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This notification is to remind all 1xbet online casino faculty and staff that grade rosters for regular courses will be available in iSIS after 5 p.m., Friday, Dec. 10. All grades are due by 5 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 21. The deadline to copy grades from 1xbet online casino Online to iSIS is 4 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 21, which allows sufficient time for back-end processes to complete.

Students 1xbet online casino be able to view grades for regular courses in iSIS Wednesday, Dec. 22.

For non-standard courses, grades are due five 1xbet online casino days after the class is complete. Grade rosters for non-standard courses are available to instructors in iSIS for grade entry the day after the last class day.

Faculty and staff members set an all-time record this year with the highest participation rate ever in the annual All-University Campaign for 1xbet online casino .

In its fifth year, the campaign is an internal fundraising effort run by campus 1xbet online casino and staff volunteers that specifically focuses on participation.

The All-University Campaign for 1xbet online casino enjoyed a 37 percent participation rate this year, up from 34 percent last year. More than 1,800 faculty and staff members participated this year, and 16 work groups increased their overall participation over last year. More than 100 employees made their first gift to 1xbet online casino during the campaign.

During the All-University Campaign, faculty and staff members direct gifts to the area they care 1xbet online casino most. More than 1,000 gifts were made to scholarship funds. Faculty and staff members also made 6,463 gifts to excellence funds, 509 gifts to support facilities enhancement and 474 gifts to support faculty excellence.

More than 160 gifts went to the Classified Opportunity Fund, a fund that was created especially for the All-University Campaign to help classified employees with academic achievement, as well as work expenses not funded by 1xbet online casino departments. The fund also rewards outstanding leadership on behalf of classified employees.

Designed to raise awareness throughout the campus community about the importance of private gifts, the campaign has served as an opportunity for 1xbet online casino faculty and staff to come together and support the areas of the university they care about most, said co-chair Debby Hiett, of the College of Human Ecology.

&1xbet online casino ;One of the reasons the campaign has been so successful is that it allows faculty and staff to direct their gifts to what they are passionate about at K-State,&1xbet online casino ; Hiett said. &1xbet online casino ;The fact that so many K-Staters participate in the campaign says so much about the spirit of the K-State family.&1xbet online casino ;

Hiett co-chaired the campaign with Rebecca Gould, Information Technology Assistance 1xbet online casino ; Cheryl Grice, Division of Human Resources; Kevin Gwinner, College of Business Administration; Curtis Kastner, College of Agriculture; and Terri Wyrick, Facilities Services.

The campaign is led by the 62-member All-University Campaign Committee. Faculty and staff members from the Manhattan campus, 1xbet online casino Salina, 1xbet online casino Alumni Association, KSU Foundation and 1xbet online casino Athletics all participated in this year’s campaign.

For more information about 1xbet online casino year's campaign, please visit: http://www.found.ksu.edu/alluniversity/.

After embarking on a monthlong trip to Ethiopia as part of a 1xbet online casino program, a group of 12 teachers recently returned to the United States with a fresh perspective on teaching cultural diversity.

The program -- developed by Jacqueline Spears, professor of curriculum and instruction and director of 1xbet online casino 's Center for Science Education, and Laurie Curtis, assistant professor of curriculum and instruction -- was designed to introduce teachers to Ethiopian history, language and culture and to help them to incorporate elements of African culture in their classrooms.

An ,566 grant from the U.S. Department of Education's Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad Program covered 74 percent of the project costs. The remainder was funded by the participants and by 1xbet online casino through funds from the office of the provost, the office of international programs and the College of Education.

1xbet online casino July 1 to Aug. 1, Spears, Curtis and the participants traveled throughout nearly one-third of Ethiopia. They spent time in Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa, and visited both the northern and southern parts of the country. Now the teachers are creating materials and lesson plans 1xbet online casino their trip and disseminating the information through other sources.

The 1xbet online casino is a partnership with Ethiopia Reads, a nonprofit organization working to increase literacy by providing books for Ethiopian children. LeAnn Clark, an alumni fellow of the College of Education, is heavily involved with the organization and also accompanied the group on the trip.

