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Exhibition: Anniversaries 3
Weekdays through Dec. 24, Hale Library Special Collections Gallery. A triple celebration to commemorate the centennials of the department of grain science and industry and the A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications, and the 40th anniversary of McCain Auditorium, including historical photographs, documents and publications.

Exhibition: Alumni Honoree Exhibit
Weekdays, Nov. 1 through Nov. 19. Chang Gallery, Seaton Hall. 2010 Alumni Honorees are Chris Fein (architecture, class of 2000), Ryan Fronick (interior architecture and product design, class of 2000), and Eric Taylor (landscape architecture/regional and community planning, class of 2000).

NOV. 10
Student Recital Series: Bassoon Studio of Susan Maxwell
7:30 p.m., All Faiths Chapel. Sponsored by the department of music.

Conference: Principal-Counselor-Community College
1:15-2:15 p.m., 1xbet best casino website Student Union. High school and community college representatives will be visiting campus. 1xbet best casino website students will have the opportunity to visit with former high school administrators to discuss their academic preparation for college. Sponsored by New Student Services.

Sessions: Faculty and Graduate Student Library Days
1:30-4:30 p.m., Hale Library. Three one-hour sessions on various topics highlighting faculty and graduate student research needs and multidisciplinary resources. Session descriptions and more information can be found at http://www.lib.1xbet best casino website edu/depts/libinst/facultyclasses.html. Sponsored by 1xbet best casino website Libraries department of faculty and graduate services.

NOV. 11
Performance Series: Manasse-Nakamatsu Duo
7:30 p.m., All Faiths Chapel. Chamber music from award-winning piano and clarinet duo. Ticket information can be found at http://www.1xbet best casino website edu/mccain/, or by calling 785-532-6428.

Theater: Little Shop of Horrors
7:30 p.m., McCain Auditorium. Buy tickets online at http://cstd.1xbet best casino website edu/Theatre/index.html#buytickets, or call the box office at 785-532-6428. Presented by the 1xbet best casino website theater program.

IT Training: Basic Forms in Access 2007
1-3 p.m., 301 Hale Library. This session will cover designing forms with an eye toward data entry and printablility. Presented by the Information Technology Assistance Center. Open to all 1xbet best casino website faculty and staff. Register online at http://www.1xbet best casino website edu/its/training/events.html

TechBytes: Presentation Tools
1:30-2:30 p.m. 501 Hale Library. Designing effective presentations; demos of Prezi and PowerPoint 2010. Presented by TechBytes. Open to all 1xbet best casino website faculty and staff.

Presentation: Thrifty Gifting by Kyle Landau
4:30-5:30 p.m., 212 1xbet best casino website Student Union. Don't overlook holiday gift expenses. Learn how to effectively and proactively give appropriate gifts that fit within your college budget. Sponsored by the Powercat Financial Counseling Student Advisory Board.

Sessions: Faculty and Graduate Student Library Days
9 a.m. to noon, Hale Library. Three one-hour sessions on various topics highlighting faculty and graduate student research needs and multidisciplinary resources. Session descriptions and more information can be found at http://www.lib.1xbet best casino website edu/depts/libinst/facultyclasses.html. Sponsored by 1xbet best casino website Libraries department of faculty and graduate services.

Sessions: Faculty and Graduate Student Library Days
1:30-4:30 p.m., Hale Library. Three one-hour sessions on various topics highlighting faculty and graduate student research needs and multidisciplinary resources. Session descriptions and more information can be found at http://www.lib.1xbet best casino website edu/depts/libinst/facultyclasses.html. Sponsored by 1xbet best casino website Libraries department of faculty and graduate services.

NOV. 12
Film: Inception
8 p.m., Forum Hall, 1xbet best casino website Student Union. Admission . Sponsored by the Union Program Council.

Theater: Little Shop of Horrors
7:30 p.m., McCain Auditorium. Buy tickets online at http://cstd.1xbet best casino website edu/Theatre/index.html#buytickets, or call the box office at 785-532-6428. Presented by the 1xbet best casino website theater program.

IT Training: Basic Reports in Access 2007
1-3 p.m., 301 Hale Library. This session will cover basic reporting options from within Access. This will include when to base reports on a table vs. on a query. Open to all 1xbet best casino website faculty and staff. Presented by the Information Technology Assistance Center. Register at http://www.1xbet best casino website edu/its/training/events.html.

NOV. 13
Film: Inception
7 and 10 p.m., Forum Hall, 1xbet best casino website Student Union. Admission . Sponsored by the Union Program Council.

Theater: Little Shop of Horrors
7:30 p.m., McCain Auditorium. Buy tickets online at http://cstd.1xbet best casino website edu/Theatre/index.html#buytickets, or call the box office at 785-532-6428. Presented by the 1xbet best casino website theater program.

NOV. 14
Film: Inception
8 p.m., Forum Hall, 1xbet best casino website Student Union. Admission . Sponsored by the Union Program Council.

