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Briana Nelson GoffBriana Nelson Goff, associate dean for academic affairs in the College of Human Ecology, has received national recognition for her work developing the next generation of scholars.

The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities Board on Human Services presented Goff with the Undergraduate 1xbet online games login Mentor Award Nov. 15 at its annual conference in Dallas. The award recognizes a faculty member in the human sciences for exceptional performance as a 1xbet online games login mentor for undergraduate students.

Goff, a professor in family studies and human services, is college coordinator for the University Honors Program and provides leadership for undergraduate 1xbet online games login projects. She has mentored more than 100 students, including more than 55 undergraduate students, in her 1xbet online games login program since 1998.

&1xbet online games login ;It's my goal to help students find areas they are passionate and curious about,&1xbet online games login ; Goff said. &1xbet online games login ;The idea of doing research can be intimidating to undergraduate students. I work to help them view research as simply answering questions, which helps take the mystery out of research.&1xbet online games login ;

Goff directs the College of Human Ecology's Institute for the Health and Security of Military Families, which coordinates 1xbet online games login and outreach programs that address the well-being of military personnel, veterans and their families after the battle. The institute opened in 2009.

She also works with diversity initiatives, international programs and partnerships, student learning assessment and other academic and student issues.

Sue MaesThe WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies, known as WCET, is honoring Sue Maes, dean of continuing 1xbet online games login and co-director of the Institute for Academic Alliances at Kansas State University, with the Richard Jonsen Award.

The award is given annually to a WCET member whose career has been committed to improving postsecondary educational programs and services through innovative uses of technology. The award also recognizes Maes' exceptional service to WCET, a membership organization that works to accelerate the adoption of effective practices and policies, advancing excellence in technology-enhanced teaching and learning in higher 1xbet online games login . The announcement was made at WCET's recent annual membership conference in La Jolla, Calif.

"Maes' work has made a major difference in advancing opportunities for rural adults to access postsecondary 1xbet online games login -- an area that's of critical importance today," said Ellen Wagner, WCET's executive director. "She's also a nationally recognized expert on the establishment and sustainability of academic collaborations, and has played a pivotal role in the creation of several educational consortia."

Maes helped launch the Great Plains Interactive Distance 1xbet online games login Alliance, http://www.gpidea.org -- which offers online graduate course work and programs in the human sciences -- and the Big 12 Engineering Consortium, http://www.big12engg.org -- which offers distance 1xbet online games login programs in nuclear engineering. In addition, Maes served as president of the University Continuing 1xbet online games login Association and was inducted into the International Adult and Continuing 1xbet online games login Hall of Fame in 2000.

"We are pleased to honor Sue Maes for her commitment to improving rural access to 1xbet online games login and lifelong learning, her belief in the strength of communities and partnerships, and her vision for finding effective and pragmatic technology solutions to expand access to 1xbet online games login ," Wagner said.

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The following awards were given out at the Fall 2010 Assessment Showcase:

* Recognition for achievement in the implementation of the One45 assessment program of clinical competencies in the senior veterinary student year of clinical training: Bonnie Rush, head of the department of clinical sciences for the College of Veterinary Medicine

* Recognition for achievement in the development and implementation of student learning outcomes across the areas of student life: Carla Jones, assistant vice president and senior associate dean of Student Life

* Outstanding leadership in development, implementation and continuation of successful student learning assessment in the program of athletic training: Shawna Jordan of the athletic training 1xbet online games login program, department of human nutrition

* Successful development and implementation of a new assessment plan: Julie Gibbs and the Office of Health Promotion and Nutrition 1xbet online games login in Lafene Health Center

* Outstanding faculty involvement: School of Leadership Studies; Mary Hale Tolar, director; and Irma O'Dell, senior associate director

* Effective utilization of the College Assessment Review Committee: College of Engineering; John R. English, dean; and Gary Clark, associate dean and chair of College Assessment Review Committee

* Improvements to their program's student learning assessment process: department of sociology, anthropology and social work; Betsy Cauble, department head; and Janice Dinkel, program director for the social work program

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