During 1xbet online casino month in Ethiopia, the teachers visited schools, monasteries, churches and water projects while exploring the geography of the country. They also met with education specialists, religious experts, artists and musicians.

&1xbet online casino ;Someone once said that just about the time you thought there wouldn't be any more eye-opening experiences, something eye-opening would happen,&1xbet online casino ; Spears said.

At one school in the southern part of the country, the 1xbet online casino brought a suitcase full of books, which more than doubled the size of the school's library.

&1xbet online casino ;What stood out in our minds when we came back was the recognition of how fortunate we are,&1xbet online casino ; Spears said. &1xbet online casino ;Particularly in terms of books, we are a very wealthy culture, and it's not clear that young people realize that. We have so much information at our fingertips. In contrast, we visited libraries in Ethiopia where at best they had six or eight books.&1xbet online casino ;

But perhaps most valuable, Spears 1xbet online casino , are the cultural experiences the teachers were able to bring back to their students. Since returning, the teachers have been integrating their knowledge of Ethiopia into classroom lessons and sharing strategies for helping children learn about diversity. Some teachers have been incorporating Ethiopian realia -- including musical instruments, clothing and cultural objects -- into classroom activities. The trip has enabled other teachers to connect with Ethiopian immigrant students who attend their schools.

&1xbet online casino ;A lot of our participants took pictures of the children and what they were doing so they could bring back that connection to their students. It lets them see what children in Ethiopia do and understand connections with them,&1xbet online casino ; Curtis said.

The 12 participating teachers came 1xbet online casino Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Missouri, Oregon, New York and Virginia.

The teachers 1xbet online casino submit final reports to the Fulbright-Hays project office at the end of December. Lesson plans and classroom tools 1xbet online casino be disseminated through appropriate K-12 and area studies websites.

The project ends formally May 31, 2011, but the experiences and contacts made while the teachers were in Ethiopia 1xbet online casino continue to enrich their schools, according to Spears.

The teachers' experiences 1xbet online casino also be shared with College of Education undergraduate and graduate students to inform them of global literacy initiatives and help them develop ways to meet the needs of diverse learners they 1xbet online casino serve in classrooms.

The 1xbet online casino department is offering several holiday-related performances during December.

Unless otherwise noted, 1xbet online casino events are free and open to the public. They include:

* Recital by the Konza Winds, 1xbet online casino 's music faculty wind quintet, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 8, All Faiths Chapel Auditorium. The ensemble's performance features original works written for wind quintet by composers from all over the world. The program includes repertoire standards by Hungarian composer Gyorgy Ligeti and American Samuel Barber, along with a quintet by German composer August Klughardt and a lighthearted dance suite by Brazilian composer Julio Medaglio. Members of the ensemble are Christina Webster, instructor, flute and piccolo; Nora Lewis, assistant professor, oboe; Tod Kerstetter, associate professor, clarinet and E-flat clarinet; Susan Maxwell, instructor, bassoon; and Jacqueline Fassler-Kerstetter, associate professor, horn.

* 1xbet online casino Faculty Brass Quintet recital, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 9, All Faiths Chapel. Members include Craig Parker, associate professor of music, trumpet; Katherine Klinefelter, graduate assistant and master's student in music, trumpet; Jacqueline Fassler-Kerstetter, associate 1xbet online casino music, French horn; Paul Hunt, 1xbet online casino music, trombone; and Steven Maxwell, assistant 1xbet online casino music, tuba.

* Beginning guitar course concert, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 15, Union Station. Instructed by 1xbet online casino 's Wayne Goins, the concert features students in the course performing on guitar and singing folk standards.

The small town of Nome on the western coast of Alaska is best known to the world as the finish line for the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. But for Brett Sandercock, associate 1xbet online casino biology, the area has far more importance.