University Ensemble: Collegium Musicum
3 p.m., St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 601 Poyntz. Thomas Bell, conductor. Sponsored by the department of music.

Theater: Little Shop of Horrors
2:30 p.m., McCain Auditorium. Buy tickets online at http://cstd.1xbet best casino website edu/Theatre/index.html#buytickets, or call the box office at 785-532-6428. Presented by the 1xbet best casino website theater program.

NOV. 15
Lecture: Siv Helene Stangeland and Reinhard Kropfare (Helen and Hard)
4-5:30 p.m., Little Theatre, 1xbet best casino website Student Union. Sponsored by the College of Architecture, Planning and Design.

Exhibition: Jilin University Artists and Musicians
TBA, International Grain Science and Industry Complex. The exhibition includes two art exhibitions and a musical performance with traditional Chinese instruments. Free and open to the public. Sponsored by the Office of International Programs and Friends of International Programs.

Performance: ArcAttack
8 p.m., Bosco Student Plaza, 1xbet best casino website Student Union (in case of inclement weather, the event will be held in the Union Ballroom). ArcAttack was seen on America's Got Talent. Sponsored by the Union Program Council.

Lecture: Visiting Artist Jim Campbell
1:30-3 p.m., Beach Museum of Art. Campbell's work is included in the "Material Evidence" exhibition.

Fair: All Things International
11 a.m.-2 p.m., 1xbet best casino website Student Union Courtyard. The Office of International Programs coordinates a one-day event called, All Things International, an opportunity for all businesses, organizations, clubs and individuals to host an information table and raise awareness of international events, initiatives and opportunities offered on and off the campus. This year's event will help kick off International Education Week. Please contact Kathleen Witcher at kwitcher@1xbet best casino website edu or 785-532-5444 to reserve your table.

NOV. 16
Film: God Grew Tired of Us
7 p.m., Forum Hall, 1xbet best casino website Student Union. Free Admission. Sponsored by the Union Program Council.

University Ensemble: 1xbet best casino website Percussion Ensemble
7:30 p.m., McCain Auditorium. Kurt Gartner, director. Sponsored by the department of music.

Show: Fair Trade Fashion Show
Time TBA, 1xbet best casino website Student Union Courtyard. The fashion show event will be used to promote items that will be available at the Fair Trade Marketplace on November 17-18. Sponsored and coordinated by the 1xbet best casino website Fair Trade Advocates.

Film: God Grew Tired of Us
7 p.m., 1xbet best casino website Student Union, Forum Hall. The 2006 documentary, directed by Christopher Dillon Quinn and Tommy Walker, tells the journey of four boys from Sudan who embark on a journey to America after years of wandering Sub-Saharan Africa in search of safety. Co-sponsored by 1xbet best casino website Friends of International Programs, Union Program Council, International Coordinating Council and African Student Union.

NOV. 17
Lecture: Living and Learning for a Semester in the Italian Hill Town of Orvieto by Don and Carol Watts
11:45 a.m., luncheon (reservations required), 12:15 p.m., lecture, Holiday Inn ballroom. Luncheon is . Sponsored by the Friends of International Programs.

Lecture: Bowman Forum Lecture by Kirsten R. Murray and Les Eerkes
5:30-7 p.m., Forum Hall, 1xbet best casino website Student Union. Sponsored by the College of Architecture, Planning and Design.

Student Recital Series: Organ Music for a Wednesday Morning
11:30 a.m., All Faiths Chapel. Sponsored by the department of music.

Student Recital Series: Horn Studio of Jacqueline Fassler-Kerstetter
7:30 p.m., All Faiths Chapel. Sponsored by the department of music.

Shop: Fair Trade Market Place
Noon to 7 p.m., 1xbet best casino website Student Union Courtyard. Sponsored by Fair Trade Advocates.

NOV. 18
Student Recital Series: General Student Recital
11:30 a.m., All Faiths Chapel. Sponsored by the department of music.

Early Music Festival: Music History Students of Nora Lewis with the 1xbet best casino website Collegium Musicum
7:30 p.m., All Faiths Chapel. Thomas Bell, conductor. Sponsored by the department of music.

Ladies Night: Sumi Brush Painting
6-8 p.m., Beach Museum of Art. View brush paintings by Yoonmi Nam, learn some basic techniques of sumi brush painting and create seasonal cards. Luscious desserts are included. per person, space limited, reservations required.

IDT Roundtable Series for Faculty: Dramatized Videos for Higher Education
11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., 212 1xbet best casino website Student Union. Learn how to effectively use dramatized videos in the classroom to both explain things and keep the class engaged.

Shop: Fair Trade Marketplace
10 a.m. to 7 p.m., 1xbet best casino website Student Union Courtyard. Sponsored and coordinated by Fairtrade Advocates.

Lecture: The Sudanese Lost Boys in the U.S. by Danvas Mabeya
4:00 p.m., 212 1xbet best casino website Student Union. This lecture's content will complement the film from Tuesday, God Grew Tired of Us. Sponsored and coordinated by 1xbet best casino website international student and scholar services.

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