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New 1xbet online sports betting graduate certificate offered

K-State's department of horticulture, forestry and recreation resources and Division of Continuing Education 1xbet online sports betting offer a 16-credit hour graduate certificate program in horticultural therapy beginning this fall.

The program 1xbet online sports betting train professionals to use live plants and the growing environment to heal and rehabilitate people.

Candice Shoemaker, professor of horticulture and director of the program, said the new graduate certificate at 1xbet online sports betting was developed to meet the demand for distance learning programs in horticultural therapy, an emerging profession and practice.

Horticultural therapy is accepted as a viable treatment for individuals in places like vocational 1xbet online sports betting centers, rehabilitation hospitals, nursing homes, veterans' facilities, hospice, alcohol treatment centers and cancer treatment centers. It has been linked to positive outcomes like creating a sense of hope, reducing stress, developing social and cognitive skills and improving the quality of life in patients.

Most course work for the graduate certificate program 1xbet online sports betting be offered online, and the curriculum consists of five required graduate-level courses that may be applied to a K-State master's degree. More information is available at http://www.dce.1xbet online sports betting edu/ag/horticultural-therapy

1xbet online sports betting experts train Cochran Fellows from Egypt through Aug. 4

K-State experts in food safety and security 1xbet online sports betting train special visitors from Egypt on topics related to food safety policies.

K-State's Doug Powell, associate professor of food safety, and Justin Kastner, assistant professor of food safety and security, both in the department of diagnostic medicine and pathobiology in K-State's College of Veterinary Medicine, 1xbet online sports betting train five U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Cochran Fellows visiting from Egypt.

Instruction started July 23 and 1xbet online sports betting continue through Aug. 4 via lectures and with field trips in the Manhattan area. The sessions 1xbet online sports betting cover topics such as food safety-related legislation, foodborne illness prevention, international regulations and import-export controls.

The training sessions 1xbet online sports betting take place at the K-State Alumni Center, and the field trips 1xbet online sports betting include tours of facilities and food processing plants at K-State and in northeast Kansas. Kastner said the training is similar to the training that took place last summer with Cochran Fellows from Thailand.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Foreign Agricultural Service administers the Cochran Fellowship Program. It is U.S.-based and provides agricultural 1xbet online sports betting opportunities for senior and mid-level specialists and administrators. Countries must be classified as middle-income, an emerging democracy or an emerging market to be eligible.

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