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Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, K-Statement will not publish next 1xbet online casino .

The next publication will be 1xbet online casino , Dec. 8. The deadline for getting items into that issue is Friday, Dec. 3.

If you have any questions, please contact Emily Vietti, K-Statement editor, at evietti@1xbet online casino edu or 785-532-1545.

A K-State professor has found that for 1xbet online casino to be effective, the organization must not rely solely upon contracts but should also establish an informal supplier-buyer relationship.

&1xbet online casino ;So many people are looking at whether to do outsourcing or not: is it a good decision or a poor one? Not too many have actually studied how to do it effectively, though. That question of 'how' is really key,&1xbet online casino ; said Chwen Sheu, Paul Edgerley Chair in Business Management, professor and interim head of the department of management at K-State's College of Business Administration.

Sheu studied how nearly 1,000 companies worldwide manage outsourcing for his paper, &1xbet online casino ;What makes outsourcing effective -- a transaction cost analysis.&1xbet online casino ; He investigated how firms should structure and govern outsourcing transactions in order to achieve a competitive edge in the market. The paper was co-authored by John Wacker from Arizona State University and C.L. Yang from Chung Hau University, Taiwan.

It received a Best 1xbet online casino Award at a joint conference between the Asia Pacific Decision Science Institute and the International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management. Both are academic organizations with more than 600 international members each. A Best 1xbet online casino Award was given to five papers out of the 250 presented.

For their research, data was collected and analyzed 1xbet online casino 970 manufacturing firms in 17 countries. The researchers evaluated the information using the transaction cost theory.

&1xbet online casino ;The theory tries to explain why organizations exist and why they outsource,&1xbet online casino ; Sheu said.

In short, a company weighs the costs of outsourcing goods against the bureaucratic costs of producing them in-house, he 1xbet online casino . This theory was first proposed by economist Ronald Coase, the 1991 Nobel laureate, and later extended by economist Oliver Williamson, 2009 Nobel laureate.

The researchers found that of the sampled firms, most depend on both legal contracts and an informal supplier-buyer relationship. Sheu 1xbet online casino both mechanisms are effective, but the latter deserves more management attention since in outsourcing it's impossible to cover every risk and outcome contractually.

&1xbet online casino ;When something unexpected happens, and the contract doesn't specify how to deal with it, you must be able to sit down and resolve the issues with your suppliers,&1xbet online casino ; Sheu said. &1xbet online casino ;It's about trust and information sharing with each other so both parties can deal with unforeseen risks and uncertainties more effectively.&1xbet online casino ;

For a company to have the best outsourcing strategy, both forms of governance are needed as varying situations call for different responses, Sheu 1xbet online casino .

&1xbet online casino ;First we wanted to look at the overall data between different countries to see if outsourcing really does help to compete in the markets. We found that yes, it does help,&1xbet online casino ; Sheu said. &1xbet online casino ;Our primary purpose then was to identify the governance mechanisms of how to make existing outsourcing transactions effective. And that's by legal and relational governance.&1xbet online casino ;

Sheu plans to reexamine the data and determine which countries are the using outsourcing most effectively, and how national culture may affect the utilization of legal versus relational governance. Those findings would improve the understanding of outsourcing practices in different countries. Such understanding should provide U.S. companies with valuable guidelines for their outsourcing decisions, Sheu 1xbet online casino .

The 1xbet online casino is currently in review for publication in a supply chain management journal.

In 2009 1xbet online casino also received a Best Paper Award at a conference presented by the International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management.

Nearly 50 varieties of poinsettias will be displayed and offered to the public as a fundraiser for the Kansas State University Gardens.

The flowering plants will be on sale 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 1xbet online casino , Dec. 1; and Saturday, Dec. 4, at the Quinlan Visitor Center, 1500 Denison Ave.

Horticulture 1xbet online casino in professor Kimberly William's Greenhouse Operations Management class grew the poinsettias as a hands-on lab project.

Williams described the flowers, which are often used in holiday decorating, as &1xbet online casino ;everything from the favorite red, to peach, white, pink, speckled and bi-colored.&1xbet online casino ;

Domestic and international poinsettia breeding companies provided the cultivar trials to the 1xbet online casino to grow in the teaching space of the Throckmorton Plant Sciences Center greenhouses on campus.

Volunteers with the Friends of the KSU Gardens organization will staff the three sale dates. Gardens director Scott McElwain 1xbet online casino 6.5-inch plants are each or six for , and 10-inch centerpieces are each.

The work of international artists is now on display at the Marianna Kistler Beach 1xbet online casino of Art.

&1xbet online casino ;Material Evidence: A Phenomenology of Matter&1xbet online casino ; features the work of eight artists from around the world. The artists work in a variety of media, such as painting, video, photography, sculpture, textiles, ceramics, and computer-activated installations.

The 1xbet online casino runs through Sunday, Feb. 6, 2011.

&1xbet online casino ;Art that transforms our perceptions or ways of making meaning, through whatever medium, sparks intellectual curiosity and begs the question, 'How did they do that?'&1xbet online casino ; said Geraldine Craig, guest curator for the exhibit and head of the K-State art department. &1xbet online casino ;The work in this exhibition challenges us to consider the history of images and our engagement with physical matter as equals -- a parallel to the artists' experience in the studio.&1xbet online casino ;

Artists whose work is included in the 1xbet online casino are Jim Campbell, Sukjin Choi, Allan deSouza, Jane Lackey, Erwin Redl, Dario Robleto, Darren Waterston and Anne Wilson.

