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Harald E.L. Prins received the 2010 AAA/Oxford University Press Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching of Anthropology and presented &1xbet sports betting ;Passamaquoddy Indian Code Talkers in the World War: Historic Fact or Echo of an Imaginary Past?&1xbet sports betting ; 109th annual meetings of the American Anthropological Association, Nov. 18-21, New Orleans, La.

Prins published the intellectual biography chapter &1xbet sports betting ;Eric R. Wolf,&1xbet sports betting ; Fifty Key Anthropologists, London: Routledge, 2010.

Katy Karlin published &1xbet sports betting ;Corn,&1xbet sports betting ; One Word: Contemporary Writers on the Words They Love or Loathe, ed. Molly McQuade, Louisville, KY: Sarabande Books, 2010.

Wendy Matlock published &1xbet sports betting ;The Tretis of the Tua Mariit Wemen and the Wedo,&1xbet sports betting ; The Literary Encyclopedia, Nov. 24.

Philip Nel published &1xbet sports betting ;Obamafiction for Children: Imagining the Forty-Fourth U.S. President,&1xbet sports betting ; Children’s Literature Association Quarterly, Vol 35, No. 4.

Nel presented &1xbet sports betting ;The Hope in the Joke: The Politics of Laughter in Dr. Seuss,&1xbet sports betting ; American Studies Association Conference, Nov. 20, San Antonio, Texas.

Bonnie Nelson and colleague edited &1xbet sports betting ;Teaching British Women Playwrights of the Restoration and Eighteenth Century,&1xbet sports betting ; New York: Modern Language Association of America, 2010.

Joe Sutliff Sanders published &1xbet sports betting ;'This Crisis in the History of the Negro': Contending Forces at the Nexus of Debate,&1xbet sports betting ; Teaching African American Women's Writing, ed. Gina Wisker, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.

Sanders published &1xbet sports betting ;Theorizing Sexuality in Comics&1xbet sports betting ; The Rise of the American Comics Artist: Creators and Contexts, ed. Paul Williams and James Lyons, Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 2010.

Karin Westman, Naomi Wood and colleague edited &1xbet sports betting ;The Lion and the Unicorn,&1xbet sports betting ; Vol. 34, No. 3.

Westman participated in the seminar &1xbet sports betting ;Modernist Digital Networks: An Infrastructure for Digitizing Modernist Print Culture,&1xbet sports betting ; 12th annual Modernist Studies Association Conference, Nov. 11, Victoria, Canada.

Tim Dayton presented &1xbet sports betting ;If the Poets Were True: Longfellow, Whitman, and Marx,&1xbet sports betting ; Historical Materialism seventh annual conference, Nov. 13, London.

Dayton presented &1xbet sports betting ;'The Bigness of Cannon': Modernism, Canon Revision, and the First World War,&1xbet sports betting ; department of English, University College Dublin, Nov. 15, Dublin, Ireland.

Don Hedrick presented &1xbet sports betting ;Eyeballs of Entertainment&1xbet sports betting ; and chaired the session &1xbet sports betting ;Shakespearean Terrors of the Deep,&1xbet sports betting ; Midwest Modern Language Association, Nov. 5, Chicago.

Donna Potts presented &1xbet sports betting ;Collaborative Budgeting at Kansas State University,&1xbet sports betting ; American Association of University Professors: Shared Governance Conference, Nov. 13, Washington, D.C.

Han Yu presented &1xbet sports betting ;A Comparative Study of Financial Product Brochures Used in China and the U.S.,&1xbet sports betting ; 75th Association for Business Communication annual convention, Oct. 29, Chicago.

The following presented at the International Writing Centers Association/National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing, Nov. 4-6, Baltimore, Md.:

Stacia Gray and students, &1xbet sports betting ;Crests and Troughs: Calming the Troubled Waters of Knowledge Disparity in Tutoring Sessions.&1xbet sports betting ;

Deborah Murray and students, &1xbet sports betting ;Docking Your Boat: Tutors Find Safe Passage Through the Shoals of the Job Market.&1xbet sports betting ;

Kara Northway and colleagues, &1xbet sports betting ;Resisting the Shore: A Comparative Survey Assessing Student Satisfaction With Writing Center Consultations.&1xbet sports betting ;

Northway and colleagues presented their research in a &1xbet sports betting ;Research-in Process&1xbet sports betting ; workshop.

Savannah Nulton and colleagues, &1xbet sports betting ;Building Bridges: Three Perspectives on Avoiding Troubled Water.&1xbet sports betting ;

Douglas Goodin, Charles Martin and colleague published &1xbet sports betting ;Landuse Change in Upper Kansas River Floodplain: Following the 1993 Flood,&1xbet sports betting ; Natural Hazards, Vol. 55.

Melinda Daniels, student and colleagues, &1xbet sports betting ;Spatial and Temporal Lateral Discontinuity on the Pre-engineered Missouri River&1xbet sports betting ; and &1xbet sports betting ;Beaver Dam Impacts on Sediment and Water Regime,&1xbet sports betting ; Geological Society of America annual meeting, Nov. 2, Denver, Colo.