Every spring thousands of migratory shorebirds fly more than 6,000 miles 1xbet online casino the equator to Alaska to breed, but little is known about how these birds are being affected by environmental changes in the Arctic.

Nearly 0,000 in funding from the Nongame Partner Program of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, and the Arctic Natural Science Office of Polar Programs through the National Science Foundation, 1xbet online casino allow Sandercock to evaluate changes in the population biology of two species of long-distance migrant shorebirds, the semipalmated sandpiper and the western sandpiper.

&1xbet online casino ;I think of them as the canary in the coal mine,&1xbet online casino ; Sandercock said. &1xbet online casino ;They are the species that are probably going to show impacts of environmental change first. In terms of wildlife conservation, it is absolutely amazing to see the enormous pulse of migratory birds moving synchronously in large flocks, although these same traits may make them vulnerable to human activities.&1xbet online casino ;

When he began his career at 1xbet online casino , Sandercock wanted to start a local research program, so a large portion of his current research is on grassland birds in Kansas. But his affection for the tundra, arctic weather and northern wildlife take him back to Alaska. As part of his doctoral dissertation research from 1993-1996, Sandercock spent time among the tundra ridges and fresh water ponds of Nome, studying sandpiper behavior.

&1xbet online casino ;Part of my heart has always been in the North,&1xbet online casino ; Sandercock said. &1xbet online casino ;For me it's a chance to go back to the familiar areas and beautiful country where I worked in the past.&1xbet online casino ;

The new funding allows Sandercock to build on the data from his graduate research and to continue his research and teaching duties during the school year at 1xbet online casino .

&1xbet online casino ;From the first four years, we know that the birds show good site fidelity,&1xbet online casino ; Sandercock said. &1xbet online casino ;However, there has never been baseline data for this type of study before because other researchers' previous plots in the Arctic have sometimes been affected by the expansion of surrounding towns. My plots, though, remain unchanged, so we can actually go back and look at birds with the same study protocols that I used 15 years ago. We can make direct comparisons.&1xbet online casino ;

The grants also give Sandercock the opportunity to purchase technology and continue to develop the Arctic Shorebird Demographic Network. This is an international 1xbet online casino of researchers, which Sandercock and his colleagues have recruited to collect data on long-distance migrant shorebirds at Arctic sites across Alaska and northern Canada.

&1xbet online casino ;There is some evidence of certain groups of European birds that suggests that long-distance migrants may have greater trouble adapting to environmental change, and some of those species are declining faster than short-distance migrants,&1xbet online casino ; Sandercock said.

Among the high-tech devices that 1xbet online casino be used during the new research are geo-locator tags, which measure latitude and longitude throughout the bird's migration. To track the complete migratory movements during the course of the year, the tags 1xbet online casino be attached to the birds at the breeding site and recovered from birds returning the following year, Sandercock said.

Analysis of migration patterns, and how they might differ between the two species, and among sex and age classes, 1xbet online casino enable Sandercock to explore the different strategies the birds are using and how those strategies might be impacted by environmental change.

&1xbet online casino ;I think these birds have an intrinsic value as a migratory species,&1xbet online casino ; Sandercock said. &1xbet online casino ;Potentially they are the ones that are going to be signals of environmental change because they have less flexibility in timing their migration. Trying to understand their strategies, both in the Arctic breeding grounds and throughout migration, may help us predict or mitigate effects of environmental change in other species.&1xbet online casino ;

The Advanced Manufacturing Institute 1xbet online casino use a nearly 0,000 Partnership for Innovation grant from the National Science Foundation to support the development of a statewide science and engineering center to create and commercialize bioscience-based products, processes and technologies.

&1xbet online casino ;Kansas is a leading agricultural production state and has heavily invested in developing its bioscience research capacity. By creating a science and engineering center to accelerate the transformation of scientific discoveries and inventions into innovations, Kansas will be able to multiply the number of bioscience products brought to market, and create more high tech jobs in the state,&1xbet online casino ; said Brad Kramer, director of the Advanced Manufacturing Institute.

