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Yoonseong Park
and colleagues published &1xbet sports betting ;Isolation, Expression Analysis and Functional Characterization of the First Antidiuretic Hormone Receptor in Insects,&1xbet sports betting ; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, May 18.

Katie Kingery-Page presented &1xbet sports betting ;Landscape and Contemporary Art: Overlap, Disregard and Relevance,&1xbet sports betting ; annual conference of Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, May 12-14, Maastricht, Netherlands. A paper of the same title will be published in the conference proceedings.

Diane Swanson was an honorarium panelist for the Bill Daniels Teaching Business Ethics Workshop, May 17, Santa Fe, N.M.

Ronald Downey
and colleagues published &1xbet sports betting ;Organizational Slack, Firm Performance and the Role of Industry,&1xbet sports betting ; Journal of Managerial Issues, Vol. 22, No. 1.

Gary Brase and colleagues presented &1xbet sports betting ;Putting More Cognitive Effort Helps Reduce the Level of Regret&1xbet sports betting ;; &1xbet sports betting ;Varying Levels of Cognitive Effort Across Different Types of Consumer Products&1xbet sports betting ;; &1xbet sports betting ;Perceptual Bias in Height Estimation&1xbet sports betting ;; and &1xbet sports betting ;Recall of Implicit Deontics in Selection Task Reasoning Rules&1xbet sports betting ;; Midwestern Psychological Society 82nd annual meeting, April 29-May 1, Chicago, Ill.

David Ollington
is choreographing &1xbet sports betting ;The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee&1xbet sports betting ; at Tent Theatre in Springfield, Mo. The show opens June 9.

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