Lisa M.B. Harrington presented &1xbet sports betting ;Rural Regional Geography and Kansas, USA, High Plains Research,&1xbet sports betting ; Dimitre Cantemir University, Faculty of Geography and Tourism 20th anniversary, Nov. 18, Sibiu, Romania.

Richard Marston presented &1xbet sports betting ;The Big Melt: Global Glacier Changes,&1xbet sports betting ; Manhattan Rotary Club, Nov. 4, Manhattan.

Robert D. Linder presented &1xbet sports betting ;The Rev. Dr. Sir Alan Walker (1911-2003): Australian Christian Statesman and National Leader,&1xbet sports betting ; quarterly meeting of the Evangelical History Society of Australia, Nov. 27, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.

Linder presented &1xbet sports betting ;Alan Walker Among the Sharks: Why Australia's Most Important Christian in the Last Half of the Twentieth Century Was Not Also Its Most Beloved,&1xbet sports betting ; Uniting Church of Australia Historical Society of New South Wales, Nov. 20, Uniting Church Theological College, North Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia.

Denis Medeiros was elected to a two-year term as president of the National Association of National Institutes of Health Bridges Directors and Coordinators to advise the Division of Minority Office for Research on Bridges policies.

The following presented at the bi-regional conference of NAFSA: Association of International Educators, Nov. 13-17, Omaha, Neb.:

Karl Anderson, &1xbet sports betting ;A Profile of International Partnerships at Land Grant Universities.&1xbet sports betting ;

Maria Beebe, &1xbet sports betting ;Basics of Filing H-1B Petitions Workshop&1xbet sports betting ; and &1xbet sports betting ;An Examination of Immigration: Past, Present, and Possible Future.&1xbet sports betting ;

Caitlin Kelley, &1xbet sports betting ;Outreach Efforts Promoting Undergraduate International Student Retention.&1xbet sports betting ;

Sara Thurston-González, &1xbet sports betting ;F-1 Student Advising for Beginners Workshop&1xbet sports betting ; and &1xbet sports betting ;Meeting Your International Students in the Classroom.&1xbet sports betting ;

Thurston-González and Rick Rudnick (housing and dining services), &1xbet sports betting ;Collaborations Between Housing and Residence Life and International Student Services.&1xbet sports betting ;

Sessions by Kelley and Thurston-González were recognized as two of the three best sessions of the conference.

Thomas Bell published the reviews &1xbet sports betting ;Suuns: Zeroes QC&1xbet sports betting ;; &1xbet sports betting ;Ten Million Lights: Ten Million Lights&1xbet sports betting ;; &1xbet sports betting ;Kristin Hersh: Crooked&1xbet sports betting ;; &1xbet sports betting ;Swans: My Father Will Guide Me Up A Rope to the Sky&1xbet sports betting ;; &1xbet sports betting ;Grass Widow: Past Time&1xbet sports betting ;; &1xbet sports betting ;Autolux:Transit Transit&1xbet sports betting ;; &1xbet sports betting ;School of Seven Bells: Disconnect From Desire&1xbet sports betting ;; &1xbet sports betting ;Lower Dens:Twin-Hand Movement&1xbet sports betting ;; and &1xbet sports betting ;Laetitia Sadier: The Trip&1xbet sports betting ; in CD Hotlist: New Releases for Libraries Music Reviews.

Donna F. Ekart published &1xbet sports betting ;Location, Location, Location: Making Foursquare Work for Your Library,&1xbet sports betting ; Computers in Libraries, Vol. 30, No. 9.

Laura Kanost published &1xbet sports betting ;Re-Placing the Madwoman: Irene Vilar's The Ladies' Gallery,&1xbet sports betting ; Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies, Vol. 31, No. 3.

Joseph M. Craine, biology; and Kendra K. McLauchlan, geography; published &1xbet sports betting ;Widespread Coupling Between the Rate and Temperature Sensitivity of Organic Matter Decay,&1xbet sports betting ; Nature Geoscience, Vol. 3.

Uwe Thumm and colleagues published &1xbet sports betting ;Steering the Electron Motion in H2+ By Nuclear Wave Packet Control,&1xbet sports betting ; Physical Review Letters, Vol. 105.

Les Loschky and colleagues presented &1xbet sports betting ;The Effects of Scrambling Episode Components on Memory for a Picture Story: Not Understanding, But Recognizing What You Saw,&1xbet sports betting ; annual meeting of The Psychonomic Society, Nov. 18-21, St. Louis, Mo.

Satoris Culbertson and colleagues published &1xbet sports betting ;Questionable Defeats and Discounted Victories for Likert Rating scales,&1xbet sports betting ; Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, Vol. 3.

Don Saucier and colleagues published &1xbet sports betting ;Mortality Salience and Perceptions of People with AIDS: Understanding the Role of Prejudice,&1xbet sports betting ; Basic and Applied Social Psychology, Vol. 32, No. 4.

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