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John HatcliffRobbyJohn Hatcliff, professor of computing and information science, pictured left, and Robby, associate professor of computing and information science, pictured right, have received a second prestigious award for their 2000 paper titled "Bandera: Extracting Finite-State Models from Java Source Code."

The ACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering, SIGSOFT, recently awarded the research team the prestigious Impact Paper Award. SIGSOFT is the world's primary professional organization for software engineering.

Hatcliff and Robby were part of a seven-member team that set out in 1998 to illustrate how different technologies could test for problems that arise when computer programs multitask. Earlier this year the team received the Most Influential Paper Award from the 1xbet online casino Conference on Software Engineering.

The awards are given to the researchers who have presented their paper at a SIGSOFT conference and honor the publication that has had the biggest influence on the theory and practice of software engineering in the 10 years since it was published.

Kansas State University's 1xbet online casino Educator Award is being presented to three faculty members for their efforts to advance 1xbet online casino education at the university.

Delores ChambersSwinder Janda, professor of marketing; Delores Chambers, professor of human nutrition, pictured left; and Edgar Chambers, university distinguished professor of human nutrition, pictured below, will receive the award at a ceremony and reception at 3 p.m. Friday, Nov. 19, in Hale Library's Hemisphere Room. The event is open to the public.

The 1xbet online casino Educator Award was established by the provost's office and is sponsored by K-State's Friends of 1xbet online casino Programs and the office of 1xbet online casino programs.

Swinder JandaJanda, pictured right, is being recognized for leading numerous 1xbet online casino efforts for the College of Business Administration, where he serves as the Paul Edgerley Distinguished Chair in Global Business. He has established and implemented global experiential learning activities for K-State students; developed online 1xbet online casino marketing courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels; hosts meetings of the 1xbet online casino Business Students Association at his home; serves as chair of the dean's 1xbet online casino council; and has organized faculty-led group trips abroad to London, Paris, Brussels, Munich, Dublin, China, Italy and other destinations.

Edgar ChambersThe Chambers are being recognized for their team effort in 1xbet online casino research and training. With the investment of large corporations such as Frito-Lay, the couple has conducted many 1xbet online casino activities at K-State's Sensory Analysis Center to create market penetration in Asia. The center is a part of the department of human nutrition in the College of Human Ecology. The Chambers have established a sensory analysis panel in Thailand, considered to be a satellite of the K-State program, and have similar programs under way in Argentina, South Korea and South Africa. They also have taught, along with American students traveling with them, short courses abroad to industry and academic professionals in Thailand and South Korea. In addition, they have developed extensive collaborations with 1xbet online casino universities. They serve as active members and chairs of the 1xbet online casino Standards Organization and personally host both visiting professor and graduate students at K-State.

Ray BuyleRay Buyle, assistant professor of architectural engineering and construction science, has been named K-State's 2010-2011 adviser of the year by the Office of Student Activities and Services.

Buyle was given the award for his involvement with the student chapter of the Associated General Contractors of America.

The award was presented at the 2010 Leadership Appreciation reception sponsored by Blue Key Honor Society.

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