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Martin Luther King Jr.When Kansas State University archivist Tony Crawford answered his ringing phone last year, he didn' t expect it would lead to him hearing Martin Luther King Jr.'s voice.

&1xbet best casino website ;A man in Wichita, Gerald Norwood, called to see if I was interested in a program from Martin Luther King's funeral or a copy of King's 'Letter from Birmingham Jail,'&1xbet best casino website ; Crawford said. &1xbet best casino website ;We got to talking, and when I mentioned that we didn't have any audio from King's speech at K-State in 1968, he said, 'I think I know someone who does.'&1xbet best casino website ;

Enter Galyn Vesey, the project director of the Research on Black Wichita, or ROBW, project.

&1xbet best casino website ;I wasn't sure about the playing quality of the old reel-to-reel tape, but I could certainly understand why it was of interest to Kansas State,&1xbet best casino website ; Vesey said. &1xbet best casino website ;I had no idea that the university didn’t have copies of the audio in its archives until Gerald Norwood called to tell me.&1xbet best casino website ;

On Jan. 19, 1968, Martin Luther King came to K-State to deliver the convocation speech &1xbet best casino website ;The Future of Integration.&1xbet best casino website ; King was assassinated in Memphis less than three months later.

King and President McCainVesey was working for the city of Wichita in January 1968. He heard the speech, broadcast live from 1xbet best casino website , on the radio in Wichita. He says as a student of history, he was enthralled.

&1xbet best casino website ;I listened to Dr. King's message, which was superb as usual,&1xbet best casino website ; Vesey said. &1xbet best casino website ;Shortly thereafter, I called KFH radio in Wichita and asked if I could get a copy. In those days when I heard a great speech, if there was any chance at all to acquire it, I did so. The net result was that I received two reel-to-reel tapes of Dr. King's message.&1xbet best casino website ;

Vesey has had the tapes in his personal library since 1968. But when the tape is played at 1xbet best casino website 's MLK Fellowship Luncheon Thursday, Jan. 27, it will be the first time in more than 40 years that the speech is heard again at the university.

No one is 100-percent sure how the original audio of the speech from the 1xbet best casino website radio station disappeared, though Crawford has a theory.

&1xbet best casino website ;The whereabouts of the tape has always been a mystery, a missing piece of history and King's legacy here at K-State,&1xbet best casino website ; Crawford said. &1xbet best casino website ;Recently I had a lightbulb moment that maybe it had been destroyed in the fire.&1xbet best casino website ;

KingCrawford is referring to a Dec. 13, 1968, fire that gutted Nichols Hall. The act of arson is believed to have been the work of anti-war protestors. The home of the music department at the time, Nichols Hall also housed the university radio station, KSAC, and the student-run station, KSDB. Crawford surmises that any audio recording of King's speech that had been saved may have been lost then.

&1xbet best casino website ;Thanks to Galyn Vesey, the missing artifact can be put in place in the K-State archives in Hale Library,&1xbet best casino website ; said Lori Goetsch, dean of K-State libraries.

&1xbet best casino website ;For years I've been saying that it's mind-boggling that there wasn't a recording of the event,&1xbet best casino website ; said Myra Gordon, associate provost for diversity and dual career development. &1xbet best casino website ;Even though it was in the '60s it was incomprehensible to me that it wouldn't have been recorded in some way. We've been blessed by the revelations of more information and more artifacts that help tell the whole story of Dr. King's historic visit to K-State, now including this tape.&1xbet best casino website ;

See a video about the discovery of the tape at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLmjho5Q0-c.

Photos courtesy university archives.

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