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Dear faculty and 1xbet best casino website ,

Obviously, a Thursday evening game poses some unique challenges for our academic schedule. We want to be very clear that our academic class schedule 1xbet best casino website not be changed due to the football game. Classes 1xbet best casino website be in session as usual for the entire day, as 1xbet best casino website evening classes. All classified and nonclassified staff members are expected to maintain their normal working hours.

Traffic on and around campus, particularly near the stadium, 1xbet best casino website be heightened as fans arrive for the game. We have been informed by athletics that normal football gameday parking procedures 1xbet best casino website be in place for lots at the stadium and the auxiliary lots located along Kimball Avenue, at the recreation complex and north of the fire station on Denison Avenue. Football parking 1xbet best casino website open at 1:30 p.m., five hours prior to kickoff.

In order to accommodate faculty, staff and students, the parking lots at the College of Veterinary Medicine 1xbet best casino website be available for class parking only and not available for football gameday usage.

All faculty, staff and students are asked to be aware and allow extra time and caution as they move about campus that afternoon and evening. Safety for all 1xbet best casino website and Nebraska fans is important.

We are 1xbet best casino website forward to a great football game. Go Cats!

As the autumn air starts to get chillier, the Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art is the place to be. The museum 1xbet best casino website have a variety of workshops and events for all ages during October, including:

* Gallery Talk, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 8. Artists Allan deSouza, Jane Lackey and Erwin Redl will discuss their work, &1xbet best casino website ;Material Evidence.&1xbet best casino website ; DeSouza is a San Francisco-based multimedia artist. His photographs, texts, installations and performances examine in humorous and disquieting ways the relationship between the individual body and larger ideological and historical forces. Jane Lackey is a visual artist from Santa Fe, N.M. Her works on paper, paintings and installations take their form in relationship to subjects that arise from our physical systems. Austrian-born artist Erwin Redl uses LEDs as an artistic medium. Working in both two and three dimensions, his works redefine interior and exterior spaces.

* Screening of &1xbet best casino website ;William Kentridge: Anything is Possible,&1xbet best casino website ; 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 13. In partnership with Art21 Inc., view a sneak preview of the new Art21 documentary about the life and work of South African artist William Kentridge. Discussion after the screening will be led by the museum's curatorial staff, Bill North and Elizabeth Seaton. Kathrine Schlageck, the museum's senior educator, will offer a tour of &1xbet best casino website ;Material Evidence,&1xbet best casino website ; relating the exhibition to the work of Kentridge, for those who wish to stay. Bring your own lunch; beverages and dessert will be provided.

* Looking at Art with Children Workshop for Educators and Parents: Understanding Media and Message, 6:30-8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 28. Help children learn how to understand the message in works of art. Discussion 1xbet best casino website include how artists, illustrators and graphic designers use the elements of art to help communicate their message. Reservations are requested and can be made by calling 785-532-7718. Free child care is available by reservation. The event is funded by a grant from the Kansas Arts Commission.

All events are open to the 1xbet best casino website and free unless otherwise noted. The complete fall calendar of events can be found at http://beach.1xbet best casino website edu/.

For more information, contact Martha Scott at the Beach Museum of Art at 785-532-7718, or drop by the museum on the southeast corner of the 1xbet best casino website campus at 14th Street and Anderson Avenue. Free visitor parking is available next to the building. Normal museum hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday and noon to 5 p.m. Sundays. The museum is closed Mondays and Tuesdays.

Dining services served up the first-place entry in the 2010 Most Innovative Nutrition Program contest, sponsored by the National Association of College and 1xbet best casino website Food Services, also known as NACUFS.

Members of the dining services management staff represented 1xbet best casino website at the association's recent national convention in San Jose, Calif., where winners were recognized in the 37th annual Loyal E. Horton Dining Awards and in the Most Innovative Nutrition Program contest. 1xbet best casino website also took second place in the Best Vegan Recipe contest.

Housing and dining services has participated in the National Association for College and 1xbet best casino website Food Services' competitions for more than a decade and has consistently placed in award categories.

1xbet best casino website 's winning entry in the nutrition program contest was Dinner with the Dietitian, which was designed by dining services' Mission Nutrition Committee.

