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Douglas Dow presented &1xbet online casino ;Florentine Confraternal Decorative Programs in the Age of Reform: Apostolic Imagery at the Oratories of San Giovanni Battista dello Scalzo, Santissima Annunziata and Gesù Pellegrino,&1xbet online casino ; annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, April 8-10, Venice, Italy.

Ken Harkin presented &1xbet online casino ;Current Concepts in Adrenal Disease of the Dog, Parts 1 and 2&1xbet online casino ;; &1xbet online casino ;Canine Leptospirosis&1xbet online casino ;; &1xbet online casino ;Anemias and Thrombocytopenias in Dogs and Cats, Parts 1 and 2&1xbet online casino ;; &1xbet online casino ;Hypercalcemia in Dogs and Cats&1xbet online casino ;; &1xbet online casino ;Fever of Unknown Origin&1xbet online casino ;; &1xbet online casino ;Difficult Vomiting Cases in the Dog&1xbet online casino ;; and &1xbet online casino ;Lymphatic Disorders of Dogs and Cats,&1xbet online casino ; 2010 Central Veterinary Conference East, April 10-12, Baltimore, Md.

Richard Marston presented the Howard Hibdon Honorary Lecture &1xbet online casino ;Land, Life, and Environmental Change in the Himalaya,&1xbet online casino ; University of Central Missouri, April 5, Warrensburg, Mo.

The following K-State faculty members presented at the 2010 Association of American Geographers annual meeting, April 14-18, Washington, D.C.:

Kendra McLauchlan, &1xbet online casino ;Thirteen Decades of Foliar Isotopes Indicate Declining Nitrogen Availability in Central North American Grasslands.&1xbet online casino ;

Marcenus Caldas, &1xbet online casino ;The Political Economy or Sugarcane Expansion: The Case of the Brazilian Savanna.&1xbet online casino ;

Bimal Kanti Paul, &1xbet online casino ;Human Injuries Caused By Bangladesh's Cyclone Sidr: An Empirical Study&1xbet online casino ;; and &1xbet online casino ;Human Injuries Caused By Bangladesh's Cyclone Sidr: An Empirical Study.&1xbet online casino ;

John A. Harrington, &1xbet online casino ;HDGC Plenary Panel Showcasing Human Dimensions Scholarship. Part I: Rural Areas&1xbet online casino ;; &1xbet online casino ;Growth in Awareness and Ways of Knowing: Two Important Constraints on Advancing Climate Literacy&1xbet online casino ;; and &1xbet online casino ;Reflections From Members of the AAG Delegation to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Copenhagen.&1xbet online casino ;

Thomas Vought, &1xbet online casino ;Defining, Measuring, and Monitoring the Sustainability of Military Training Lands.&1xbet online casino ;

Kevin Blake, &1xbet online casino ;Postcards of The Crown Jewel of Rock V Mountain National Park.&1xbet online casino ;

Stephen E. White, the interactive short paper session, &1xbet online casino ;GCLP 2010 KANSAS OGALLALA REGION, part of the interactive short paper &1xbet online casino ;'Global Change and Local Places' Revisited.&1xbet online casino ;

Ben Champion, &1xbet online casino ;Beyond What's the Matter With Kansas?: Gov. Sebelius Goes to Washington in a Time of Climate Governance.&1xbet online casino ;

Max Lu, &1xbet online casino ;Socioeconomic Transition, One-Child Policy and China's Changing Demographic Landscapes.&1xbet online casino ;

Marston, &1xbet online casino ;Department Budgets and Financial Strategies in Today's Economic Climate&1xbet online casino ;; and &1xbet online casino ;Contributions To Geography: Remembering Gary Gaile.&1xbet online casino ;

Doug Goodin, &1xbet online casino ;Land Cover Information From Object Spatial Properties.&1xbet online casino ;

Lisa M. Butler Harrington, &1xbet online casino ;LNG, Public Opinion, and Decision-Making: Conflict in Oregon.&1xbet online casino ;

Melinda D. Daniels, &1xbet online casino ;Redefining the Dam Removal Paradigm in Formerly Glaciated Forested Headwater Systems.&1xbet online casino ;

Elizabeth Fallon and Andrew Kaczynski presented &1xbet online casino ;Do Neighborhood Attributes Influence Transtheoretical Model Constructs for Physical Activity?&1xbet online casino ; Society of Behavioral Medicine annual conference, April 8, Seattle, Wash.

Leo Lo presented &1xbet online casino ;The Study of the Screenplay: A Worthwhile Venture?&1xbet online casino ; National Popular Culture and American Culture Associations annual conference, April 2, St. Louis, Mo.

Donna F. Ekart published &1xbet online casino ;Adding an 'E' to Free,&1xbet online casino ; Computers in Libraries, Vol. 30, No. 2.

