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More than 375 classified employees will be recognized for their dedication to 1xbet best casino website Wednesday, April 28, during the 33rd annual Classified Employee Recognition Ceremony.

2009 Classified Employee Recognition Ceremony awardsThe ceremony, at 2 p.m. in the 1xbet best casino website Student Union Ballroom, is a chance for longtime employees and relatively recent newcomers to celebrate and be recognized for their dedication and hard work to the university.

"Classified employees are a vital part of Kansas State University. We help students with enrollment, maintain their classrooms, provide for their security and prepare their meals," said Jennyfer Owensby, president of 1xbet best casino website 's Classified Senate. "Classified employees touch every aspect of student life on campus and we are an integral part of 1xbet best casino website 's friendly culture. We take a lot of pride in helping to make the 1xbet best casino website student experience one of a kind.

"The annual recognition ceremony is a great opportunity to show classified employees how much they are appreciated for everything they do," 1xbet best casino website said.

As is tradition, time will be taken to recognize several employees of the year who have gone above and beyond the call of duty. Their names and 1xbet best casino website /unit are as follows:

Suzan Adams, grain science and industry; Steven Booth, electrical and computer engineering; Robin Brown, K-State Libraries; Lori Buss, communications; Jenny Cain, anatomy and physiology; Jane Cox, architectural engineering and construction science; Bonnie Cravens, biology; Michael Dean, Southeast Agricultural Research Center-Parsons; Shay Dodson, 1xbet best casino website of admissions; Rene Doherty, facilities, K-State at Salina; Lori Duncan, dean's 1xbet best casino website , College of Education; Deb Eakes, continuing education; Katherine Fisher, electrical and computer engineering; Jody Fronce, landscape architecture/regional and community planning; Doris Galvan, industrial and manufacturing systems engineering; Sharon Hartwich, electrical and computer engineering; Tammie Hartwick, College of Business Administration; Elaine Heller, registrar's office; Cheryl Heverin, political science; Ron Jackson, chemistry; Scott Jacobs, K-State Police Department; Maureen Kerrigan, diagnostic medicine/pathobiology; 1xbet best casino website Koch, economics; Linda Lake, office of assessment, planning and analysis; Ron Lundberg, housing and dining; Sharon Maike, Lafene Health Center; Theresa McCarthy, human resources; Joanna Meier, Southeast Agricultural Research Center-Garden City; Jennyfer Owensby, controller's office; Jaimelou Parker, office of affirmative action; Lisa Percival, geography; Jannette Rivers, dean's office, College of Human Ecology; Crystal Sapp, biochemistry; Paula Seematter, Educational Communications Center; Benjamin Shubert, K-State Police Department; Lowell Stucky, agronomy; Cathy Swartz, career and employment services; Denise Tabb, Student Financial Assistance; Lindsay Thompson, physics; Nancy Thompson, biology; Howard Tubbs, facilities; Dawn Wall, career and employment services; Mary Winnie, agricultural economics; 1xbet best casino website Yenzer, office of the vice president of student life; and Joann Zarger, extension agriculture and natural resources.

In addition, 2009 retirees and employees with 5, 15, 25 amd 35 years of service will be honored with an award. They include:

2009 Retirees:

Linda Arbuthnot, Sandra Bottger, Linda Brodersen, Carol Brown, Ruth Brown, Janice Buchman, Linda Clough, Cornelia Cusimano, Mark Cusimano, Linda Duncan, Larry Ernsting, 1xbet best casino website Figge, Anna Gleason, Margaret Jensen, Jackie Johnson, Connie Kauer, Sharon Koenig, David Mitchell, Shirley Olenhouse, Ruby Peter, Lawrence Powell, Charlene Redman, Delilah Reece, Daniel Reves, Janet Rose, Patricia Schurr, Betty Shoemaker, Linda Siebold, Ronald Simons, Judy Smith, JoNell Thomas, Lorena Thomas, Bonnie Thompson, Son D. Tran, Pramila Tummala, Ronald Wagner, Brent Wanamaker, Neil Wickstrum, Peggy Winkler, Patricia Woydziak, Pat Wright and Joseph Zerby.

Years of Service Award

Five Years

Kjrsten Abel, Tamera Arnold, Yvonne Bachura, Michael Barton, Betty Book, Dorothy Bray, Francis Brockish, Brandy Bruna, Charlotte Bruna, Lisa Bryant, Nancy Carroll, Howard Clark, John Cooper, Gloria Cox, Dereatha Cross, Denae Dimler, Dustin Durr, Mariel Edwards, 1xbet best casino website Elfers, Rhiannon Englert, Lucas Evins, Jennifer Fleeker, Michael Hahn, Brenda Heptig, Lisa Herpich, Benjamin Hopper, Tracy Ivy, Richard Johnson, Teri Johnson, Karen Linn, Brenda Luther, Deborah Marshall, Andre Moeller, Ervin Niedfeldt, Stanley Ostmeyer, Ryan Pickett, Travis Quigley, Glenda Reed
Daisy Rhodes-Planas, Kimberly Ross, Elizabeth Savage, Jimmy Sester, 1xbet best casino website Shankweiler, Victoria Smith, Dixie Smith, Charlotte Stephens, Cathy Swartz, Robert Sweet, Denise Telck, Darrin VanDorn, William Vick, Joyce Weber, Adele Wilcoxen, Tina Williams and Mary Willoghby.