&1xbet best casino website ;It is the highest award present by NACUFS to honor Loyal Horton, one of its founding members,&1xbet best casino website ; said John Pence, interim director of housing and dining services. &1xbet best casino website ;NACUFS is made up of more than 600 member schools, and it is quite an honor to selected as one of the best in the business.&1xbet best casino website ;

&1xbet best casino website ;For six months in a row we sponsored a meal that included nutrition-related information and displays to help students learn more about food and making better food choices from a nutrition and health perspective,&1xbet best casino website ; said Sheryl Klobasa, director of K-State Kramer Dining Center. Klobasa is a registered and licensed dietitian and a member of the Mission Nutrition Committee.

“Meal themes included Local Cuisine … Life in the Fresh Lane, La Mexicana Cocina Fresca, and What's on Your Plate … Power Over Portion Size, to name a few,&1xbet best casino website ; Klobasa said. &1xbet best casino website ;We more than met our goal of having a minimum of 20 percent participation based on all the students who ate in the dining center on our special meal evenings.&1xbet best casino website ;

Entries were judged by last year's winner 1xbet best casino website Washington State University. Criteria included marketing and advertising, program content, creativity, and customer feedback and evaluation.

As the 2010 winner, K-State 1xbet best casino website judge the contest in 2011.

In addition to the first-place win, Fern Mayfield's recipe for vegetable and tofu jambalaya took second place in the Best Vegan Recipe contest. Mayfield is the recipe system/test kitchen manager for 1xbet best casino website dining services.

The Great Plains Foodways Connection, a website just launched at 1xbet best casino website , explores the food heritage of Kansas and other Great Plains states and celebrates their contributions to the American culinary tapestry.

1xbet best casino website is available at http://greatplainsfoodways.com.

Historic foodways on the prairie paints vivid scenes of endurance and tenacity: pioneer women baking dust-flecked biscuits over buffalo chip fires along the trail, frowning cowboys grown weary of bacon and beans, settlers eating in sod houses, sheets hung on the ceiling to keep dirt from falling in the vittles, according to Jane P. Marshall, who teaches Development of American Cuisine at 1xbet best casino website and is creator and editor of the site.

Celebrations demonstrated the same hearty spirit, Marshall 1xbet best casino website .

A barrel of seaweed-packed oysters helped cowboys mark Saturday night; a pound party welcomed a 1xbet best casino website pastor; box dinners sold to the highest bidder raised money for a 1xbet best casino website school.
Foodways is about how people procured, prepared and ate their food, Marshall 1xbet best casino website . It's about the choices they made and what affected those choices.

The purpose of the Great Plains Foodways Connection is threefold, Marshall 1xbet best casino website .

&1xbet best casino website ;First, we want to preserve the stories of the past because they are entertaining, yes. But by
understanding what our ancestors did to get, cook and eat their food, we can better understand ourselves and the future,&1xbet best casino website ; she said.

&1xbet best casino website ;The saying goes 'You are what you eat.' Actually, you are what your family ate. And your family's food choices were guided by their beliefs, their heritage, where they lived and their access to technology,&1xbet best casino website ; Marshall said.

In early Kansas, travelers and settlers brought with them a myriad of tastes and social and cultural traditions 1xbet best casino website all over the world.

Marshall pointed to examples. Volga Germans, settling in Ellis County put bierocks, kolaches and other breads on the Kansas table; former slaves added fried chicken and spicy stews, Southern adaptations of the foods of 1xbet best casino website African homeland; Swedes piled on a smorgasbord of preserved seafood, meats and breads.

Second, the connection 1xbet best casino website be a repository of research by students, faculty and others around the region who explore food, Marshall said.

For example, the site has information on historic rural Kansas cookbooks; a student paper on Fred Harvey, who brought white tablecloth hospitality -- and the Harvey girls -- to the Plains; and recipes 1xbet best casino website Clementine Paddleford, the groundbreaking food journalist who grew up in Kansas.

Third, Marshall said, &1xbet best casino website ;The website is a place where Kansans can tell their own food stories and submit recipes that have been in their families for generations.&1xbet best casino website ; Several on the site were collected by Marshall's students.

&1xbet best casino website ;I hope this website will be the impetus for many in learning more about our Kansas food heritage and the incredible people who live in this state,&1xbet best casino website ; said Deb Canter, professor in hospitality management and dietetics who worked with Marshall on developing the site.

&1xbet best casino website ;Food is such an integral part of who we are as individuals and who we are as Kansans. We use food in so many ways beyond just bodily nourishment -- to show love, to share our heritage, to give comfort, to celebrate,&1xbet best casino website ; Canter said.