Antoinette Satterfield presented &1xbet online casino ;Non-Gov Docs Librarians and Government Information: Taking a Look at a Few of The Many U.S. Government Websites with Valuable Information That Citizens Commonly Request,&1xbet online casino ; Kansas Library Association annual conference, April 8, Wichita.

Lis Pankl presented &1xbet online casino ;The Romantic Ideologv Of Wilde Mess Ill Edward Abbey's Desert Solitaire,&1xbet online casino ; 2010 Association of American Geographers annual meeting, April 14-18, Washington, D.C.

Amy Hubbell presented &1xbet online casino ;Rewriting Ruins: Deconstructing the 'Nostalgeric' Attachment to Homeland,&1xbet online casino ; Northeast Modern Language Association annual conference, April 10, Montreal, Canada. She also organized and chaired sessions on Nostalgia in French and Francophone Literature.

The following K-State faculty members presented at the 115th annual meeting of North Central Association of Colleges and Schools/The Higher Learning Commission, April 10, Chicago, Ill.:

Ruth Dyer and Brian Niehoff, office of the provost; and Steven Hawks, office of assessment; &1xbet online casino ;Making the VSA and the College Portrait Work for You.&1xbet online casino ;

Frederick Burrack and Hawks, office of assessment; &1xbet online casino ;Closing the Loop: Using Data to Improve Academic Programs.&1xbet online casino ;

Shawn Hutchinson, geography, presented &1xbet online casino ;Remote Sensing Techniques to Assess Vegetation and Training Land Condition&1xbet online casino ; for the U.S. Army's Range and Training Land Assessment Distance Learning Program, April 8. Co-authors of the presentation were Tom Vought, geography; Stacy Hutchinson, biological and agricultural engineering; and colleagues.

Amanda Murdie
and colleague published &1xbet online casino ;Problematic Potential: The Human Rights Consequences of Peacekeeping Interventions in Civil Wars,&1xbet online casino ; Human Rights Quarterly, Vol. 32, No. 1.

Jeffrey Pickering and Emizet F. Kisangani published &1xbet online casino ;Diversionary Despots? Comparing Autocracies' Propensities to Use and to Benefit from Military Force,&1xbet online casino ; American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 54, No. 2. This is the first time any current or retired K-State faculty has appeared in this prestigious journal.

Dale Herspring presented &1xbet online casino ;Russia Under Medvedev,&1xbet online casino ; symposium at Southern Methodist University, April 9, Dallas, Texas.

The following K-State faculty members presented at the annual Midwest Political Science Association meeting, April 22-25, Chicago:

Sam Bell, &1xbet online casino ;Strategic Transparency: The International Economic Incentives for External Transparency and Internal Opacity&1xbet online casino ;; and chair and discussant for the panel &1xbet online casino ;Diversionary Conflict and Regime Type.&1xbet online casino ;

Ethan Bernick and colleague, &1xbet online casino ;State-Level Rules and Local Decisions to Contract Out: Exploring the Interactions.&1xbet online casino ;

Brianne Heidbreder and colleague, &1xbet online casino ;Do Female Governor's Speak in a 'Different Voice?'&1xbet online casino ;

Murdie, students and colleagues, &1xbet online casino ;Public Opinion Regarding Human Rights Ideals: The Conditional Influence of INGOs&1xbet online casino ;; &1xbet online casino ;The Human Right to Work: Policy Diffusion and HIV/AIDS&1xbet online casino ;; and &1xbet online casino ;Shaming Where it Counts: The Effects of Human Rights INGOs on Foreign Aid.&1xbet online casino ;

Murdie, discussant for the panels &1xbet online casino ;Social Network Analysis, Networked Governance, and Network Theory&1xbet online casino ; and &1xbet online casino ;Human Rights: Domestic and International Imperatives.&1xbet online casino ;

Satoris Culbertson
and colleagues presented &1xbet online casino ;An Examination of Work-Family Conflict: Initial Impact Versus Exposure Time Effects,&1xbet online casino ; annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, April 8-10, Atlanta, Ga.

Brenda McDaniel presented &1xbet online casino ;Fostering Better Relationships: Exploring Early Childhood Influences and Moral Emotional Development&1xbet online casino ;; &1xbet online casino ;Moral Role Models: Impact and Influence on Youth Development&1xbet online casino ;; and &1xbet online casino ;Microaggressions and Covert Language in The Dialogues of Multicultural Classrooms,&1xbet online casino ; 56th annual Southwestern Psychological Association conference, April 8-10, Dallas, Texas.

Harald Prins and Bunny McBride's book &1xbet online casino ;Indians in Eden,&1xbet online casino ; has won a Literary Award (Honorable Mention) from The Maine Writers & Publishers Association.

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