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Exhibition: College of Architecture, Planning and Design Academic Internship Exhibit
Weekdays through Oct. 29, Chang Gallery, Seaton Hall. Projects by student participants in the spring and summer 2010 academic internship programs.

Exhibition: Anniversaries 3
Weekdays through Dec. 24, Hale Library Special Collections Gallery. A triple celebration to commemorate the centennials of the department of grain science and industry and the A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications, and the 40th anniversary of McCain Auditorium, including historical photographs, documents and publications.

Exhibition: Alumni Honoree Exhibit
Weekdays, Nov. 1 through Nov. 19. Chang Gallery, Seaton Hall. 2010 Alumni Honorees are Chris Fein (architecture, class of 2000), Ryan Fronick (interior architecture and product design, class of 2000), and Eric Taylor (landscape architecture/regional and community planning, class of 2000).

Oct. 27
Student Recital Series: Organ Music for a Wednesday Morning
11:30 a.m., All Faiths Chapel. 1xbet online casino department of music.

Guest Artist: Carina Nyberg Washington, Clarinet
7:30 p.m., All Faiths Chapel. 1xbet online casino department of music.

University Ensemble: 1xbet online casino Jazz Bands
7:30 p.m., Forum Hall, 1xbet online casino Student Union. Wayne Goins, director. Sponsored by the department of music.

IDT Roundtable Series for Faculty: Prezi: Single Canvas, Dynamic Design, Presentation Pizzazz
11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., 212 1xbet online casino Student Union. Learn about a new presentation program called Prezi by participating in discussions, seeing demos, and sharing teaching ideas.

Oct. 28
Lecture: Dig Deep by Lucinda Sanders
3:30-5 p.m., Little Theater, 1xbet online casino Student Union. Free and open to the public. Sponsored by the College of Architecture, Planning and Design.

Session: SafeZone Networking
1 to 3 p.m., 213 1xbet online casino Student Union. Come to this fun networking session to catch up with other SafeZone allies. Feel free to come and join in even if you haven't taken a training yet! You can learn more about the SafeZone program and find out what the trainings are all about. For more information, go to http://www.1xbet online casino edu/safezone.

UPC Children's Carnival: Cars in the Big Apple.
6-8 p.m., Courtyard, 1xbet online casino Student Union. Sponsored by the Union Program Council.

Lecture: Charles "Chuck" Simmons, Kansas Department of Corrections
6:30 p.m., 213 1xbet online casino Student Union. Simmons will speak on the importance of the criminal justice system and the role of the Kansas Department of Corrections. The presentation is open to the public.

Student Recital Series: Tuba/Euphonium Ensemble and Clarinet Ensemble
11:30 a.m., All Faiths Chapel. Steven Maxwell and Tod Kerstetter, conductors. 1xbet online casino department of music.

Workshop: Looking at Art with Children Workshop for Educators and Parents: Understanding Media and Message
6:30-8 p.m., Beach Museum of Art. Help children learn how to understand the message in works of art. Discussion will include how artists, illustrators and graphic designers use the elements of art to help communicate their message. Perfect for teachers, parents and home-school programs. Free childcare available by reservation. Funded by a grant from the Kansas Arts Commission.

TechBytes: Crowdsourcing
1:30-2:30 p.m., Forum Hall, 1xbet online casino Student Union. Crowdsourcing and online collaboration have proven to be an effective means of working together. A wide variety of free crowdsourcing tools are available to empower your students to collaborate and solve real problems. Presented by TechBytes. Open to all 1xbet online casino faculty/staff and students.

Lecture: Multiplicity, Intersectionality, and Decoloniality by Maria Lugones
5:30 p.m., Town Hall Room, Leadership Studies Building. Lugones' lecture will explore strategies for recognizing and resisting the interwoven violence of heterosexism, racism, cultural imperialism and global poverty. Free and open to the public. Sponsored by the Diversity Programming Committee and the 1xbet online casino Women's Studies Program.

Oct. 29
Lecture: Processes in Architecture by Mauricio Rocha
3:30 to 5 p.m., Little Theatre, 1xbet online casino Student Union. Sponsored by the College of Architecture, Planning and Design.

Lecture: Mortal Friends in Robin and Gandelyn and the Medieval Robin Hood Ballads by Chris Chism
4 p.m., 017, English/Counseling Services. Chism is a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles. 1xbet online casino English department.

Theater: Crimes of the Heart
7:30 p.m., Purple Masque Theater, East Stadium. The plays of the Purple Masque Theater are produced, designed and performed by 1xbet online casino theater students. Tickets are for students and for adults and can be purchased at the McCain Box Office or by calling 785-532-6428. Presented by the theater program.

Event: Trick-or-Treat in Aggieville
3 to 5:30 p.m., Aggieville. Bring your kids down to the 'Ville for some free, safe and fun trick-or-treating! Part of homecoming week. Sponsored by the 1xbet online casino Alumni Association.

Parade: Homecoming Parade
5 p.m., starting at Poyntz Avenue at Manhattan Town Center. Manhattan community and 1xbet online casino students show off their parade entries and Homecoming floats. Part of Homecoming Week. Sponsored by the 1xbet online casino Alumni Association.

Pep Rally: Homecoming Pep Rally
Immediately following parade, approx. 6:30 p.m., Larry Norvell Band Shell in City Park. Part of homecoming week. Sponsored by the 1xbet online casino Alumni Association.

After Hours: Freak Show
8 p.m. to midnight, courtyard, 1xbet online casino Student Union. Sponsored by the Union Program Council.