&1xbet best casino website ;Jane's contributions, as a food historian, a journalist and an educator, have been invaluable. Developing this site has been a labor of love for us both, and we look forward to seeing it grow in scope, depth and usefulness as a research and education tool,&1xbet best casino website ; Canter said.

The development grant came from 1xbet best casino website 's Center for Engagement and Community Development, directed by David Procter, professor of communication studies.

&1xbet best casino website ;Jane's project is wonderful example of engaged work. She has connected student learning and her own research agenda to an important social issue -- food security and cultural development,&1xbet best casino website ; Procter said.

The website 1xbet best casino website lists ways to get involved in Great Plains Foodways Connection projects.

Charles J. &1xbet best casino website ;Chuck&1xbet best casino website ; Werring, assistant vice president for student life and director of housing and dining services, has announced his retirement effective December 2011.

&1xbet best casino website ;Dr. Chuck's leadership and vision in taking the 0 million Jardine project from the drawing board to reality made a huge positive impact not only on the north side of the K-State campus, but also with our traditional residence halls and dining services. It established his reputation as a visionary,&1xbet best casino website ; said Pat Bosco, vice president and dean of student life. &1xbet best casino website ;Additionally, I attribute K-State's incredibly stable housing operation to him.&1xbet best casino website ;

Werring 1xbet best casino website retain his assistant vice president title and work on several projects related to housing and dining services.

Bosco has appointed John Pence, associate director of housing and dining services, to be interim director of the department, effective immediately. A national search 1xbet best casino website start late this fall or in early spring 2011 to find a permanent director.

&1xbet best casino website ;I'm looking forward to my continuing involvement with housing and dining services, as well as the Division of Student Life, the K-State family and student leadership,&1xbet best casino website ; Werring said. &1xbet best casino website ;My passion hasn't changed since I joined K-State in 1990 as director of housing and dining services. As reported in the Collegian on Feb. 26, 1990, 'I'm going to put my jeans on, we're going to sit in the lobby … and say hey, what's on your mind.' I will never lose that passion for students.&1xbet best casino website ;

&1xbet best casino website ;We will be very fortunate to have Chuck's leadership over the next 15 months,&1xbet best casino website ; Bosco said. &1xbet best casino website ;Planning for Jardine Phase II gives us an opportunity to take advantage of his experience and leadership, and allows us to plan for the future.&1xbet best casino website ;

Werring was promoted to assistant vice president in 2005. Prior to joining 1xbet best casino website he had worked at Texas Tech University and the University of Georgia. He holds an Ed.D. degree from the University of Georgia, Athens. He earned both his bachelor's degree in biology and master's in student personnel in higher education from 1xbet best casino website .

Werring has received numerous awards and honors during his career, including the William B. Sweet Distinguished Service Award 1xbet best casino website the Upper Midwest Region-Association of College and University Housing Officers in 2007, and the James C. Grimm Leadership and Service Award in 2002 1xbet best casino website the Association of College and University Housing Officers-International, which he has served in many leadership roles.

1xbet best casino website is reviewing operating procedures with its TRIGA Mark II research reactor. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is also on campus conducting its own inspection.

The reactor has been shut down since Sept. 22 to complete the reviews. These activities stem from a senior reactor operator being exposed to minor amounts of radiation during a routine experiment. There was no health risk due to this incident, according to Ronald Bridges, 1xbet best casino website 's radiation safety officer. The radiation exposure to the operator was less than one receives during a typical CT scan.

Bridges said the NRC and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment were both notified. Follow-up efforts 1xbet best casino website include a rewrite of certain procedures, along with other actions as required.

1xbet best casino website 's research reactor supports academic and education programs, research, industrial services and outreach.

Dave Lewis, public address announcer for K-State football and men's basketball, 1xbet best casino website speak up for cancer research when he throws a 30th birthday party for the Johnson Center for Basic Cancer Research.

Lewis 1xbet best casino website host and emcee the Pink and Purple Polyester Party at 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 8, at the Houston Street Ballroom, 427 Houston St. The party is to raise funds for the center and celebrate the life of his late wife, Elena, who died of breast cancer nearly five years ago.

&1xbet best casino website ;I wanted to honor Elena by creating a scholarship endowment for cancer research in her name,&1xbet best casino website ; said Lewis, a member of the center's advisory council.

