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Dixon Doll, the noted venture capitalist who has guided entrepreneurs, investors and executives in the computer and communications industries for more than 35 years, 1xbet online games login present the annual Eyestone Lecture for the College of Engineering.

Doll's lecture, &1xbet online games login ;The Critical Role of Venture Capital in Fueling Innovation,&1xbet online games login ; is 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 15, in Fiedler Hall Auditorium. Following his address, April Mason, provost and senior vice president, will facilitate an audience question-and-answer session. The presentations are open to the public.

The co-founder and general partner of the venture capital firm DCM, Doll has been recognized for his accomplishments in venture capital by Forbes Magazine, who named him one of the top 100 venture investors on its Midas List for four years in a row. In April 2005 he was elected to the board of directors of the National Venture Capital Association in Washington, D.C. He also served as the association's chair 1xbet online games login 2008 to 2009 and as a member of its executive committee 1xbet online games login 2007 to 2009.

Doll has led DCM's investments in About.com, acquired by The New York Times Co.; @Motion, acquired by Openwave; Clearwire; Foundry Networks; Internap; Ipivot, acquired by Intel; and Neutral Tandem, among others.

In the mid-1980s Doll co-founded the venture capital industry's first fund focused exclusively on telecommunications opportunities. Those funds launched such noteworthy companies as Alantec, Bridge Communication, Centillion Networks, Network Equipment Technologies, Optilink, Picturetel, Polycom and UUNet.

Prior to becoming a venture capitalist, Doll was founder and CEO of an internationally recognized strategic consulting firm focused on telecommunications and computer networking. 1xbet online games login 1972 to 1980 he also served as a faculty member of the IBM Systems Research Institute in New York City. He authored the seminal text Data Communications, published by John Wiley and Sons Inc. in 1978.

Doll has traveled extensively to six continents to give lectures and conference presentations. Through their family foundation, he and his wife, Carol, give generously to numerous educational and philanthropic organizations, including the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, where he serves as chair of the museum's dual governing boards; the San Francisco Symphony; 1xbet online games login ; and the University of Michigan Business School.

Doll holds a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from 1xbet online games login . He earned his doctorate and master's degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Michigan, where he was a National Science Foundation Scholar.

The Eyestone Lecture Series, established in 2000, is funded by an endowment of the late Fred and Mona Eyestone. Fred Eyestone, a 1941 1xbet online games login graduate in electrical engineering, was a member of the College of Engineering Advisory Council and a Distinguished Service Award recipient.

The deadline for the Classified Award of Excellence nominations has been extended to 1xbet online games login . 10.

Information about the award program andthe nomination form can be found at http://www.1xbet online games login edu/hr/ped/classified-award-excellence.html.Nominations and letters of support maybe emailed to hroffice@1xbet online games login edu, preferably in PDF format.

This is the second year for this award program, and it differs 1xbet online games login the Departmental Employee of the Year award.Three ,000 awards are given to classified employees, one in each of the following three employment categories:office/clerical, service/maintenance and technical/professional.The awards are presented at the annual classified employee recognition ceremony in April.

Nominations for fellows for the 2011 Wakonse Conference on College, which will be held May 26-31 at Camp Miniwanca, Mich., are due Feb. 18. Information and guidelines can be found at www.1xbet online games login edu/catl/Wakonse/.

Since 1990 more than 2,000 faculty members from many colleges and universities have attended the Wakonse Conference on College Teaching. 1xbet online games login started attending the conference in 2002, and over 60 faculty have attended. Their attendance was supported by the Provost's Office and the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning and was endorsed by the Faculty Exchange for Teaching Excellence.

The major goal of the Wakonse Conference is to provide &1xbet online games login ;inspiration and support for college teaching.&1xbet online games login ;During the conference, college teachers share teaching strategies and methods in a rustic environment of Camp Miniwanca, Mich. (near Shelby, Mich.) A major focus of the conference relates to pedagogical issues, but participants also discuss many other issues of academic cultures. The conference truly promotes development of junior and senior faculty and has attained national prominence. More information about the Wakonse Conference on College Teaching can be found at its website http://www.wakonse.org/.

