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Becki BohnenblustMaintaining lines of communication among 1xbet online sports betting is essential in establishing a teamwork mentality across disciplines and units at the university level, said Classified Senate President Becki Bohnenblust.

She 1xbet online sports betting with tough economic times and budget reductions, it is especially important for everyone to work together to move K-State forward.

&1xbet online sports betting ;The budget is certainly going to be a challenge for all of us,&1xbet online sports betting ; Bohnenblust said, &1xbet online sports betting ;but a challenge that will be met head on.&1xbet online sports betting ;

However, by staying transparent and being honest with employees, Bohnenblust said she believes the 1xbet online sports betting can work through it, especially with open leadership.

&1xbet online sports betting ;Classified staff can thank the state legislature and Gov. Parkinson for allowing the market adjustments to be funded for fiscal year 2011. With many salaries being frozen, it is exciting to know there are some classified employees receiving pay increases. But, with that brings frustration to those yet to receive an increase,&1xbet online sports betting ; Bohnenblust said. &1xbet online sports betting ;In team, there is no 'I,' so we must be happy for those who received increases and be patient that our turn is yet to come.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Bohnenblust said she would like to see more collaboration between faculty and 1xbet online sports betting , in hopes of knocking away the invisible barrier that seems to exist.

&1xbet online sports betting ;With a team effort, though, K-State can move forward and continue to accomplish great things,&1xbet online sports betting ; she said.

At July's meeting, Bohnenblust said she and the other senators will brainstorm to come up with two or three main goals or challenges that 1xbet online sports betting Senate will take on during the year.

&1xbet online sports betting ;I want classified employees to feel comfortable about bringing questions and/or concerns to their senate representatives. These issues can then be addressed at a higher level if necessary,&1xbet online sports betting ; she said.

&1xbet online sports betting ;It is exciting, and I am honored to represent classified employees as their president. At the same time, it makes me a little bit nervous as this role entails a lot of responsibility,&1xbet online sports betting ; Bohnenblust said. &1xbet online sports betting ;I want to do the best I can for all the employees at K-State and make their experience here a positive and enjoyable one.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Bohnenblust is a public service administrator I for the Division of Biology. She joined K-State in 1986.

New to the 1xbet online sports betting Senate is the presidential appointment process. Previously the president-elect was automatically appointed as president the following year. With updated bylaws, the new process has the vice president becoming the president and eliminates the position of president-elect.

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