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Beach exhibition: 'outdoor/indoor/outdoor'
The exhibition is in the Stolzer Family Foundation gallery, located outside of the museum, but surrounded by walls. Artist Marc Berghaus' installation represents a house that is a part of nature. On display through Sept. 27.

Hale Library exhibition: 'The Boyd Family Legacy'
This exhibition consists of artifacts from the lives of one of 1xbet sports betting 's most illustrious families. On display in Hale Library's 5th floor gallery through Sept. 30.

Beach exhibition: 'Robert J. Lang: Insect Origami'
This exhibition features larger-than-life origami insects by Robert J. Lang. Organized in collaboration with the 1xbet sports betting Insect Zoo. On display at the Beach Museum of Art through Dec. 24.

Beach exhibition: 'Renewal: 1xbet sports betting Art Department Faculty Biennial'
This exhibition features work by 1xbet sports betting art department faculty over the past two years. On display through Dec. 24 at the Beach Museum.

Chang Exhibition: Study Abroad Exhibit
An exhibit of projects and activities completed by College of Architecture, Planning and Design students who participated in study abroad programs during spring and summer of 2009. On display in Seaton Hall's Chang Gallery and adjacent hallway through Oct. 9.

Sept. 24
McCain Performance Series: Jon Nakamatsu
7:30 p.m., McCain Auditorium. Nakamatsu rose to stardom in 1997 when he was named gold medalist of the 10th Van Cliburn International Piano Competition. At the time, he was a high school German language teacher without formal conservatory 1xbet sports betting . He is the only American to have received the Van Cliburn award since 1981. For tickets or information call 532-6428.

Presidential Inauguration of Kirk Schulz
2 p.m., Bramlage Coliseum. The inauguration of the 13th president of 1xbet sports betting , Kirk Schulz, is open to the public. A public reception will follow the ceremony.

Van 1xbet sports betting : Division of Facilities Van Operator 1xbet sports betting
9:30 to 11:30 a.m., 213 1xbet sports betting Student Union. This training is mandatory for anyone who will or might operate a motor pool vans owned by 1xbet sports betting . Register at http://www.1xbet sports betting edu/facilities/forms/signup.html

IT 1xbet sports betting : Transitioning from Microsoft Word 2003 to Word 2007
11 a.m. to noon, 401 Hale Library. This session will give you an overview of the new features in Word 2007. To register -- or for more information -- go to http://www.1xbet sports betting edu/infotech/training/registration.html

Sept. 25
Provost's Lecture Series: Mark Milliron
10:30 a.m., banquet rooms A and D, 1xbet sports betting Alumni Center. "A New Generation of Learning: Diverse Students, Emerging Technologies, and a Sustainability Challenge" will be presented by Mark Milliron.

2009 State of the University address
3:30 to 5 p.m., ballroom, 1xbet sports betting Alumni Center. 1xbet sports betting President Kirk Schulz will lay out his vision for the university's future.

IT 1xbet sports betting : Microsoft Word 2007 Mail Merge
1:30 to 3 p.m., 9 Fairchild Hall. Learn how to complete mail merges in Word 2007 for letters, mailing labels and other documents. To register -- or for more information -- go to http://www.1xbet sports betting edu/infotech/training/registration.html

Sept. 30
Public art workshop: 'Looking at Art with Children - Art and Science'
6:30 to 8 p.m., Beach Museum of Art. Using the works of origami artist Robert Lang, the Beach Museum of Art's Kathrine Schlageck will offer adults ideas about how to integrate science and art. This program is appropriate for anyone working with children. A separate children's workshop/activity will be available. Though the workshops are free, registration is requested at 532-7718.

IT Orientation: The Magic Behind the Curtain - The Educational Communications Center
2 to 3 p.m., 401 Hale Library. Curious about the ECC's broad capabilities and how they can help tell your story? The ECC is a full service media production facility providing services from design through distribution. Learn about high-end video production (in-studio and remote), broadcast and distribution options, integrating video and animation into multimedia applications, package and set design, interactive Web development and 1xbet sports betting TV. To register -- or for more information -- go to http://www.1xbet sports betting edu/infotech/training/registration.html

IT Training: Overview of the 1xbet sports betting Online Gradebook
10:30 to 11 a.m., 408 Hale Library. This session will teach you how to view assignments and related scores, raw and adjusted scores, and create individual student gradebooks, as well as set a grading scale and create grading rules. To register -- or for more information -- go to http://www.1xbet sports betting edu/infotech/training/registration.html

IT Training: 1xbet sports betting Online Manual and Online Assignments
11 a.m. to noon, 408 Hale Library. This session will teach you how to create assignments that can be manually scored, enter scores for in-class assignments and create multiple question types for online assignments. To register -- or for more information -- go to http://www.1xbet sports betting edu/infotech/training/registration.html

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