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Beach 1xbet sports betting : 'The Circus Comes to Town'
This 1xbet sports betting consists of 19 works from the museum's permanent collection, featuring acrobats, clowns and circus animals. On display in the Wefald Gallery of the Beach Museum of Art through Sept. 24.

Beach 1xbet sports betting : 'outdoor/indoor/outdoor'
The 1xbet sports betting is in the Stolzer Family Foundation gallery, located outside of the museum, but surrounded by walls. Artist Marc Berghaus' installation represents a house that is a part of nature. On display through Sept. 27.

Hale Library 1xbet sports betting : 'The Boyd Family Legacy'
This 1xbet sports betting consists of artifacts from the lives of one of K-State's most illustrious families. On display in Hale Library's 5th floor gallery through Sept. 30.

Beach 1xbet sports betting : 'Robert J. Lang: Insect Origami'
This 1xbet sports betting features larger-than-life origami insects by Robert J. Lang. Organized in collaboration with the K-State Insect Zoo. On display at the Beach Museum of Art through Dec. 24.

Beach 1xbet sports betting : 'Renewal: K-State Art Department Faculty Biennial'
This 1xbet sports betting features work by K-State art department faculty over the past two years. On display through Dec. 24 at the Beach Museum.

Chang 1xbet sports betting : Study Abroad Exhibit
An 1xbet sports betting of projects and activities completed by College of Architecture, Planning and Design students who participated in study abroad programs during spring and summer 2009. On display in Seaton Hall's Chang Gallery, and adjacent hallway, through Oct. 9.

Beach Museum: artist talk with Marc Berghaus
4:30 p.m., Beach Museum of Art. Artist Marc Berghaus will speak about the Beach Museum's "outdoor/indoor/outdoor" display.

TechBytes training: Teaching with Flash
1:30 to 2:30 p.m., 501 Hale Library. This one-hour seminar covers how to use Flash as a teaching tool. TechBytes seminars cover technology innovations. For more information, go to the TechBytes website at http://www.k-state.edu/techbytes/.

McCain performance series: The Second City
7:30 p.m., McCain Auditorium. The Second City, a comedy troupe known for hilarious satire and improvisational mayhem, returns to Manhattan as part of their 50th anniversary tour. For ticket or information call 532-6428.

IT Orientation: K-State Information Systems
2 to 3 p.m., 401 Hale Library. iSIS, the K-State Student Information System, and HRIS, the Human Resource Information System are two important systems you should know about. This session will cover what kinds of tasks each of these systems can handle. To register -- or for more information -- go to http://www.k-state.edu/infotech/training/registration.html

IT Training: Working with CSS in Dreamweaver
10 to 11:30 a.m., 202 Fairchild Hall. This session will give attendees hands-on practice in creating, attaching and applying cascading style sheets -- or CSS -- to Web pages using Dreamweaver, understanding the different panels used to work with CSS in Dreamweaver, as well as recognizing the type of style sheet or styles being viewed. Those attending should have experience with HTML, CSS and Dreamweaver. To register -- or for more information -- go to http://www.k-state.edu/infotech/training/registration.html

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