&1xbet best casino website ;This is very personal for our family because of Elena's fight against cancer and because two of her sisters are breast cancer survivors,&1xbet best casino website ; Lewis said. &1xbet best casino website ;Also, we all have daughters, and I want to support the center's mission to conquer cancer in our lifetime for their sakes.&1xbet best casino website ;

The party's theme is reflected in its name. Lewis said pink represents breast cancer, purple represents K-State and polyester represents the atmosphere he 1xbet best casino website create: the era of the late 1960s to early 1980s. Partygoers are encouraged to dress the era, but costumes are not required.

The party 1xbet best casino website feature music and dancing, Lewis' Game Show Road Show, a photo booth, elegant appetizers, a cash bar and more. The public is invited. Tickets are each and can be purchased using the reservation form at http://www.cancer.1xbet best casino website edu/news-events/170 or by calling 1xbet best casino website at 785-532-6705.

1xbet best casino website 's Johnson Center for Basic Cancer Research works to further the understanding of cancer by funding basic cancer research and by supporting higher education and public outreach. Its programs are made possible through private donations.

Donald M. Burland, former executive officer and acting director of the National Science Foundation's Division of Chemistry, will present &1xbet best casino website ;What Happened in That 'Warm Little Pond': The Search for the Molecular Origins of Life&1xbet best casino website ; at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 12, in the College Center Conference Room at Kansas State University at Salina.

His presentation is on the history of the quest for the origin of life and provides possible answers to common questions: 1xbet best casino website it ever be possible to know how life started? How can we determine when an area is worth investigating and when it is beyond current scientific prowess? What short-term advances 1xbet best casino website be made in this pursuit?

Burland received a doctorate in chemistry and physics 1xbet best casino website the California Institute of Technology. After a postdoctoral stint at the University of Leiden, The Netherlands, he joined IBM's Research Division where he served in various research and management positions for 26 years. 1xbet best casino website 1997 to 2005 he worked for National Science Foundation Division of Chemistry as executive officer and acting division director. He also was a consulting professor in the chemical engineering department at Stanford University. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society, and has been a member of the National Academy of Science's Chemical Sciences Roundtable and the American Chemical Society's International Affairs Committee.

The lecture is part of the American Chemical Society National Tour Speaker Presentation and is hosted by the American Chemical Society-Wichita section. 1xbet best casino website is free and open to the public.

Ladies are invited to enjoy lunch with friends as they learn about breast health and breast cancer at the Pink Power Luncheon for Breast Cancer Awareness 1xbet best casino website 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, Oct. 15, in the Landon Room at Manhattan's Holiday Inn at the Campus, 1641 Anderson Ave.

The featured speaker will be Suzanne Mayo-Theus, a cancer survivor and former Manhattan resident who is a doctoral candidate in Kansas State University's College of Human Ecology. She will present &1xbet best casino website ;Cancer and Families: Up Close and Personal.&1xbet best casino website ;

Mayo-Theus is now an assistant professor at Southern University at New Orleans, La., in the department of child development and family studies. She also is CEO of Mynette Management Company, a consulting firm specializing in government relations, fundraising, association management, marketing, public relations and event management. She previously served as national director of Black America Saves and as graduate coordinator of 1xbet best casino website Students Save, in conjunction with the America Saves national campaign.

Mayo-Theus has been an advocate for cancer patients and their families. She is the author of &1xbet best casino website ;Cancer and Families: Up Close and Personal,&1xbet best casino website ; an account of her tips for family members and friends of people who have cancer. A survivor herself, she provides audiences with sensitive and enlightening stories about cancer.

The event is free and includes a soup-and-salad lunch, souvenir goody bag and door prizes. Advance registration is required by Friday, 1xbet best casino website . 8, and can be made by contacting Marcia Locke at marcia@1xbet best casino website edu or 785-532-6705.

1xbet best casino website 's Johnson Center for Basic Cancer Research is coordinating this event with support from a small grant from Susan G. Komen for a Cure and assistance from American Cancer Society and the Kansas Early Detection Works program.

The K-State Criminology Club 1xbet best casino website host two presentations from prominent members of the Kansas criminal justice system in October.

Robert Blecha, director of the Kansas Bureau of Investigation, 1xbet best casino website present a lecture at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 13, in the Cottonwood Room at the K-State Student Union. Charles Simmons, deputy secretary for facilities management at the Kansas Department of Corrections, 1xbet best casino website speak at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 28, in 213 Union. Both events are free and open to the public, but seating reservations are requested to ensure all can be accommodated.