Up to five 1xbet online games login faculty members will be selected to be new Wakonse Fellows by attending the 2011 Wakonse Conference. The Provost's Office will provide 0 per person to defray registration, travel and meal expenses; additional expenses (estimate < 0/person) will be the responsibility of selected faculty. Nominated faculty members are encouraged to seek funds from their colleges and departments to support their attendance.

Deans, department heads and colleagues may nominate faculty, and self-nominations may be submitted. Written support from a dean or a department head will be considered as evidence of the nominee's recognized commitment to excellence in teaching and providing learning opportunities. Details of the nomination and selection process can be found at www.1xbet online games login edu/catl/Wakonse/.

If you would like further information, contact Bill Genereux at 785-826-2927 or billgx@1xbet online games login edu or Steve Stockham at 785-532-4453 or stockham@vet.1xbet online games login edu.Bill Genereux will organize the 2011 1xbet online games login contingent's trip to the Wakonse Conference.

WORLD-CLASS 1xbet online games login SINGER NANCY MAULTSBY HITS HIGH NOTE WITH 1xbet online games login BENEFIT
When renowned 1xbet online games login singer Nancy Maultsby steps off the stage at some of the world's most recognizable performance venues, she retreats to her home here.

But at 4:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 13, her refuge 1xbet online games login become the stage.

Maultsby is performing a recital in 1xbet online games login 's All Faiths Chapel to benefit 1xbet online games login Opera. Afterward she will greet patrons at a Meet the Artist reception, featuring wine and hors d'oeuvres, in the 1xbet online games login Leadership Studies Building.

A mezzo-soprano, Maultsby is in demand by opera companies and orchestras throughout the world. Her vocal timbre and insightful musicianship allow her to pursue a repertoire extending 1xbet online games login the operas of Monteverdi and Handel to recent works by John Adams. She regularly performs the major heroines of 19th-century French, Italian and German opera and the great symphonic works.

Maultsby's operatic career includes a wide range of roles in some of the world's most prestigious opera houses. She has performed often with Lyric Opera of Chicago, where she appeared as Erda in &1xbet online games login ;Das Rheingold and Siegfried&1xbet online games login ; and as the First Norn and Waltraute in &1xbet online games login ;Gotterdammerung,&1xbet online games login ; all conducted by Zubin Mehta.

&1xbet online games login ;I think it's important to give back to the arts, and as my husband is on the faculty at K-State and his students are very involved in the opera program, this seemed like a perfect fit,&1xbet online games login ; Maultsby said. &1xbet online games login ;I've become friendly with the other voice teachers on the faculty as well. Jennifer Edwards, who was formerly the head of the voice program, has become a good friend and is still very much involved in the arts, both at K State and in the community. The benefit was her idea, and I was flattered and honored that she asked me to take part.&1xbet online games login ;

Edwards, now a professor emeritus, has been helping raise money for 1xbet online games login Opera since 2007. She thinks Maultsby's recital will be the best endeavor yet.

&1xbet online games login ;Nancy and I had talked about her doing something with or for the students for years,&1xbet online games login ; Edwards said. &1xbet online games login ;But we never could find the right time and place and spirit of the event where she felt she could give back in her best way. I e-mailed her with a proposal about this recital, and she responded in 10 minutes with 'Let's do it.' &1xbet online games login ;

Dale Ganz, Maultsby's husband and 1xbet online games login vocal music professor, wasn't sure that the recital was the best idea at first, but the plan concocted by Maultsby and Edwards won him over.

&1xbet online games login ;It's probably my fault that she hasn't performed here before,&1xbet online games login ; Ganz said. &1xbet online games login ;I’ve discouraged her from singing locally because this is where she hides out and recharges her batteries. But I have many students who perform with the K-State Opera, and she had a little hole in her schedule and wanted to do it because she thinks it's a good cause -- she's doing it for my students and for all the voice students.&1xbet online games login ;

Reginald Pittman, director of 1xbet online games login Opera, said the recital is a special event for 1xbet online games login .

