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Sally Bailey published the chapter &1xbet best casino website ;Performance in Drama Therapy,&1xbet best casino website ; Current Approaches in Drama Therapy, 2nd edition, eds. Renee Emunah and David Johnson, Charles C. Thomas, publisher.

Bailey presented the seminar &1xbet best casino website ;Theory of Multiple Intelligences and Theater&1xbet best casino website ; and participated in the panels &1xbet best casino website ;Intergenerational Theater: Blending Ages/Creating Connections&1xbet best casino website ; and &1xbet best casino website ;Risking Innovation: Herding Elephants,&1xbet best casino website ; Association for Theatre in Higher Education Conference, Aug. 8-11, New York, N.Y.

Lisa M.B. Harrington presented &1xbet best casino website ;Local Concerns with Change and the Meaning of 'Sustainability' in Two Rural U.S. Counties,&1xbet best casino website ; 17th annual Colloquium of the International Geographical Union, Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems, July 13-18, Maribor, Slovenia.

Harrington was invited to serve on the international editorial board for the Journal for Geography, published by the department of geography at the University of Maribor, Slovenia.

Daryl Youngman published &1xbet best casino website ;Academic Libraries on the Front Lines: Advancing the Library through a Partnership with the U.S. Army,&1xbet best casino website ; College and Undergraduate Libraries, Vol. 16, No. 2-3.

Esther Swilley presented &1xbet best casino website ;Investigating Virtual World Dynamics Using AST: A Research Agenda,&1xbet best casino website ; 2009 World Marketing Congress, July 26, Oslo, Norway.

Donald Saucier and colleagues published &1xbet best casino website ;The Effects of Contact on Sexual Prejudice: A Meta-Analysis,&1xbet best casino website ; Sex Roles, Vol. 61.

Mary Cain and colleague published &1xbet best casino website ;Individual Differences in Response to Novelty and the Conditioned Locomotor Effects of Nicotine,&1xbet best casino website ; Behavioural Pharmacology, Vol. 20, No. 4.

Laszlo J. Kulcsar and student presented &1xbet best casino website ;Empty Fields: Farm Transition and Aging in Kansas,&1xbet best casino website ; annual meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, July 30-Aug. 2, Madison, Wis.

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