A Belleville native, Blecha has extensive experience in the criminal justice system. After serving two years in the U.S. Army, he was elected sheriff of Republic County at the age of 23, making him the youngest sheriff in the nation at the time. He was re-elected five times to the office. He has worked his way up within the justice system over the years, and was appointed director of the KBI in 2007. Blecha' s presentation 1xbet best casino website focus on the role of the KBI within the criminal justice system.

A K-State alumnus, Simmons has served 32 years in the Kansas Department of Corrections in various capacities, including as staff attorney, chief legal counsel, secretary of corrections and warden for the El Dorado Correctional Facility. He has served the last seven years in his current role as deputy secretary for facilities management, overseeing the state's eight correctional facilities. His presentation 1xbet best casino website discuss the Kansas Department of Corrections and its importance in the criminal justice system.

To reserve a seat at the presentations, please visit http://ksucrimclub.weebly.com/rsvp.html.

1xbet best casino website 's election season, and the Shawnee County Extension Master Gardeners program wants the public to vote -- and vote often -- for a special project that benefits Topeka and Shawnee County residents, as well as local and regional fruit and vegetable growers.

Shawnee County's Master Gardeners group, which is offered through Kansas State University Research and Extension, is seeking votes for a Pepsi Refresh Project grant to fund the Master Gardener Demonstration/Education Greenhouse. The project must be one of the two top vote-getters to receive a 0,000 grant 1xbet best casino website Pepsi.

&1xbet best casino website ;The Master Gardeners are looking to build a state-of-the-art greenhouse/education facility and training landscape next to the Shawnee County Extension Office in Topeka,&1xbet best casino website ; said Jamie Hancock, K-State Research and Extension horticulture agent in Shawnee County. &1xbet best casino website ;The greenhouse and landscaping will be used to teach and train people in Shawnee Country and surrounding areas. It will provide year-round opportunities for schools, clubs, community groups and local and regional growers to receive hands-on, research-based education.&1xbet best casino website ;

Voting can be found at http://www.Pepsi.com and runs through 1xbet best casino website . 31. People can vote up to three times a day using three methods: online at Pepsi.com; by text to the number posted by the project; and on Facebook by becoming friends with Pepsi.

For online voting, go to Pepsi.Com, click on &1xbet best casino website ;Vote Now&1xbet best casino website ; and then click on the &1xbet best casino website ;Browse Ideas and Vote&1xbet best casino website ; tab. At the very top of the page, type &1xbet best casino website ;Build a Master Gardener Demonstration/Education Greenhouse&1xbet best casino website ; in the search window. Click the search button and then the &1xbet best casino website ;Vote&1xbet best casino website ; tab for the project. Voters will be asked to sign in; voters must be 13 or older.

1xbet best casino website is among only nine schools from the U.S. selected to participate in an exclusive graduate student recruitment event in China.

Carol Shanklin, dean of the Graduate School, and Jishu Shi, associate professor of anatomy and physiology and director of the U.S.-China Center for Animal Health, 1xbet best casino website represent K-State at the China Scholarship Council's 2010 International Graduate Scholarship Fair, Oct. 15-23. The council is a branch of China's Ministry of Education and is responsible for government scholarships.

The fair gives select schools the chance to recruit top Chinese students who want to attend a graduate program overseas, said Shi, who initiated 1xbet best casino website 's opportunity to participate in the fair. Other U.S. schools invited to attend include Johns Hopkins University, Washington University, Emory University, University of Florida and Indiana University.

Shi said K-State has the opportunity to recruit the best students in China. &1xbet best casino website ;The Chinese government will provide significant scholarships to these students to attend high-quality graduate programs abroad,&1xbet best casino website ; he said.

The fair 1xbet best casino website be conducted at three Chinese universities: Renmin University of China in Beijing, Oct. 16-17; Xian Jiaotong University in Xian, Oct. 18-21; and Fundan University in Shanghai, Oct. 21-23. At each location Shanklin and Shi 1xbet best casino website provide information about key K-State graduate programs through one-on-one meetings with students and general seminars. K-State also is among four schools from the U.S. selected to make a presentation at the fair, which Shanklin 1xbet best casino website deliver.

Shanklin and Shi 1xbet best casino website be promoting some of K-State's top graduate programs, including programs in plant and animal diseases; ecology, ecological genomics and climate change; energy and sustainability; and food safety, security, and human health and well-being.