&1xbet online games login ;Nothing along these lines has happened before,&1xbet online games login ; Pittman said. &1xbet online games login ;No professional singer has come in and donated all the proceeds to us. We're very lucky to have one of our faculty members married to a professional opera singer. Nancy has quite the career -- it has expanded internationally, and it's a career many singers have only dreamed of.&1xbet online games login ;

Pittman and Edwards emphasized that all the money raised will help 1xbet online games login students.

&1xbet online games login ;Proceeds will benefit the students in their activities,&1xbet online games login ; Pittman said. &1xbet online games login ;For example, summer opera programs or special singing events where they might need a little financial assistance to go.&1xbet online games login ;

&1xbet online games login ;We want to use the money, which will go directly into the opera guild fund at the KSU Foundation, to give something extra to students who are already here at K-State,&1xbet online games login ; Edwards said. &1xbet online games login ;We can use it to bring in amazing master teachers or to supplement travel expenses, or even just for outstanding costumes and props for the spring operas. I'm so thankful for all the guidance and support the foundation has provided in organizing this event.&1xbet online games login ;

This spring the K-State Opera is doing two one-act operas: &1xbet online games login ;Gianni Schicchi&1xbet online games login ; by Puccini and &1xbet online games login ;Trouble in Tahiti&1xbet online games login ; by Leonard Bernstein. The one-acts will be performed March 10-12 in McCain Auditorium with the K-State Orchestra.

Maultsby won't be singing just 1xbet online games login at the recital. She has selected an assortment of performance pieces to suit every taste.

&1xbet online games login ;The program is quite varied,&1xbet online games login ; she said. &1xbet online games login ;It's a combination of art song and opera selections from well-known operas, as well as a bit of operetta and some selections from Stephen Sondheim -- a little something for everyone.&1xbet online games login ;

The cost to attend the recital and reception is . Reservations must be made by Friday, 1xbet online games login . 4. For more information or to make a reservation, go to www.found.ksu.edu/email/arts_science/opera/opera_email.html.

An exhibit of Andy Warhol photographs is coming into focus through a film series and special events at the Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art. The museum is host to &1xbet online games login ;Big Shots: Andy Warhol Photographs of the '70s and '80s.&1xbet online games login ;

The film series is a way to learn more about the life and work of pop artist Warhol. All films 1xbet online games login be shown in the Beach Museum's UMB Theater. The films are free and open to the public, and no reservations are required to attend. The screening schedule is:

* 2 p.m. Feb. 26 and 27, &1xbet online games login ;Dropping in on Andy Warhol.&1xbet online games login ; The 20-minute film introduces the life and art of Warhol to elementary- and middle-school students.

* 2 p.m. March 12 and 13, &1xbet online games login ;Painters Painting: The New York Art Scene, 1940-1970.&1xbet online games login ; The 116-minute film investigates American art movements through conversations with artists in their studios.

The Beach Museum also is offering several workshops and special events in conjunction with the Warhol exhibit:

* Adults 1xbet online games login have the chance to be kids again at the Valentines Workshop for Adults from 6:30-8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 3, at the museum. Desserts 1xbet online games login be provided along with all materials and supplies needed to create valentines. A digital camera and photo printer 1xbet online games login be available to make photo valentines. The cost is per person, and reservations are required.

&1xbet online games login ;This would make a great date night activity,&1xbet online games login ; said Kathrine Schlageck, the museum's senior educator. &1xbet online games login ;The workshop will give the adults a chance to create a photo valentine card for their loved ones, breaking away from the everyday, traditional valentine cards.&1xbet online games login ;

It's also an opportunity to create a valentine for a secret love or family member, Schlageck 1xbet online games login .

* The whole family is welcome to create valentines at the annual Family Valentines Workshop, sponsored by the Student Friends of the Beach Museum of Art, 2-4 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 6. Refreshments 1xbet online games login be served during the workshop. The cost is per child, but Beach Buddy members as well as families with a family museum membership are half price and 1xbet online games login receive a special gift. Memberships can be purchased at the workshop. Reservations are not required, but all children must be accompanied by an adult.

