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Greg Grauer presented &1xbet online sports betting ;Risk Factors and Monitoring for Prevention of ARF&1xbet online sports betting ;; &1xbet online sports betting ;Management of Established ARF&1xbet online sports betting ;; &1xbet online sports betting ;Are NSAIDs Safe in Dogs with Liver and Kidney Disease?&1xbet online sports betting ;; &1xbet online sports betting ;Urinalysis: Basic and Advanced Considerations&1xbet online sports betting ;; &1xbet online sports betting ;Staging and Management of CKD&1xbet online sports betting ;; &1xbet online sports betting ;Influence of Hypertension and Proteinuria in CKD Patients&1xbet online sports betting ;; &1xbet online sports betting ;Complicated/Recurrent UTI&1xbet online sports betting ;; &1xbet online sports betting ;Azotemia: A Case-based Approach&1xbet online sports betting ;; and &1xbet online sports betting ;Feline UTI: Fact or Fiction?&1xbet online sports betting ;; American Veterinary Medical Association annual convention, July 11-12, Seattle, Wash.


The following K-State faculty presented at the joint meeting of the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Life and Human Sciences, and the National Extension Technology Conference, June 6-9, Des Moines, Iowa:

Richard Baker, &1xbet online sports betting ;What You Don't Know Can...&1xbet online sports betting ;

Marcus Ashlock and colleagues, &1xbet online sports betting ;Survivor: The Agricultural Communications Faculty Edition.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Elaine Edwards, Deb Pryor, Jeff Wichman, Mary Lou Peter and Gamage Dissanayake, &1xbet online sports betting ;K-State Converged.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Linda Gilmore and Donna Sheffield, &1xbet online sports betting ;Don't Become 'Comfortably Numb' -- Stay Fresh on the Job.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Larry Havenstein, Russ Feldhausen and Gary Kepka, &1xbet online sports betting ;Using Open Source and Freeware Applications for Office Applications.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Havenstein, &1xbet online sports betting ;Building a Virtual World.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Jennifer Alexander, &1xbet online sports betting ;The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Surviving and Thriving as a News Editor.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Sheffield, Gilmore and colleague, &1xbet online sports betting ;Seize the Day: Manuscript Planning and Substantive Editing.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Nancy Peterson, &1xbet online sports betting ;Communications Training: To-Do List? Or a Ta DA?&1xbet online sports betting ;

Havenstein, Larry Jackson and colleague, &1xbet online sports betting ;Using Virtual Worlds to Get Out the Message.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Alexander, &1xbet online sports betting ;Oops! I Did It Again: Avoiding Five Common Grammar Gaffes.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Edwards and colleague, &1xbet online sports betting ;Disability Communications.&1xbet online sports betting ;


Philip Nel presented &1xbet online sports betting ;From the Bank Street School to the New York School: The Poetry of Ruth Krauss,&1xbet online sports betting ; annual conference of the Children's Literature Association, June 11, Charlotte, N.C.

Nel presented &1xbet online sports betting ;'A Person's a Person: The Politics of Dr. Seuss,&1xbet online sports betting ; National Museum of Wildlife Art, July 9, Jackson Hole, Wyo.

Karin Westman presented &1xbet online sports betting ;Vocational Education: Re-Imagining the School Story in Noel Streatfeild's 'Ballet Shoes' and J. K. Rowling's 'Harry Potter,'&1xbet online sports betting ; annual conference of the Children's Literature Association, June 11, Charlotte, N.C.


Richard Marston has been elected to the Council of the American Geographical Society.


Jaqueline Wood received the National Academic Advising Association's Summer Institute Scholarship, which recognizes association members who have potential as national leaders. The Summer Institute Scholarships help cover the cost of the Academic Advising Summer Institute, a weeklong, intensive program that help individuals develop specific strategies for improvement of advising at institutions of higher learning sponsored by the association.


Cynthia Harris presented &1xbet online sports betting ;Life in the City: 1900 Politics, Business and Social History&1xbet online sports betting ; and &1xbet online sports betting ;Ike's Abilene, 1890-1910,&1xbet online sports betting ; Eisenhower Visitor Center, June 27, Abilene.

Marty Courtois, Merry Bower and Michelle Turvey-Welch presented &1xbet online sports betting ;ETDs Transformed: Maximizing Cataloging Efficiencies and Open Access,&1xbet online sports betting ; 12th international symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations, June 20, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Regina Beard presented &1xbet online sports betting ;Librarian/Faculty Collaboration -- Pooling Our Talents, Leveraging Our Resources to Provide Student Programming,&1xbet online sports betting ; Special Libraries Association, Business and Finance Section, June 17, Washington, D.C.

Donna Ekart published &1xbet online sports betting ;Putting Your Knowledge Out There,&1xbet online sports betting ; Computers in Libraries, Vol. 29, No. 6, June 2009.


Craig B. Parker presented &1xbet online sports betting ;Edwin Gerschefski: A Centennial Retrospective,&1xbet online sports betting ; College Music Society international conference, July 2, Zagreb, Croatia. He also chaired a session on cross-cultural connections at the conference.


Satoris Culbertson and colleagues published &1xbet online sports betting ;Changes in Newcomer Job Satisfaction Over Time: Examining the Pattern of Honeymoons and Hangovers,&1xbet online sports betting ; Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 94.

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