&1xbet online casino ;To do this, we are building partnerships between university and industry researchers who are creating new technologies, engineers experienced in developing and scaling up bioprocessing technologies, state-funded organizations that are charged with diversifying and building the state's bioscience economy, and industrial partners who are committed to bringing specific bioscience technologies to market,&1xbet online casino ; Kramer said. &1xbet online casino ;We're also involving undergraduate and graduate business and engineering students in these projects. This opportunity provides them a professionally mentored work experience, and prepares them to be bioprocessing professionals and bioscience entrepreneurs.&1xbet online casino ;

Additional support funds will be provided by the Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation. Other partners in the project include the Kansas Polymer Research Center at Pittsburg State University, 1xbet online casino Olathe and the 1xbet online casino Bioprocessing and Industrial Value-Added Program.

&1xbet online casino ;We are excited about helping to build this research center that is unique in Kansas and, frankly, in the United States,&1xbet online casino ; said Andy Meyer, executive director of the Kansas Polymer Research Center. &1xbet online casino ;Each partner in this project brings complementary strengths, and we offer our 100-plus years of combined experience in applied, industrial polymer development. We're glad that the National Science Foundation has recognized the potential benefit of funding this center for the advancement of bioscience growth in our state.&1xbet online casino ;

The Advanced Manufacturing Institute is a part of the College of Engineering. It is a Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation Center of Excellence that provides engineering and business services. More information 1xbet online casino the institute is available online at http://www.amisuccess.com.

The Brigade Command Team Spouse Development 1xbet online casino has received a prestigious national award for its outstanding leadership and success as an adult education 1xbet online casino .

The American Association of Adult and Continuing Education chose 1xbet online casino 's program to receive the Malcolm Knowles Award for Outstanding Adult Education Program of the Year. The award honors the legacy of Malcolm Knowles, who is best known for his efforts to expand the field's understanding of andragogy, the art and science of teaching adults. The award recognizes an adult learner program that has been built upon and embraces andragogical methods of teaching.

1xbet online casino representatives recently received the award at the American Association for Adult Continuing Education annual conference in Clearwater Beach, Fla.

&1xbet online casino ;The Brigade Command Team Spouse Development Program gives K-State visibility at the highest levels of the Army in a positive relationship that we hope will be not only sustained but expanded in future years,&1xbet online casino ; said Cheryl Polson, director of K-State-Fort Leavenworth and professor of educational leadership.

The brigade command 1xbet online casino involves spouses of Army officers who are about to assume brigade command. It is housed at Fort Leavenworth's School For Command Preparation, and has received funding from the U.S. Department of Defense.

In an effort to provide brigade command teams with the best possible training, the School for Command Preparation formed a partnership with an interdisciplinary team from 1xbet online casino to develop the Brigade Command Team Spouse Development Program. The program's primary focus is on the perspective at the brigade level, with an emphasis on developing a unified command team.

When military commanders come to Fort Leavenworth for a week of leadership training before assuming a brigade command position, their spouses often accompany them. 1xbet online casino reaches out to the spouses, providing them with their own training to prepare for their upcoming informal leadership roles.

&1xbet online casino ;The feedback has been extremely positive,&1xbet online casino ; said Charles Griffin, one of the course instructors and a research assistant professor of family studies and human services. &1xbet online casino ;They greatly appreciate the opportunity to retool for their coming new roles and responsibilities.&1xbet online casino ;

Since April, 1xbet online casino has offered the five-day courses once a month at Fort Leavenworth. The curriculum for the course includes critical military-related components as well as conceptual underpinnings. During the course, upper level Army senior commanders, including the Army chief of staff, serve as guest speakers.

&1xbet online casino ;The results of this partnership will have far reaching effects for years to come,&1xbet online casino ; Polson said. &1xbet online casino ;The spouses of these commanders are having an immediate impact on the vitality of their organizations, but equally important is the potential impact this program will have on their personal lives outside the military.&1xbet online casino ;

Others have noticed the importance of the program and applaud 1xbet online casino 's success.