* Schlageck 1xbet online games login teach a pop art workshop for children in the student classrooms at the museum from 10-11:30 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 17. Children, ages 6 and older, are invited to take part in the workshop, also inspired by the Warhol exhibition. They 1xbet online games login tour the exhibition to learn how Warhol used photography as the basis for his prints. After viewing the exhibit each student 1xbet online games login create individual silkscreen art based on labels from everyday life. Each child is encouraged to bring a plain, white T-shirt to the workshop so they can transfer their silkscreen design to the shirt. The museum 1xbet online games login not provide shirts.

The cost of 1xbet online games login workshop is per child, and reservations are required. All children under 8 should be accompanied by an adult.

* At 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 8, Liz Seaton, organizer of the Warhol exhibition, will present &1xbet online games login ;Meet the Art: Andy Warhol.&1xbet online games login ; Seaton will give an overview of Warhol's work in the museum's collection. The event is free and open to the public, but reservations are requested.

Reservations can be made by calling 785-532-7718.

For more information, contact Schlageck at 532-7718 or drop by the museum on the southeast corner of the 1xbet online games login campus at 14th Street and Anderson Avenue. Free visitor parking is available next to the building. Normal museum hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday and noon to 5 p.m. Sundays. The museum is closed Mondays and Tuesdays.

Overland Park Mayor Carl Gerlach has been named 1xbet online games login 's representative on the Johnson County Education and Research Triangle Authority, also known as JCERTA.

A cooperative partnership between 1xbet online games login Olathe, the University of Kansas' Edwards campus and the KU Medical Center, JCERTA aims to create economic stimulus and enhance the quality of life in Johnson County, the state of Kansas and the Midwest. 1xbet online games login Olathe brings 1xbet online games login ’s established expertise in animal health and food safety to students and industry in the Kansas City area so we can collaborate with businesses and help prepare the work force.

Gerlach is a 1976 graduate of 1xbet online games login , where he earned a bachelor's degree in business administration and played on the men's basketball team.

&1xbet online games login ;We're so pleased that Carl is willing to represent K-State on JCERTA,&1xbet online games login ; said K-State President Kirk Schulz. &1xbet online games login ;Carl has a history of working with others to achieve positive results in his many roles in the Kansas City area, and he is a longtime supporter of K-State.

&1xbet online games login ;K-State's Olathe campus will play a key role in our goal of becoming a top 50 public research university by 2025,&1xbet online games login ; Schulz said.

Gerlach serves on the board of the Overland Park Economic Development Council and the Overland Park Convention and Visitors Bureau. He was a member of the 1xbet online games login School of Leadership Studies Advancement Council and is past president of the League of Kansas Municipalities Governing Body. He currently serves on the Bistate Commission.

He is the director of marketing for a major screen-printing company in the promotional products industry.

Gerlach succeeds Karin Brownlee as 1xbet online games login 's representative on JCERTA. Brownlee was recently appointed to lead the Kansas Department of Labor.

1xbet online games login is going gaga for going green.

For the third straight year 1xbet online games login will participate in the RecycleMania recycling competition. The eight-week competition begins Feb. 6 and ends April 2. A two-week trial period, leading up to the official start, has already begun. Throughout the competition each college or university will report its recycling and trash weights and be ranked on the RecycleMania results page.

&1xbet online games login ;K-State's first two RecycleMania endeavors resulted in a combined total of 371,012 pounds of material being recycled and 4,480 pounds of food waste recycled through K-State's composting program,&1xbet online games login ; said Joe Myers, physical plant supervisor at K-State.

RecycleMania started as a friendly competition between two universities in 2001. Over the past decade it has grown exponentially, with 575 schools in 49 states, the District of Columbia and international entries 1xbet online games login Canada, the UK and Qatar competing in the 2011 RecycleMania.

Learn more about RecycleMania at http://www.recyclemania.org/. More information about recycling at 1xbet online games login is available at http://www.1xbet online games login edu/recycling/.

The theater program will present the comedy &1xbet online games login ;Humble Boy&1xbet online games login ; at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 3-5 and Feb. 9-12, all in Nichols Theater.

