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Gerard Kluitenberg received the Don and Betty Kirkham Soil Physics Award from the Soil Science Society of America at the society's 2010 annual meeting.

Mick Charney presented &1xbet online sports betting ;The Architect, The Apprentice, His Wife, and Her Mother,&1xbet online sports betting ; annual conference of the Midwest Popular Culture Association/Midwest American Culture Association, Oct. 3, Minneapolis, Minn.

Hans Coetzee presented &1xbet online sports betting ;Evidence-Based Medicine for the Bovine Practitioner,&1xbet online sports betting ; CanWest Veterinary meeting, Oct. 3-4, Victoria, British Columbia.

David Anderson presented &1xbet online sports betting ;Bovine Surgery and Anesthesia,&1xbet online sports betting ; Southwest Veterinary Symposium, Sept. 25-27, Fort Worth, Texas.

Nicole M. Laster and colleague published &1xbet online sports betting ;Looking Across The Divide: Analyzing Cross-Disciplinary Approaches For Teaching Business Communication,&1xbet online sports betting ; Business Communication Quarterly, Vol. 73, No. 3.

Don Hedrick published &1xbet online sports betting ;Real Entertainment Sportification, Coercion, and Carceral Theater,&1xbet online sports betting ; Thunder at a Playhouse: Essaying Shakespeare and the Early Modern Stage, eds. Peter Kanelos and Matt Kozusko, Susquehanna University Press, 2010.

Philip Nel published &1xbet online sports betting ;Metafiction for Children: A User's Guide,&1xbet online sports betting ; a four-minute film, In Media Res, Sept. 3.

The following K-State faculty members presented at the seventh New World Luminescence Dating and Dosimetry Workshop, Sept. 23-25, Montréal, Québec:

Joel Spencer and colleagues presented &1xbet online sports betting ;Dating Deep: Luminescence Studies of Fault Gouge from the San Andreas Fault Zone 2.6 km Beneath Earth's Surface.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Yuxin Fan, Spencer and Charles (Jack) Oviatt, &1xbet online sports betting ;Timing of Latest Pleistocene to Early Holocene Regressive Phase of Lake Bonneville in the Sevier Subbasin: Luminescence Dating Feasibility and Characterization Studies.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Spencer, student and colleague presented &1xbet online sports betting ;Ground-Penetrating Radar Recognition and Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dating of a Holocene Alluvial Unconformity and Paleosol in the Upper Delaware River Valley, USA,&1xbet online sports betting ; Paleosols and SoilSurface Analog Systems, Society for Sedimentary Geology and National Science Foundation, Sept. 21-25, Petrified ForestNational Park, Arizona.

Thomas Bell published the book review &1xbet online sports betting ;Fear of Music: Why People Get Rothko But Don't Get Stockhausen,&1xbet online sports betting ; Music Library Association Notes, Vol. 67, No. 1.

Diane Swanson published &1xbet online sports betting ;Leading with Integrity: Strong Values Are the Foundation Building Blocks of a Sustainable Business,&1xbet online sports betting ; Kansas City Small Business magazine, Oct. 2010.

Emma Betz was selected to participate in the teacher workshop &1xbet online sports betting ;Strategies for Reforming the Business German Curriculum,&1xbet online sports betting ; Sept. 17-19, Georgetown University, Washington, DC.

David Smit, English; and Richard Hoag, architecture; presented &1xbet online sports betting ;Crossing Over: Teaching Writing in Practice in the Academy,&1xbet online sports betting ; 2010 biannual conference of the Design Communication Association, Sept. 11, Pray, Mont.

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