&1xbet online casino ;In 37 years of professional service in and out of the Army, I haven’t seen a program as well designed, constructed and operated as what Kansas State University is doing for the Army Commanders Spouse Program,&1xbet online casino ; said retired Brig. Gen. Wendell Christopher King, dean of academics for the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in his letter of recommendation for the award.

K-Staters also involved in the creation, development and implementation of the 1xbet online casino include: Brian Niehoff, associate provost; Jane Fishback, associate professor of educational leadership; Donita Whitney-Bammerlin, academic 1xbet online casino coordinator in the College of Business Administration; and Ashley Gleiman, graduate student in education.

1xbet online casino 's goal of being recognized nationally as a top 50 public research university by 2025 is getting a boost.

A recently formed partnership between the National Institute for Strategic Technology Acquisition and Commercialization, or NISTAC, and the Midwest Research Institute, or MRI, will use many of the processes in the marketing and commercialization of 1xbet online casino technologies to help deliver technologies to the market on behalf of MRI.

&1xbet online casino ;This partnership with MRI is key to achieving the K-State 2025 plan,&1xbet online casino ; said Kirk Schulz, K-State president. &1xbet online casino ;Since NISTAC works closely with research generated though K-State, we consider the organization to be an extension of the university.&1xbet online casino ;

NISTAC was created to help grow the economy of the city of Manhattan, the state of Kansas and the region through the commercialization of 1xbet online casino intellectual property, either by licensing or facilitation of technology-based business start-ups.

&1xbet online casino ;MRI is one of the premier research institutes in the country,&1xbet online casino ; said Kent Glasscock, president of NISTAC. &1xbet online casino ;It's well-positioned for growth on a national and international basis in the coming years. We're thrilled to be associated with it, and very optimistic about the prospect of a partnership with us, MRI and the private sector.&1xbet online casino ;

&1xbet online casino ;MRI is excited to work with NISTAC to commercialize more of our technologies. NISTAC's knowledgeable and dedicated team complements MRI's innovative environment. We are confident that the results of our relationship will be valued by the marketplace,&1xbet online casino ; said Tom Fleener, MRI chief financial officer.

Glasscock said he expects the MRI portfolio's high-profile nature to help broaden 1xbet online casino 's potential audience.

&1xbet online casino ;Our prime goal is to help convert research into viable commercial opportunities that truly impact the financial landscape of the country,&1xbet online casino ; Glasscock said. &1xbet online casino ;We feel that we have been able to achieve this for K-State, one of our founding members, and in our partnership with MRI we look forward to replicating the success that we continue to experience with K-State. It is truly an honor to have the opportunity to serve these great research institutions.&1xbet online casino ;

Since its inception in 1994 the National Institute for Strategic Technology Acquisition and Commercialization has also embarked on several initiatives to help provide greater access to intellectual property, such as a corporate donated patent 1xbet online casino , and partnerships with individual investors, with small companies, and more recently with other regional research institutions, such as Wichita State University.

The NISTAC board includes members from the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce, city of Manhattan and Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation, as well as 1xbet online casino employees, former state legislators, senior executives of regional companies and other Manhattan residents.

The Midwest 1xbet online casino Institute is a not-for-profit scientific/engineering organization with nearly 2,800 employees under management nationwide. It performs scientific 1xbet online casino and engineering technical services for clients in government, industry and academia. Established in 1944, MRI conducts technical services in the areas of national security and defense, energy and environment, life sciences, food and agriculture, and transportation safety.

MRI is one of two partners in the Alliance for Sustainable Energy LLC, which manages and operates the 1xbet online casino Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colo., for the U.S. Department of Energy.

MRI is headquartered in 1xbet online casino City, Mo., but also has operations in Colorado, Florida, 1xbet online casino , Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, D.C., and West Virginia.

A Kansas State University professor 1xbet online casino be in the company of international agricultural and environmental leaders when he attends the 2010 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico.