&1xbet online games login ;Humble Boy&1xbet online games login ; is about broken vows, failed hopes and the joys of beekeeping. The story follows Felix Humble, a 35-year-old Cambridge astrophysicist, in his search of a unified field theory. Following the sudden death of his father, Felix must return home to be with his difficult and demanding mother. He soon realizes that his search for unity must be expanded to include his own chaotic life.

A modern-day parallel to Shakespeare's &1xbet online games login ;Hamlet,&1xbet online games login ; &1xbet online games login ;Humble Boy&1xbet online games login ; is the winner of the Susan Smith Blackburn Award, the Critics' Circle Best New Play Award and the People's Choice Best New Play Award.

The K-State production of &1xbet online games login ;Humble Boy&1xbet online games login ; is directed by Kate Anderson, associate professor of theater, and lighting design is by John Uthoff, associate professor of theater.

Tickets are for the general public, for seniors and military, and for students. They can be purchased at the McCain Auditorium box office from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays, or by calling McCain at 785-532-6428 during box office hours. Tickets also may be purchased at the Little Theater box office in the 1xbet online games login Student Union from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. weekdays. Groups of 10 or more may receive a discount rate. For more information or assistance in planning a theater party, contact Marci Maullar at 785-532-6878.

1xbet online games login is strengthening its collaboration with industry through a partnership with Abaxis Inc., an animal health company coming to the Kansas City area.

Thursday the company announced a strategic alliance with 1xbet online games login , the 1xbet online games login Veterinary Diagnostic Lab and the university's business development and commercialization arm, the National Institute for Strategic Technology Acquisition and Commercialization. This alliance will provide a full-service commercial laboratory for veterinarians across the United States.

&1xbet online games login ;Collaboration between our animal health experts here at K-State and Abaxis shows what is possible when higher education and industry work together,&1xbet online games login ; said President Kirk Schulz. &1xbet online games login ;Building relationships like this will help make K-State a top 50 public research university. The partnership with Abaxis provides momentum not only for K-State but for the Kansas City Animal Health Corridor as a whole.&1xbet online games login ;

Abaxis is in the final stages of building selection in the Kansas City area -- which is in close proximity to both the Kansas City airport and the 1xbet online games login campus in Manhattan, Kan. -- to house a laboratory testing facility that will be the hub of the Abaxis Veterinary Reference Laboratory. 1xbet online games login experts will help provide an array of laboratory testing and pathology analysis that needs veterinary interpretation and experience.

Kansans will benefit from this alliance in several ways, said Kent Glasscock, president and CEO of 1xbet online games login 's National Institute for Strategic Technology Acquisition and Commercialization. During a 10-year period the new laboratory is projected to bring 50 to 100 jobs to Kansas.

&1xbet online games login ;Our partnership with Abaxis is a perfect example of how K-State can create economic growth,&1xbet online games login ; Glasscock said. &1xbet online games login ;By leveraging our capabilities on the Manhattan campus, we can bring companies like Abaxis to the Kansas City Animal Health Corridor and strengthen Kansas and the region.&1xbet online games login ;

Moreover, veterinary students at 1xbet online games login will have more opportunities to learn how to diagnose diseases affecting companion and exotic animals.

&1xbet online games login ;The relationship between the College of Veterinary Medicine and Abaxis provides an opportunity for us to remain abreast of changes that continually take place in veterinary medical diagnostics,&1xbet online games login ; said Ralph Richardson, dean of the college. &1xbet online games login ;K-State's veterinary college has built a great legacy for being relevant to the profession. With its 100 faculty members teaching more than 500 veterinary students, graduate students, interns and residents at any one time, we have a great opportunity to assure that our graduates are exposed to cutting-edge laboratory diagnostic practices. Emerging diagnostic techniques and rapid implementation in the field should benefit the entire profession.&1xbet online games login ;

Pat George, Kansas commerce secretary, 1xbet online games login the partnership is a great development for the Kansas City Animal Health Corridor.

&1xbet online games login ;The partnership between K-State and Abaxis will bring job growth and research discovery and prove to be a great asset to our state,&1xbet online games login ; he said.

