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A 1xbet online sports betting scientist is digging deep to solidify information about potential tungsten contamination in the nation's groundwater and aquifers.

Tungsten is a naturally occurring metallic element that in its alloy or solid form is primarily used for incandescent lightbulb filaments and X-ray tubes.

In an effort to limit toxins in the environment, tungsten is replacing lead in fishing weights and in ammunition for hunting and recreational shooting. The military is substituting tungsten in its high kinetic energy penetrators and small arms ammunition, as well as other ammunitions.

&1xbet online sports betting ;Tungsten originally was thought to be nontoxic, as it was believed to be an inert metal of low environmental mobility,&1xbet online sports betting ; said Saugata Datta, assistant professor of geology. &1xbet online sports betting ;But tungsten is a contaminant in groundwater and a growing concern.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Scientists and health officials began connecting tungsten to clusters of childhood leukemia cases in the Western U.S. after finding high concentrations of the element in residents' bodies. People examined lived in towns near tungsten-bearing ore deposits and even hard metal processing plants. Drinking water in these areas has an elevated concentration of tungsten.

&1xbet online sports betting ;Animal model studies have shown tungsten can be toxic and even carcinogenic,&1xbet online sports betting ; Datta said. &1xbet online sports betting ;Because of this, we need to understand tungsten's biogeochemistry in the environment, about which very little is known.&1xbet online sports betting ;

To find out how tungsten reacts and relates to groundwater and the surrounding environment -- referred to as biogeochemistry -- Datta recently began collaborating with Karen Johannesson, professor of earth and environmental sciences at Tulane University.

Their 1xbet online sports betting is being funded by a three-year grant issued by the Hydrology Division of the National Science Foundation in fall 2010.

The project investigates the biogeochemistry of tungsten reaction and transport in the environment. More specifically 1xbet online sports betting 's an evaluation of how tungsten concentrations change along groundwater flow paths and modify the groundwater makeup.

When tungsten is exposed to oxygen -- a process called oxidation -- it often seeps into the ground and even into groundwater-bearing aquifers. During 1xbet online sports betting process the tungsten can also mix with organic matter present in natural soils. In the presence of sulfur rich solutions, it forms thiotungstate complexes, which are also toxic.

To gather information the researchers are looking at pristine aquifers, like the Ogallala, as well as affected aquifers. Data from these findings can be used to create a conceptual model for this project and future studies, Datta 1xbet online sports betting .

&1xbet online sports betting ;Looking at emerging contaminants is one of the biggest things for an environmental geoscientist, and health is a big issue connected to any elemental or environmental study we do,&1xbet online sports betting ; Datta said.

&1xbet online sports betting ;We are trying to approach this project from the standpoint of understanding this element and its behaviors in the environment before taking our findings to the general public so the situation can be addressed,&1xbet online sports betting ; he said.

Datta's previous work studied arsenic levels in the groundwater in West Bengal, India, and Bangladesh. Along with a 1xbet online sports betting graduate student, he looked at why naturally occurring arsenic -- another toxin in nature -- got into groundwater from river-borne sediments, and finding well locations for cleaner water.

When you sit down to watch a new flick, whether you enjoy the movie may depend on the person sitting next to you, according to 1xbet online sports betting from a K-State professor. It's especially true if you are awkwardly watching a movie's steamy love scene with your parents.

&1xbet online sports betting ;We know that most of the time people enjoy watching movies -- that's why they do it,&1xbet online sports betting ; said Richard Harris, professor of psychology. &1xbet online sports betting ;But sometimes we watch a movie that isn't what we describe as 'enjoyable.' For whatever reason, the experience is uncomfortable emotionally or in other ways.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Such 1xbet online sports betting is important, Harris said, because movies are a very common form of entertainment, particularly for teens and young adults, the largest movie-viewing demographic.

&1xbet online sports betting ;We should know psychologically what the attraction of movies is, what the experience is like, and what the effects are,&1xbet online sports betting ; he said.

Harris has conducted two studies that show we may not enjoy watching a 1xbet online sports betting for two reasons: what we're watching and who we're watching it with. Particularly, the combination of watching a steamy love scene with your parents proved to be most unpleasant.