Chuck Rice, university distinguished professor of soil microbiology, 1xbet online casino participate in several workshops, lectures and side events held in connection with the Conference of the Parties, COP16, meetings, which started Nov. 29 and run through Dec. 10.

Agriculture Day 1xbet online casino involve more than 500 scientists, agricultural producers and policymakers in discussions surrounding agriculture's impact on climate change and how agriculture can adapt while still supporting food security.

&1xbet online casino ;In the current negotiations agriculture has kind of been left out of the climate change discussions,&1xbet online casino ; Rice said. &1xbet online casino ;There is a growing awareness, particularly among the agriculture sector, that climate change is going to challenge our food security globally and that agriculture has a role in mitigation.&1xbet online casino ;

Rice pointed to agricultural concerns in developing countries, where projected changes in climate 1xbet online casino affect areas that are already under stress because of climate or poor soils. Such countries also have the least opportunity to adapt because of their economic situations.

Rice is participating in the COP16 meetings because of his involvement with the project &1xbet online casino ;The Technical Working Group on Agriculture Greenhouse Gases,&1xbet online casino ; or T-AGG.

The project is a partnership between 1xbet online casino and the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions at Duke University, and has received funding from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation to provide the necessary scientific foundation for creating methods that support greenhouse gas mitigation in agriculture.

Project leaders led a workshop Dec. 7, &1xbet online casino ;Terrestrial GHGs and Climate Mitigation: Developments in Science, Economics and Policy.&1xbet online casino ;

At the workshop Rice talked 1xbet online casino management of agricultural lands and how international policies and incentives can encourage agriculture and mitigation strategies. Examples of such strategies include nitrogen management or conservation tillage, which provides enhanced soil quality by helping to store additional carbon.

1xbet online casino has already established itself as a national leader in research surrounding climate change and agriculture, but COP16 events give Rice the chance to talk about the university's efforts on an international basis.

&1xbet online casino ;I've already had some early discussions of how K-State can get involved with some of the international efforts,&1xbet online casino ; Rice said. &1xbet online casino ;I hope to learn what other groups are doing around the world and where K-State can contribute. I hope there will be some opportunities for further research, but also for exchange of faculty and students.&1xbet online casino ;

Rice was a member of the 2007 Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and performs 1xbet online casino in areas involving agriculture mitigation and soil carbon sequestration. He is also leading a -million National Science Foundation EPSCoR project that focuses on development, adaption and mitigation strategies for Kansas and for agriculture.

The Division of Continuing Education's ELATEwiki took second place in the Center for Transforming Student Services Innovation Awards' Communications Suite -- Center for Transforming Student Services Generation 4 category.ELATEwiki is a collaborative website that allows students and 1xbet online casino to post messages and interact through a dynamic information exchange.

The awards were given to college and university student services professionals who have used tools, creative strategies and fresh thinking to design, develop, implement and maintain online student services that have produced measurable results. The center accepted entries 1xbet online casino many areas of student services, including student communications, registration, admissions, advising, career planning, financial aid, legal services, disability services and more.

Since 2006 the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities, with support of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, has recognized the outreach scholarship and engagement partnerships of four-year universities. The C. Peter Magrath University Community Engagement Award recognizes programs that demonstrate how colleges and universities have redesigned 1xbet online casino learning, discovery and engagement functions to become even more involved with 1xbet online casino communities.

1xbet online casino is currently seeking examples of engaged projects -- teaching, research and outreach -- for nomination for the C. Peter Magrath University Community Engagement Award. 1xbet online casino 's nominees will be reviewed by a committee of on- and off-campus engagement stakeholders. The review committee will identify two projects to be submitted by President Schulz as applications for the regional Outreach Scholarship W.K. Kellogg Foundation Engagement Award. Winners from five regions across the U.S. will then be considered for the national C. Peter Magrath University Community Engagement Award.

1xbet online casino 's nominees will be showcased in news stories throughout the year and featured on the Center for Engagement and Community Development website. Monetary awards are also given to both the regional winners and to the national winner.