The exhibit is the world premiere of four new works of art: two new deSouza photographs, &1xbet online casino ;Course of Empire, II&1xbet online casino ; and &1xbet online casino ;Course of Empire, III,&1xbet online casino ; and two site-specific pieces, Redl's &1xbet online casino ;Benchmark&1xbet online casino ; and Choi's &1xbet online casino ;Recollection 2.&1xbet online casino ; These two pieces were constructed specifically for their spaces at the Beach Museum.

More information is available by contacting Martha Scott, Beach Museum of Art, at 785-532-7718; online at http://beach.1xbet online casino edu; or dropping by the museum on the southeast corner of the 1xbet online casino campus at 14th Street and Anderson Avenue. Free visitor parking is available next to the building.

Normal 1xbet online casino hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday and noon to 5 p.m. Sundays. The 1xbet online casino is closed Mondays and Tuesdays.

1xbet online casino holiday season don't let your bad manners get you relegated to the kids' table.

Pat Pesci, director of the hotel and restaurant management program, 1xbet online casino that holiday meals always seem to ramp up people's focus on dining etiquette and table manners.

&1xbet online casino ;Typically, Americans don't sit down and dine together,&1xbet online casino ; Pesci said. &1xbet online casino ;People just don't break bread anymore; they multitask. Then at this time of the year, you have all these holidays and the large family meals that go with them.&1xbet online casino ;

The holiday meal can bring a lot of stressors into one event: family members who don't see 1xbet online casino other that often; different age groups; different opinions; uncommon and varied cuisine; and fancier tableware.

Pesci 1xbet online casino it is important to ask your host if you can assist in any way, and also to ask, rather than assume, where you will be sitting.

It is standard to wait until everyone has food before you begin eating, Pesci 1xbet online casino . When faced with uncertainty about which of your multiple utensils to use, start at the outside and move in toward the plate.

Another pitfall during holiday meals is the conversation.

&1xbet online casino ;Holiday meals often last an hour or more,&1xbet online casino ; Pesci said. &1xbet online casino ;And while you should eat slowly, it doesn't take that long to consume food. Because so often we eat in front of the television, many people aren't used to carrying on lengthy conversations while eating.&1xbet online casino ;

Remembering not to talk with your mouth full is one thing. Knowing what to talk about is quite another. Pesci 1xbet online casino it is best to avoid topics that might make people uncomfortable, such as politics, religion, sex and controversy. Great conversation starters are more neutral, like sports, weather, professions, travel, movies and where people are from.

&1xbet online casino ;It is important to get everyone involved,&1xbet online casino ; said Pesci. &1xbet online casino ;We often miss out on talking and listening to people and finding out about them. Holiday meals are a great time for that.&1xbet online casino ;

When the meal is finished, it’s polite to place your napkin to the left of your plate and push your chair in when leaving the table.

Finally, one of the most important tips is to never correct someone's etiquette at the table.

&1xbet online casino ;Correcting someone else's manners in a public setting is rude. That's one of the number one rules,&1xbet online casino ; Pesci said.

1xbet online casino BULLETIN BOARD CHANGES
On Dec. 9 the 1xbet online casino Bulletin Board will stop running run on Cox channel 21 off campus and Wildcat Cable channel 10 on campus. The channels are being repurposed for other uses.

Options are being considered, including running the daily announcements on channel 8 to reach campus and off-campus audiences. However, 1xbet online casino will change the content and format of the events schedule.

Keep an eye out for the plan for airing future announcements. Please contact Susan Jagerson in the Division of Communications and Marketing if you have any questions.

The McCain Performance Series will end the semester with Cirque Dreams Illumination at 7:30 p.m. 1xbet online casino , Dec. 8, in McCain Auditorium.

The show is appropriate for the entire family. It blends imagination, theatrical innovation and illuminating presentation into a story that turns a city of everyday people, workers and pedestrians into feats of disbelief.

Cirque Dreams Illumination features 27 world-class artists as they illuminate objects, balance on wires and leap structures. Performers redefine flight with entertaining variety, comedy and extraordinary occurrences that reinvent ordinary life.

Urban acrobatics, choreography and illusions are enhanced by special effects performed to an original score of jazz, salsa, ballroom, pop and trendy musical beats.

Tickets are on sale now at for 1xbet online casino students and for the general public. Discounts for 1xbet online casino faculty and staff, military, and children are also available. Tickets can be purchased at the McCain Auditorium box office, 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays, or by calling 785-532-6428. More information is available online at http://www.1xbet online casino edu/mccain.

The performance will be preceded by Cirque McCain, a free children's event from 6-7 p.m. at the 1xbet online casino Student Union. Activities will include crafts, games, refreshments and circus-themed entertainment.

Creative writing students will share their literary responses to the &1xbet online casino ;Material Evidence&1xbet online casino ; exhibition now on display at the Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art. The presentation starts at 3:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 3, at the museum.

The readings are distinctive because they will not be read in a lecture setting. Instead, students will stand by their chosen art pieces and deliver their responses in poem, short fiction or lyric essay form. 1xbet online casino will help listeners understand the sound of the readers' language in relation to the texture and color of the artwork.

&1xbet online casino ;This is an especially exciting opportunity for creative writing students because the whole premise of the show highlights the importance of a viewer's bodily perception of each piece,&1xbet online casino ; said Elizabeth Dodd, university distinguished professor of English and director of the creative writing program. &1xbet online casino ;The media in the show include LED panels, old records, sewing pins -- not just the familiar media of paint and canvas or photograph and paper.&1xbet online casino ;

The creative writing presentations are free and open to the public. For more information, contact Martha Scott, Beach Museum of Art, at 785-532-7718, or drop by the museum on the southeast corner of the 1xbet online casino campus at 14th Street and Anderson Avenue. Free visitor parking is available next to the building. Normal museum hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday and noon to 5 p.m. Sundays. The museum is closed Mondays and Tuesdays.

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