&1xbet online sports betting ;The topic of sex seems to be the most difficult for parents and teens or young adults to talk about with each other,&1xbet online sports betting ; Harris said. &1xbet online sports betting ;Seeing a movie with a graphic sex scene forces both parties to confront this awkwardness and implicitly acknowledge each other as sexual beings, one of the hardest realizations for teens to admit about their parents or parents to admit about their children. It's not easy, and apparently, not fun.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Harris' 1xbet online sports betting is based on feedback from 400 participants and appears in an upcoming issue of the journal Applied Cognitive Psychology.

In his first study Harris' team asked participants questions 1xbet online sports betting when they didn’t enjoy watching a film. Viewers indicated content with violence, sex, vulgar language or other troubling themes made them uncomfortable. The type of co-viewer and their interactions with the content also created unpleasant experiences.

The study focused on those uncomfortable movie-viewing moments and how viewers acted during the movie and after it. Harris 1xbet online sports betting the gender of the viewer influenced reactions, a somewhat surprising result.

&1xbet online sports betting ;Contrary to gender stereotypes, women were actually more likely to talk about it, both during the movie and after,&1xbet online sports betting ; Harris said. &1xbet online sports betting ;Men were more likely to do the avoidance types of responses: start talking about something else, not say anything at all or pretend it didn't bother them.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Harris' second study offered a more controlled look at 1xbet online sports betting -viewing experiences. Researchers created a set of 25 different 1xbet online sports betting -watching scenarios made from five types of movies and five co-viewer groups.

The types of movies included a very violent movie, a sexually explicit movie, and the films &1xbet online sports betting ;Brokeback Mountain,&1xbet online sports betting ; &1xbet online sports betting ;The Notebook&1xbet online sports betting ; and &1xbet online sports betting ;American History X.&1xbet online sports betting ; The co-viewer groups included watching the movie with your parents, a spouse/significant other, a group of same-sex friends, a gay friend and a first date.

In each scenario, researchers asked participants about their discomfort level and how they would handle it. According to results, &1xbet online sports betting ;The Notebook&1xbet online sports betting ; caused the least distress among viewers. While the type of movie -- including a very violent or sexual movie -- influenced the discomfort, the co-viewers ultimately determined if the movie-viewing experience was enjoyable.

1xbet online sports betting also indicated that some movie types, such as comedies, are enjoyed more with groups of people. At the same time, certain types of co-viewer groups, such as a group of men going to a romantic movie, almost never occur. But the same men may go to that same romantic movie with a different person, such as a girlfriend.

Despite the discomfort from watching a certain movie, a quarter of the participants in both studies 1xbet online sports betting they would be interested in seeing a movie that made them uncomfortable again, and a third of participants 1xbet online sports betting they were glad they saw it.

Cancer, according to statistics from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, has become the leading cause of death in Kansas, surpassing heart disease.

But efforts by Kansas State University are helping to tackle the disease in several ways.

The Johnson Center for Basic Cancer 1xbet online sports betting at K-State supports 1xbet online sports betting , education and outreach, all vital in the fight against cancer, said Rob Denell, university distinguished professor of biology and center director.

&1xbet online sports betting ;Our strength is basic research, which provides the foundation for more focused investigations into new approaches to preventative medicine, diagnosis and treatment,&1xbet online sports betting ; Denell said. &1xbet online sports betting ;You have to have basic research before you can have treatments and cures.&1xbet online sports betting ;

To underscore the importance of basic 1xbet online sports betting , Denell says to look no further than recent winners of the Nobel Prize in medicine and physiology. Half the recipients in the last 10 years were scientists using basic 1xbet online sports betting components to make important advances.

&1xbet online sports betting ;They were given the Nobel Prize because of the impact of their studies on our understanding of normal human development and disease, most notably cancer,&1xbet online sports betting ; Denell said.

The K-State cancer 1xbet online sports betting center now has 70 faculty researchers representing five colleges and 12 departments. The number of researchers has climbed by 40 in just eight years.

&1xbet online sports betting ;Their research runs a wide spectrum, enhancing our understanding of molecules, cells, organisms and other basic components of life. This provides a huge informational database for advancing cancer research and more,&1xbet online sports betting ; Denell said.

The 1xbet online sports betting also provides an economic boost to the state.

Since opening in 1980 the center has provided nearly .3 million in Innovative 1xbet online sports betting Awards, 0,000 in technical and mentoring support, and 2,000 for a cancer 1xbet online sports betting assistant professorship, all made possible through private donations.

