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Sherry Haar, Melody LeHew and Joycelyn Falsken took Best of Show with &1xbet online games login ;Sustainability Solutions 1,2,3,&1xbet online games login ; National American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Design Showcase, June 25-28, Knoxville, Tenn.


Chunju An, Emily Ragan, Michael Kanost and colleagues published &1xbet online games login ;Functions of Manduca sexta Hemolymph Proteinases HP6 and HP8 in Two Innate Immune Pathways,&1xbet online games login ; Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 284, Issue 29.

Yasuyuki Arakane, Subbarat Muthukrishnan, Kanost, Karl Kramer and colleagues published &1xbet online games login ;Molecular and Functional Analyses of Amino Acid Decarboxylases Involved in Cuticle Tanning in Tribolium castaneum,&1xbet online games login ; Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 284, No. 24.


Vikas Berry has been designated a Big 12 Faculty Fellow for 2010 and will receive ,000 in support of his visit to the University of Texas-Austin to work on &1xbet online games login ;Collaborative Research in Graphene Technology.&1xbet online games login ;


The following K-State faculty members presented at the American Academy of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, June 15, Washington, D.C.:

Hans Coetzee, &1xbet online games login ;Identification and Validation of Robust Pain Models in Food Animals.&1xbet online games login ;

Ronette Gehring, &1xbet online games login ;Teaching Graduate Pharmacokinetics at Multiple Institutions: A Distance Education Case Study.&1xbet online games login ;

Mike Apley presented &1xbet online games login ;Antimicrobials for the Prevention and Treatment of Mycoplasmosis,&1xbet online games login ; International Conference on Bovine Mycoplasmosis, July 7, Saskatoon, Canada.

Bob Larson presented &1xbet online games login ;BVD and its Economic Impact&1xbet online games login ;; &1xbet online games login ;BVD Control Programs&1xbet online games login ;; &1xbet online games login ;Testing Purchased Cattle&1xbet online games login ;; and &1xbet online games login ;Heifer Development as a Practice Builder&1xbet online games login ;; American Veterinary Medical Association Conference, July 11, Seattle, Wash.


Marcellus Caldas and colleague published &1xbet online games login ;Protecting the Amazon with Protected Areas,&1xbet online games login ; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 106, No. 26.


Saugata Datta and colleagues presented &1xbet online games login ;Sediment Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Arsenic Affected Areas of West Bengal, India,&1xbet online games login ; 19th annual V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, June 21-26, Davos, Switzerland.


Katie Kingery-Page presented &1xbet online games login ;Shades of Comfort: Privacy and the Street,&1xbet online games login ; International Making Cities Livable Conference, May 10-14, Portland, Ore.


Lori Goetsch, dean of K-State Libraries, was elected chair of the advisory board of the State Library of Kansas. The library serves state agencies, legislators and the general public and is a depository of legal and historical documents. It also serves the residents of Kansas through direct service and support of local libraries.


Laurie M. Bagby published &1xbet online games login ;Thomas Hobbes: Turning Point for Honor,&1xbet online games login ; Lexington Books.

Dale Herspring published &1xbet online games login ;Civil Military Relations in the United States and Russia: An Alternative Approach,&1xbet online games login ; Armed Forces & Society, Vol. 35, No. 4.

Emizet F. Kisangani and Jeffrey Pickering published &1xbet online games login ;The Dividends of Diversion: Mature Democracies' Proclivity to Use Diversionary Force and the Rewards They Reap from It,&1xbet online games login ; British Journal of Political Science, Vol. 39, No. 3.

Kisangani and Pickering published &1xbet online games login ;The International Military Intervention Data Set: An Updated Resources for Conflict Scholars,&1xbet online games login ; Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 46, No. 4.

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