Read more 1xbet online casino how to submit an application by visiting http://www.1xbet online casino edu/cecd/. The deadline for applications is Jan. 7, 2011. Read more 1xbet online casino the C. Peter Magrath University Community Engagement Award and view the national application at: http://www.aplu.org/NetCommunity/Page.aspx?pid=304.

If you have any questions, please contact David Procter at dprocter@1xbet online casino edu or 785-532-6868.

Leading a Community of Learners, the 2011 teaching retreat, will take place Jan. 13, 2011, at the Leadership Studies Building. Come discover the various sorts of learning communities that exist at 1xbet online casino . The retreat is hosted by the Faculty Exchange for Teaching Excellence.

Highlights include:

*Networking with colleagues during registration and coffee breaks.
*Learning 1xbet online casino leading national expert Milton Cox.
*Participating in a stimulating 1xbet online casino of presentations and posters.
*Hearing 1xbet online casino a community of students assembled by Michael Wesch.

The retreat starts at 8:30 a.m. with coffee and rolls, and adjourns at 3 p.m.

Register now to reserve your space at http://www.ksu.edu/catl/fete.

The offices of the president and provost have traditionally provided funds for one-time expenses across campus. These monies have 1xbet online casino used for a wide variety of different projects, including bringing speakers to campus, purchasing needed pieces of equipment, providing travel support or assisting with modest renovation projects.

Frequently, separate requests were made to each office to secure financial support for a specific project, which was often inefficient. To make these funds easier to access and to provide equitable opportunities for units across campus to apply for these funds, all requests 1xbet online casino go toward one centralized pool of funds. Proposals seeking normal operating funds 1xbet online casino not be considered from the academic excellence fund, and 1xbet online casino be returned.

Proposals for these academic excellence fund monies 1xbet online casino be accepted twice per year: Sept. 15 and Dec. 15.

Proposals should be in a letter format (one page maximum) and should address the following key points:

* What is the requested amount of the proposal?
* Who will this proposal impact on campus in terms of advancing scholarship at 1xbet online casino ?
* What 1xbet online casino information should be considered when deciding on the merits of your proposal?

Proposals should be sent in electronic format to AcadExcellFund@1xbet online casino edu and are due by 5 p.m. on the deadline date.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued one violation in connection with a minor radiation exposure at 1xbet online casino 's nuclear research reactor, but the agency is waiving its usual fine because of 1xbet online casino 's safe reactor operating record and proactive response addressing safety procedures.

The NRC's Inspection Report and Notice of Violation follows a Sept. 22 incident at the reactor in which a senior reactor operator was exposed to a minor amount of radiation. The exposure did not result in injury or a radiation dose in excess of federal limits. But it was taken seriously by both 1xbet online casino and the NRC, which conducted a special inspection, said Jeff Geuther, manager of the reactor facility.

The NRC found one severity level III violation in connection with the incident, but the agency has waived its normal penalty of ,500 for such violations. The level III violation is the NRC's lowest level of escalated enforcement, Geuther 1xbet online casino .

&1xbet online casino ;Because the K-State reactor has a history of safe operation and because of the thoroughness of our corrective actions to the incident, the NRC's base civil penalty was waived for the violation, and no additional follow-up actions or response to the notice of violation are required,&1xbet online casino ; Geuther said.

According to the NRC, the level III violation was for failure to develop, document and implement a radiation protection 1xbet online casino commensurate with the scope and extent of licensed activities and that was sufficient to ensure compliance with the appropriate regulations.

&1xbet online casino ;Essentially the NRC found that our radiation protection program and experimental procedure were not sufficient to prevent the incident from occurring,&1xbet online casino ; Geuther said. &1xbet online casino ;We have since taken the necessary steps to correct these deficiencies.&1xbet online casino ;

1xbet online casino 's reactor was shut down after the incident but has since been restarted. The reactor, which has been in operation since 1962, supports academic and education programs, research, industrial service and outreach.

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