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Lauren W. Ritterbush recently completed the Manhattan Archaeological Survey for the city of Manhattan. In addition to a formal report of Phase I and Phase II archaeological survey results and recommendations, Ritterbush presented this research to the Historic Resources Board of the city of Manhattan, Aug. 10, and at a public presentation &1xbet online casino ;From Spear Points to Stone Fences,&1xbet online casino ; Aug. 13.

Johann Coetzee presented &1xbet online casino ;Comparison of Pre and Post Surgical Pharmacokinetics of Xylazine Ketamine of Butorphanol,&1xbet online casino ; American Association of Bovine Practitioners, Sept. 10, Omaha, Neb.

Chuck W. Martin published &1xbet online casino ;Recent Changes in Heavy Metal Storage in Flood-Plain Soils of the Lahn River, Central Germany,&1xbet online casino ; Environmental Geology, Vol. 58, No. 4.

Matt Brueseke presented &1xbet online casino ;Regional Implications of Silicic Magmatism in The Mid-Miocene Santa Rosa-Calico Volcanic Field, Nev.,&1xbet online casino ; and with student, &1xbet online casino ;Mid-Miocene Volcanism in Northeast Nevada: Spatial, Chemical, and Chronologic Significance of The Jarbidge Rhyolite,&1xbet online casino ; Geological Society of America Penrose Conference, Sept. 9-13.

Danielle Theiss-White and colleague published the chapter &1xbet online casino ;Gathering Leadership Momentum Across Great Distances -- Creating an Online Community of Practice,&1xbet online casino ; Strategies for Regenerating the Library and Information Profession,&1xbet online casino ; eds. Jana Varlejs and Lewis Liz, New York, 2009.

Kimberly Kirkpatrick and colleagues published &1xbet online casino ;The Effect of Changes in Criterion Value on Differential Reinforcement of Low Rate Schedule Performance,&1xbet online casino ; Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, Vol. 92.

Kirkpatrick and colleague presented &1xbet online casino ;The Effect of Changes in Reward Magnitude and Delay on Impulsive Behaviour in The Nucleus Accumbens Core,&1xbet online casino ; annual meeting of the psychobiology section of the British Psychological Society, Sept. 2-4, Windermere, England.

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