The spotlight will shine on the music, dance and acting talents of 1xbet online games login students in the first McCain Student Showcase, a show in honor of the 40th anniversary season of the McCain Performance Series.

The showcase is at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 6, in McCain Auditorium, and features performances by students in 1xbet online games login 's music, theater and dance programs.

&1xbet online games login ;McCain Auditorium has helped shape the lives of countless K-State students in the last 40 years,&1xbet online games login ; said Todd Holmberg, executive director of the auditorium. &1xbet online games login ;This performance is intended to honor that lasting legacy.&1xbet online games login ;

Holmberg said several 1xbet online games login students from the music, theater and dance programs have gone on to successful careers in the performing arts.

&1xbet online games login ;But the impact of McCain Auditorium is much more than that,&1xbet online games login ; he said. &1xbet online games login ;The building has fed students' creative souls and has provided a place for inspiration for decades. These experiences are continuously influencing hundreds, if not thousands, of former K-State students in their everyday lives, no matter what their chosen career.&1xbet online games login ;

Tickets are for the general public. Admission is free for all 1xbet online games login students with their 1xbet online games login ID. Tickets must be obtained in advance and can be purchased at the McCain Auditorium box office, 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays, or by calling 785-532-6428 More information is available online at http://www.1xbet online games login edu/mccain.

The Black Student Union and other multicultural groups at Kansas State University 1xbet online games login offer several events in February for the national celebration of Black History Month.

&1xbet online games login ;Black History Month is important to K-State because it allows us to share our rich culture and history with students, faculty and staff,&1xbet online games login ; said Seth Ellis, president of the Black Student Union and a senior in secondary education. &1xbet online games login ;There are so many things that people may want to know about African-American culture. Black History Month gives us time to communicate, share and celebrate our culture with K-State.&1xbet online games login ;

Ellis said Black Student Union members at 1xbet online games login are actively involved in planning events and activities for Black History Month.

&1xbet online games login ;The Black Student Union, past and present, has stood for improving academics, leadership, cultural and political awareness, recruitment and retention of multicultural students, and providing educational campus programming and community service,&1xbet online games login ; said Myra Gordon, associate provost for diversity and dual career development and Black Student Union adviser.

All Black History Month activities are free and open to the public, unless otherwise noted, and will be in the 1xbet online games login Student Union. They include:

* &1xbet online games login ;Reclaiming the Black Genius,&1xbet online games login ; 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 2, in Forum Hall. The presentation, by African history lecturer Ashra Kwesi, is a critical discussion about redefining and regaining black culture.

* Black History Panel, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 8, in Room 212. The panel 1xbet online games login examine black history in America.

* &1xbet online games login ;Soldier Mentality,&1xbet online games login ; 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 10, in the Flint Hills Room. The lecture by Jerichi Lockett will provide techniques and tips on how students can deal effectively with physical and mental health during and after college.

* DSTinguished Gents Award Gala, 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 11, in the Cottonwood Room. The ceremony is presented by the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. Tickets are . For more information call 785-532-6436 or e-mail dst1913@1xbet online games login edu.

* &1xbet online games login ;Ex Ku Klux Klan Member,&1xbet online games login ; 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 14, in Forum Hall. A former member will lecture about his life in the Ku Klux Klan and why he decided to leave.

* Study Session, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 15, in Room 212. The event 1xbet online games login include free tutoring for students to promote educational success.

* A lecture by Kevin Powell, 7 p.m. Thursday, 1xbet online games login . 17, in Forum Hall. Powell is an American political activist, poet, writer and entrepreneur.

1xbet online games login is supplying stacks of textbooks to help rebuild Iraq.

1xbet online games login is partnering with the Manhattan-based nonprofit Help Us Learn ... Give us Hope to provide textbooks to Iraq's Basrah University. The books will help train a new generation of professionals, including engineers and agricultural business leaders.

Post-war Iraq doesn't have enough teaching materials and textbooks for its 1xbet online games login , according to the United Nations, and about 5 million Iraqi citizens are illiterate.