K-State currently has more than 190 graduate students from China, and Shanklin thinks the fair 1xbet best casino website help attract even more Chinese students to K-State.

&1xbet best casino website ;The fair provides an opportunity to promote our outstanding doctoral programs,&1xbet best casino website ; Shanklin said. &1xbet best casino website ;By interacting with prospective students we will be able to discuss the research being conducted by our graduate faculty and respond to their specific questions about what Kansas State University has to offer prospective doctoral students.

&1xbet best casino website ;Being invited to participate in this event will bring greater visibility to the unique opportunities we can provide graduate students, and it enhances prospective students' awareness of K-State,&1xbet best casino website ; she said.

While in China, Shi and Shanklin plan to visit with officials from the China Scholarship Council and the graduate school of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. They also 1xbet best casino website interact with prominent K-State alums who live in China to discuss more in-depth collaborations with the university.

The 1xbet best casino website study abroad office invites qualified 1xbet best casino website professors and instructors to design and teach faculty-led group study abroad programs for undergraduate and graduate students. The study abroad office assists faculty in program planning and administration through continuous support and service.

The deadline for programs that run only during the summer semester is Oct. 12, 2010 (A minimum of 5 credit hours is required for undergraduate 1xbet best casino website who wish to use federal financial aid for their study abroad experience.)

Due to 1xbet best casino website ISIS guidelines, on-time proposals are required. Early proposals are strongly encouraged.

Personal and professional benefits of teaching abroad include:

* Teaching in an experiential learning environment
* Unique student-1xbet best casino website relationship
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* Cultural immersion and learning
* Networking with 1xbet best casino website colleagues

Faculty who teach faculty-led group study abroad programs are eligible to receive salary or DRA. Faculty travel expenses are factored into the program budget (including airfare, lodging, meals, international medical insurance, in-country transportation, transportation to/1xbet best casino website U.S. point of
departure, 1xbet best casino website fees, etc.)

Steps to teaching a group study abroad program include:

1. Schedule a meeting with Rose Redington, 1xbet best casino website in study abroad
2. Review faculty leader handbooks and information on the study abroad 1xbet best casino website website: http://www.1xbet best casino website edu/studyabroad/facultyled
3. Complete program proposal materials and program budgets
4. Collaborate with the study abroad office for program 1xbet best casino website and implementation
5. Recruit 1xbet best casino website to participate in your program
6. Teach abroad and enjoy 1xbet best casino website experience!
7. Complete faculty leader program evaluation upon 1xbet best casino website return to the U.S.

Interested in becoming a 1xbet best casino website international educator? For more information, contact Rose Redington, coordinator of faculty services at rosered@1xbet best casino website edu or 785-532-1698

WOMEN OF 1xbet best casino website BROWN BAG BOWLING LUNCH
The Women of K-State's first brown bag bowling lunch event 1xbet best casino website be Wednesday, Oct. 13.

Bring your own lunch (or purchase it at the Union); beverages and dessert 1xbet best casino website be provided.

Come enjoy some time to network, as well as a little friendly competition, so mark 1xbet best casino website calendar. More details to come via e-mail in early October.

NEW FACEBOOK PAGE FOR 1xbet best casino website BOARD OF REGENTS
The Kansas Board of Regents has a new Facebook page. The page was created to enhance 1xbet best casino website public advocacy efforts by increasing awareness about the challenges facing public higher education in Kansas.

The board’s Facebook page is continuously updated with links to pertinent news articles. It 1xbet best casino website include updates throughout the upcoming 2011 state legislative session.

The page has already gained a healthy following, but the board encourages you to please help expand their audience. There are more than 200,000 1xbet best casino website , faculty and staff in our higher education system, and an increasing number of them are already on Facebook.

1xbet best casino website 's Facebook page can be found at http://www.facebook.com/pages/1xbet best casino website -KS/Kansas-Board-of-Regents/483694230310.

Log on and &1xbet best casino website ;LIKE&1xbet best casino website ; the Board of Regents Facebook page and then suggest to your Facebook friends that they do the same. This will help the board distribute news and timely updates to thousands across the system in a manner where people can easily digest the information and feel comfortable reading, discussing and sharing it.

In addition, since many of you already utilize Facebook, the Board of Regents would certainly welcome any suggestions/input you might have 1xbet best casino website what you would like to see posted on the page -- helpful information, interesting updates, etc. -- or how they could generally better utilize this important social media tool.

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