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Chengsong Zhu and Jianming Yu published &1xbet sports betting ;Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling Corrects for Population Structure in Association Mapping With Different Sample Types,&1xbet sports betting ; Genetics, Vol. 182, No. 3.


Abdelmoneam Raef was elected vice president of the Geophysical Society of Kansas. His term begins fall 2009.


The following K-State faculty members presented at the fifth International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy, July 12-18, Melbourne, Australia:

Hulya Dogan and colleagues, &1xbet sports betting ;Chemically Differentiated Mass Balance of a Physical Separation Unit Process Via Focal Plane Array Near-IR Hyperspectral Imaging.&1xbet sports betting ;

Yong-Cheng Shi and colleagues, &1xbet sports betting ;Synchrotron Infrared Microspectroscopy Imaging Reveals Natural Distribution of P=O Within Individual Starch Granules.&1xbet sports betting ;

David Wetzel and colleagues, &1xbet sports betting ;Uniformity of Formulated Granular Solid Mixtures Determined Via Pixel Counting of Organic Tracer from FPA Imaging.&1xbet sports betting ;

Wetzel and colleagues, &1xbet sports betting ;Confocal Raman and Atomic Force Microscopy Imaging of Individual Granules of Octenyl Succinate Modified and Native Waxy Maize Starch.&1xbet sports betting ;


Danielle Theiss-White, Laura Bonella, Jason Coleman and Jenny Dale presented the workshop &1xbet sports betting ;Virtual Reference for Dummies (or Smarties): How to Implement, Operate, Manage and Train,&1xbet sports betting ; Kansas City Library and Information Network, June 16, Independence, Mo.

Theiss-White took part in the panel &1xbet sports betting ;Reference Meets Reality: (Support) Staff Training in Times of Change,&1xbet sports betting ; Frontline Reference Discussion Group, Reference and User Services Association, American Library Association annual conference, July 11, Chicago, Ill.

Diana Farmer and colleague published &1xbet sports betting ;Overcoming the Fear Factor: Creating a Dynamic Web Site,&1xbet sports betting ; Journal of Agricultural & Food Information, Vol. 10, No. 3.


Douglas Benson chaired a session titled &1xbet sports betting ;Poetry of Spain: Postwar to Present,&1xbet sports betting ; and presented &1xbet sports betting ;El Tiempo Vuela: Variaciones Intertextuales Sobre el Amor en la Poesía Última de Angel González,&1xbet sports betting ; American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese annual meeting, July 9-12, Albuquerque, N.M.

Spencer D. Wood presented &1xbet sports betting ;A Violation of Civil Rights Discrimination in Farm Credit, the Largest Class-Action Civil Rights Settlement in U.S. History and the On-Going African-American Freedom Movement,&1xbet sports betting ; Agricultural History, June 18-20, Little Rock, Ark.

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