President Kirk Schulz and other university administrators visited Iraq in November as guests of Fort Riley's 1st Infantry Division. One of those administrators was Art DeGroat, director of military affairs at 1xbet online games login and a retired Army lieutenant colonel.

&1xbet online games login ;While we went to Iraq as a developmental activity that contributed to our military partnership, we discovered an opportunity to help, and that is simply what K-Staters do,&1xbet online games login ; DeGroat said.

Basrah University was once a crown jewel in the higher education system of the Middle East, DeGroat 1xbet online games login .

&1xbet online games login ;During our visit we discovered years of atrophy and neglect, but we also met committed, brave and persistent university leaders hoping for a brighter day,&1xbet online games login ; he said. &1xbet online games login ;K-State wants, in some small way, to be part of this new dawn for Basrah University and its students.&1xbet online games login ;

Saddam Hussein once forced Iraqi universities to follow strict textbook guidelines, but those rules have since been lifted.

&1xbet online games login ;In Iraq a lot of the old textbooks have been destroyed, looted or burned, and now there's a tremendous shortage of textbooks,&1xbet online games login ; said retired Army Col. Gary LaGrange, who founded Help Us Learn ... Give us Hope in 2008. &1xbet online games login ;Teachers and professors at all levels have made pleas to us to send them books.&1xbet online games login ;

Some of the roughly 10,000 textbooks collected from 1xbet online games login students, staff and faculty will be shipped later this year from the Manhattan National Guard Armory to Iraq with a deploying military unit. Troops will deliver textbooks and school supplies to Basrah University, which will distribute leftover books to other schools and libraries in southern Iraq.

&1xbet online games login ;We're helping empower Basrah University to be the champion for rebuilding Iraq's education system,&1xbet online games login ; DeGroat said.

This effort isn't the first time 1xbet online games login has provided textbooks to universities in the war-torn countries of Iraq and Afghanistan. 1xbet online games login has donated a total of about 25,000 textbooks to Help Us Learn ... Give us Hope.

1xbet online games login Libraries, the College of Engineering and the department of English donated books to Kabul University and Balkh University in Afghanistan from 2007 to 2009, said Daryl Youngman, associate professor at 1xbet online games login Libraries.

The donations to Basrah University could launch more partnerships between 1xbet online games login and the Iraqi university, DeGroat said.

&1xbet online games login ;Much remains to be done, but we are off to a sound start,&1xbet online games login ; he said. &1xbet online games login ;We envision the textbook donation project as a powerful first step that shows we are committed.&1xbet online games login ;

Those interested in donating books or school supplies can visit http://www.helpuslearngiveushope.org to learn more.

On Jan. 25, workers started digging a trench as part of a five-year groundwater treatment program north of 1xbet online games login 's Bill Snyder Family Stadium near Kimball Avenue.

&1xbet online games login ;We will be treating the contaminated water in the area,&1xbet online games login ; said Kelly Phillips, environmental manager. &1xbet online games login ;This is important because if the ground is to be used for something in the future, then water contamination won't be an issue.&1xbet online games login ;

The groundwater is contaminated from university chemical waste that was buried in '60s and '70s. &1xbet online games login ;It was all legally disposed of then, but we want to do the right thing and get it cleaned up,&1xbet online games login ; said Phillips.

When completed, the trench 1xbet online games login be 150 feet long, 20 feet wide at the top and four feet wide at the bottom. Water 1xbet online games login be collected in the trench and 1xbet online games login be pumped into a treatment system that 1xbet online games login clean the groundwater. Then the water 1xbet online games login be pumped into a holding tank and sampled. If the treatment is effective, the clean water 1xbet online games login be pumped to the sanitary sewer.

&1xbet online games login ;The water will be tested periodically to make sure that the system is still in working condition,&1xbet online games login ; said Phillips. &1xbet online games login ;We will make sure the water is at the cleanest standards that it is supposed to meet before we discharge it to the sanitary sewer.&1xbet online games login ;

Construction on the trench and water system is expected to be finished next month. The groundwater corrective measure 1xbet online games login run for three to five years.

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