&1xbet online sports betting ;Not only does this support help K-State recruit excellent, up-and-coming researchers, it is leveraged by our faculty, who then win large grants. We help them become more competitive, and they bring in more than million a year in extramural funding,&1xbet online sports betting ; Denell said. &1xbet online sports betting ;That translates to a regional economic impact of million a year, a conservative estimate of what is contributed to the economy of Manhattan, the state and the region.&1xbet online sports betting ;

The center enhances 1xbet online sports betting student learning and recruitment as well.

&1xbet online sports betting ;The center provides undergraduates with opportunities to conduct real laboratory research,&1xbet online sports betting ; Denell said. &1xbet online sports betting ;Our cancer research awards have supported the work of more than 800 undergraduates and their faculty mentors to date.

&1xbet online sports betting ;These undergraduate research awards can be an impetus for keeping talented young people in the state, with some attending medical school or graduate school in Kansas. We know that many of these students go on to become health care professionals, including doctors and researchers,&1xbet online sports betting ; he said.

The center also provides scholarships for Kansas high school students interested in studying health-related fields at 1xbet online sports betting .

Key collaborations contribute to the center's efforts to fight cancer and help Kansas. Two formal agreements with the University of Kansas benefit the state. The first agreement formally supports the KU Cancer Center's bid to earn National Cancer Institute status. The second agreement encourages 1xbet online sports betting interactions between K-State and KU.

&1xbet online sports betting ;This will help advance our basic cancer research to clinical trials through KU,&1xbet online sports betting ; Denell said.

Another collaboration is with the Midwest Cancer Alliance, which makes clinical trials available to a broader array of Kansans. The K-State cancer 1xbet online sports betting center and the renowned Stowers Institute for Medical 1xbet online sports betting in Kansas City are the sole 1xbet online sports betting -only institutes in the alliance, which is composed mostly of major hospitals across Kansas.

More information about the center, including how to contribute to its fight against cancer, is available at http://cancer.1xbet online sports betting edu/.

Cargill has announced another milestone in the company's partnership with Kansas State University: a 0,000 gift that will help fund the construction of the Cargill Center for Feed Safety 1xbet online sports betting .

The facility will conduct studies with pathogens such as salmonella and E. coli to address current food and 1xbet online sports betting safety issues facing the 1xbet online sports betting industry.

&1xbet online sports betting ;K-State can provide specialty livestock diets to support infectious disease experiments, oral vaccine studies and other trials under high-level, bio-safety controlled conditions. This work can't be done anywhere else in the United States,&1xbet online sports betting ; said Kirk Schulz, K-State president.

&1xbet online sports betting ;Animal nutrition research during the past 50-plus years has focused on several key areas, including the establishment of nutritional requirements of animals,&1xbet online sports betting ; said Gary Pierzynski, interim dean of K-State's College of Agriculture. &1xbet online sports betting ;The growing importance of related factors, such as food safety and control of foodborne pathogens, is increasingly evident. Future animal nutrition and feed processing technologies research must take these factors into consideration to ensure the long-term sustainability of animal agriculture.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Once operational, the facility will allow for planned 1xbet online sports betting on a variety of food and feed safety efforts, including feed processing technologies to sterilize feed and lower bacterial/viral introduction to livestock operations and the food chain. The facility will be in the department of grain science and industry complex along Kimball Avenue. It will be part of the new O.H. Kruse Feed Mill and Biorefinery Teaching and 1xbet online sports betting Center; the groundbreaking for the facility was in October 2010. The facility also will be near the site of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility, which will conduct 1xbet online sports betting on dangerous and exotic foreign animal diseases.

The Cargill Center for Feed Safety 1xbet online sports betting will be jointly operated by the K-State departments of grain science and industry and animal sciences and industry, and will serve as a critical link between the 1xbet online sports betting , teaching and outreach efforts of the departments.

&1xbet online sports betting ;Advancements in food safety are one of the biggest focus areas for the industry at the present time,&1xbet online sports betting ; said Chuck Warta, a vice president at Cargill Animal Nutrition. &1xbet online sports betting ;Feed and feed ingredients are an increasingly critical part of the safe food system. Helping enable this research is an investment that reaches beyond Cargill. The entire animal feed industry will benefit from the continued development of food, feed and feed ingredient safety.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Philanthropic contributions to 1xbet online sports betting are coordinated by the Kansas State University Foundation. The foundation staff works with university partners to build lifelong relationships with alumni, friends, faculty, staff and students through involvement and investment in the university.

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