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Jianming Yu and colleagues published &1xbet online games login ;The Genetic Architecture of Maize Flowering Time,&1xbet online games login ; Science, Vol. 325, No. 5941.

Sung Kim, Hyoung-Mi Kim, Joel Sanneman, Daniel Marcus and Philine Wangemann published &1xbet online games login ;A Claudin-9-Based Ion Permeability Barrier is Essential for Hearing,&1xbet online games login ; Public Library of Science, Aug. 21.

Philip Nel presented &1xbet online games login ;The Obamafication of Children’s Literature: Representing the 44th U.S. President,&1xbet online games login ; 19th biennial conference of the International Research Society for Children’s Literature,Aug. 12, Frankfurt, Germany.

Robert D. Linder published &1xbet online games login ;The Heartbreak of World War I For Australian Baptists,&1xbet online games login ; Australian Baptists and World War I, ed. Michael Petras, Sydney: Baptist Historical Society of New South Wales, 2009.

Virginia Moxley and Sue Maes presented the pre-conference workshop &1xbet online games login ;Multi-Institution Online Courses and Programs,&1xbet online games login ; State Higher Education Executive Officers Higher Education Policy Conference, Aug. 11, Denver, Colo.

Saeed Khan, head of the department of engineering technology, was invited to participate in a workshop about successful articulation models between two-year and four-year technology programs. The Articulation of Technology Program Workshop, hosted by the National Science Foundation, was Aug. 14 in Baltimore, Md.

Satoris Culbertson and colleagues published &1xbet online games login ;High-involvement Work Practices: Are They Really Worth It?&1xbet online games login ; and &1xbet online games login ;Creating a Performance Incentive System: Can Risk, Distortion, and Manipulation Be Successfully Balanced?&1xbet online games login ; Academy of Management Perspectives, Vol. 23.

Donald Saucier and colleagues published &1xbet online games login ;Oppression Through Acceptance? Predicting Rape Myth Acceptance and Attitudes Toward Rape Victims,&1xbet online games login ; Violence Against Women, Vol. 15, No. 8.

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