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Doug 1xbet online sports betting , associate professor of diagnostic medicine pathology, has given food safety presentations around the world in places such as New Zealand, Australia and even Lawrence, Kan. However, he has delivered them all without ever leaving the comfort of his own kitchen.

1xbet online sports bettingPowell has broadcasted more than 20 keynote 1xbet online sports betting and presentations via programs such as Skype and iChat since 2000. Using a combination of live video feeds and pre-recorded video, Powell has presented on various food safety topics to audiences ranging in size from five to 800 people.

In his initial broadcast, Powell utilized a pre-recorded presentation as a quick fix to an urgent problem. He had been selected to deliver the Ivan Parkin Lecture at the International Association for Food Protection's annual conference in Atlanta, Ga. However, due to an ambush of paperwork at the Canadian border on the trip down, Powell was not going to be able to make 1xbet online sports betting to the conference.

To remedy the situation, 1xbet online sports betting video taped his keynote speech in his kitchen that afternoon and e-mailed the video to the University of Georgia.

&1xbet online sports betting ;When the anointed time came, they had downloaded the talk, and they broadcasted it,&1xbet online sports betting ; he said. &1xbet online sports betting ;Even today there is still a 'wow' factor associated with it because no one was doing it back then, but now it's routine.&1xbet online sports betting ;

According to Powell, there are many advantages to using this form of technology in delivering speeches, such as eliminating the costs and stresses of travel and increasing a professor's overall availability. Although, 1xbet online sports betting does come with additional challenges, he said, such as the ever-present possibility of disrupted Internet feed and a lack of feedback from the audience.

&1xbet online sports betting ;I actually find it forces me to be more creative,&1xbet online sports betting ; he said. &1xbet online sports betting ;If you're giving a talk in person, you can tell when people are sort of zoning out or falling asleep and you can modify it. You don't get that on video because you're talking to a camera.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Powell 1xbet online sports betting to help spice up the video feed he often integrates action segments into his pre-recorded speeches, for example, utilizing cooking as a form of demonstration.

As for the future of broadcasting speeches and presentations, Powell 1xbet online sports betting he definitely sees the need for professors to utilize this method as a form of delivery to audiences.

&1xbet online sports betting ;It's not a big trend yet, but I think it will catch on,&1xbet online sports betting ; he said. &1xbet online sports betting ;Travel budgets are so tight. It used to be going to conferences here and there, but now I know people are using it a lot -- not just for conferences but also training like distance education.&1xbet online sports betting ;

As for now, Powell 1xbet online sports betting that he is one professor that will definitely continue to keep cooking up speeches in his kitchen.


Susan Barton, director of the Kansas Regents Network and Telenet 2, 1xbet online sports betting she couldn't agree more with Powell's assessment about the future of conferencing.

Barton 1xbet online sports betting she has been seeing an increase in the facility's services in recent months.

&1xbet online sports betting ;This is really a cost effective and green way to conference,&1xbet online sports betting ; she said. &1xbet online sports betting ;Plus it saves on travel time.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Telenet 2 offers 1xbet online sports betting conferencing that is free for academic credit courses. There is a fee for an audio conference.

1xbet online sports betting1xbet online sports betting conferencing is done with high bandwidth and in high definition, and can be recorded. Through the use of a multipart connecting unit, a conference can also be broadcast to multiple locations at once.

In the past few months, Barton 1xbet online sports betting the facility's services have been used by faculty for various purposes, including:

* Leland McKinney, associate 1xbet online sports betting grain science and industry, broadcasted a talk to Iraq and Jordan simultaneously.

* Jim Drouillard, 1xbet online sports betting animal sciences and industry, gives annual presentations to South Africa.

* Saugata Datta, assistant professor of geology, used 1xbet online sports betting to communicate with Lafayette College in Pennsylvania for his introduction to geochemistry and environmental site assessment courses.

* Mike Boland, professor of agricultural economics, uses the service to connect his agriculture management strategy class with classes from University of Idaho, Montana State University and North Dakota State University. The students collaborate and then bring their ideas to senior management staff of various companies via 1xbet online sports betting conferencing.

Telenet 2 is in Dole Hall. To use the facility's services, which can extend past 5 p.m., contact Barton at 785-532-5995.

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