Dance: Residence Hall Homecoming Dance
9-11:45 p.m., Derby basketball courts. Join friends and fellow residents for a fun evening to celebrate homecoming week and build excitement for the game! Sponsored by the 1xbet online casino Alumni Association.

Film: The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Pre-show at 10:30 p.m., film at midnight. Ballroom, 1xbet online casino Student Union. Admission . Dress up. Prop bags provided. Sponsored by the Union Program Council.

University Ensemble: 1xbet online casino Singers
7:30 p.m., McCain Auditorium. Joshua Oppenheim and Julie Yu, directors. Admission is charged. 1xbet online casino department of music.

Concert: The ATMA Trio with Dr. Slawomir Dobrzanski, Piano; Dr. Blanka Bednarz, Violin; and Dr. Cheung Chau, Cello
7:30 p.m., Hemisphere Room, Hale Library. Part of the Hale Library Concert Series. They will be playing trios by Schubert and Korngold. For tickets, e-mail libfrnds@1xbet online casino edu. Sponsored by Friends of the 1xbet online casino Libraries.

Oct. 30
Presentation: The Tricky Wolves: How to Use Alcohol, Drugs, and Lies to Trick 1xbet online casino Women
7 p.m. Little Theater, 1xbet online casino Student Union. Presented by the 1xbet online casino Women's Center, the Leadership Studies students and the Sunflower Playback Troupe.

Theater: Crimes of the Heart
7:30 p.m., Purple Masque Theater, East Stadium. The plays of the Purple Masque Theater are produced, designed and performed by 1xbet online casino theater students. Tickets are for students and for adults and can be purchased at the McCain Box Office or by calling 785-532-6428. Presented by the theater program.

Film: Nightmare on Elm Street
7 and 9:30 p.m. Little Theater, 1xbet online casino Student Union. Admission . Sponsored by the Union Program Council.

Lecture-Recital: ETHEL (String Quartet) Presents: Present Beauty
7:30 p.m., Forum Hall, 1xbet online casino Student Union. This lecture-recital explores the concepts of time and continuity through music. Admission is free. Sponsored by the University Distinguished Lecturer Series, the department of music and the 1xbet online casino student chapter of ASTA.

Oct. 31
Film: Nightmare on Elm Street
8 p.m., Little Theatre, 1xbet online casino Student Union. Admission . Sponsored by the Union Program Council.

Guest Artist: William McMullen, Oboe
3 p.m., All Faiths Chapel. 1xbet online casino department of music.

Nov. 1
Lecture: Capitalism: The Only Moral Social System by Craig Biddle
7 p.m., 212 1xbet online casino Student Union. Lecture will be presented by Craig Biddle of the Ayn Rand Institute and editor of The Objective Standard. The lecture will be followed by Q&A and is free and open to the public. Sponsored by the Objectivist Club.

Faculty Artist: Reginald Pittman, Tenor
7:30 p.m., All Faiths Chapel. 1xbet online casino department of music.

Meeting: Midwest Sharing Meeting
1xbet online casino Student Union. Runs through Nov. 2. For more information, contact the Division of Continuing Education conference registration office at 785-532-5569.

Nov. 2
Student Recital Series: Saxophone Studio of Anna Marie Wytko
7:30 p.m., All Faiths Chapel. 1xbet online casino department of music.

Nov. 3
Program: Dealing With Threats on Campus
10 a.m. to noon, 213 1xbet online casino Student Union. Campus security and safety are important issues. SafeZone at Kansas State University aims to provide students with a safe environment and keeping students, parents and employees well informed about campus security. Find out how 1xbet online casino deals with threats on campus. Register at http://www.1xbet online casino edu/safezone.

Lecture: Black and White and Read All Over: Diversity and Inequity in Children's Publishing by Cheryl Klein, Scholastic Books
4 p.m., 212 1xbet online casino Student Union. Sponsored by the department of English.

Nov. 4
Program: Employee Orientation Program
8:30-10:30 a.m. for classified staff and 9:30-11:30 a.m. for unclassified staff and faculty, 103 Edwards Hall. The program is designed to welcome and orient new faculty and staff members to 1xbet online casino . See the enrollment requirements at http://www.1xbet online casino edu/hr/benefits/enroll.html. 1xbet online casino Division of Human Resources.

Lecture: Brett Clark, Riley County Community Corrections
6:30 p.m., North Dining, 1xbet online casino Student Union. Clark will speak on the importance of the criminal justice system and the role of community corrections. The presentation is open to the public.

University Ensemble: 1xbet online casino Brass Ensemble
7:30 p.m., All Faiths Chapel. Andrew Feyes, conductor. 1xbet online casino department of music.

Program: Dining Etiquette
5:30-8:30 p.m., Derby Dining Center Gold Room. Learn how to make a positive impression when your interview includes a meal. Professional business attire is required. The cost is per person (or for students with a meal plan). Reservations must be made by 5 p.m. Oct. 29 through CES in Holtz Hall. Promoted by Career and Employment Services.

Conference: Technology Applications in the Classroom Presented by Howard Pitler
1xbet online casino Student Union. Part of the 2010-2011 CPSI Conference Series. For more information, contact the Division of Continuing Education conference registration office at 785-532-5569.

TechBytes: Digital Cameras
1:30-2:30 p.m., 501 Hale Library. What's available and tips on how to better use them. Presented by TechBytes. Open to all 1xbet online casino faculty/staff and students.

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