Ten Years

Kenneth Abernathy, Joseph Agnew, Denise Appel, Rodger Belyea, Jason Blackburn, Patrick Boss, 1xbet best casino website Brown, Fred Carlson, Shelley Coffman, Jeanna Cox, Judy Daniels, Raymond Fahmy, Christopher Falley, Elaine Flemming, Stephanie Fox, Rebecca Frakes, Kyong Friedmann, Kris Fulkerson, Doris R. M. Galvan, Jeanne Gerhard, Melissa Carol Goble, Marion Grob, Colleen Hackenberg, Mary Kay Henry, Carol Hewitt, Diana Hollingshead, Travis Homeier, Ricky Honeycutt, Belinda Hunter, Sara Juenemann, Bob C. Kim, Wayne Koetkemeyer, Amy Lee, Regina Lix, Sandra Lumb, Ronald Lundberg, George T. Lyles Jr., Kenneth Marinhagen, Theresa McCarthy, Shane McCune, William Neilson, Sunny Patch, Ellen Reynolds, Pamela Ridder, Daniel Ridley, Ralph Ritchie, Terri Savage, Kathy Schaefer, Ray Schwellenbach, Patricia Simpson, Nicole Sloan, Rony Smith, Nichole Stoddard, Mindy Strick, Jacqueline Stubbings, Martin Swift, Sharon S. Tally, Donna Tavener, Darla Thomas, Elsa Del Pilar Toburen, Jacqueline Tweed, Neil Wickstrum, Debra Wilcox and Delores Winfough.

Fifteen Years

Suzan Diane Adams, Antonio Anguiano, 1xbet best casino website Bairow-Riffey, Deborah Baltazor, Daniel Brenda, Richard Dalby, James Dille, Becky Edwards, Mark Farr, Brenda Fry, David George, Curtis A. Gottschalk, Loren Gray, Yun C. Hall, Kevin Harrison, Gregory Hayes, Amy Juracek, Lynette Kieffer, Cara Koerperich, Kathy Lamb, Terry J. Litchfield, Jennifer Mathewson, Joseph Myers, Elias Noa, Margaret Robinson, Mike Ryan, Janet Schooler, Patricia Schultz, Lynn Schwandt, Martha Scott, Lyndie Slattery, Rose Sloan, Rebecca Steelsmith, Rhonda Stithem, Eileen Swanson, Barbara Lou Turner, Ron Walter and Eugene Williams.

Twenty Years

Patricia Bidwell, LaVonne Boetel, Bernard Brehmer, Franklyn Bryan, Janice Buchman, Lori Buss, James Chacon, Mark Cusimano, Sandra Dale, Benjamin Dickinson, Troy Lynn Eckart, 1xbet best casino website Farrington, Sherry Foister, LaDona Frerichs, Phillip Gerdes, William Girard, Augustine Gonzales, Tammie Hartwick, Pamela Hedman, Ryan Holle, Therese Howe, Robert E. Learned III, James Manns, Dawn McCune Wall, Daniel Meek, Brenda Miesner, Alice Niedfeldt, Terence Pittman, John Rogge, Cherry Rosenberry, 1xbet best casino website Schanks, Lois Schreiner, Clayton Seaman, Marla Sexton, Larry Shubert, Sharon Smith, Debra Snyder, Valerie Stillwell, Cynthia A. Von Elling, Cindy Welch, Denise Werth, Evelyn West, Scott West, Marvin Whetstone and John Wolf.

Twenty-Five Years

Wayne Aschwege, Kathleen Azain, Jovita Baier, Robert Bailey, Warren Berg, Lynne Berry, Steven Booth, Charlotte Braddock, Lonna Brokesh, Cynthia Bryant, Linda Burgess, Jeffery Campbell, Tamara, Campbell, Kathy Fronce, Brenda Gage, Arlene Garrett, Theresa Gleue, Kristen Hanson, Bradford Higgs, Mary Huninghake, 1xbet best casino website Kelly, David Kerley, 1xbet best casino website Koch, Michael Lovgren, Kim Lucky, Kerry McDonald, Bonnie Mongeau, Wendy Moore, Gary Morgan, Brenda Nauman, Barbara Oneill, Pamela Pace, Tari Philips, Timothy Poell, Kathryn Reed, Ana Rivera-Davila, Janet Rose, Richard Ryer, John Spitler, James Ullmer and Joann Zarger.

Thirty Years

Teresa A. Baughman, Francine Bostick, Jean Braddy, Theresa Breymeyer, Joyce Hoerman Brite, Kimberly Bulk, Douglas D. Colman II, Barbara Elliott, Janet Finney, Connie Geiger, Pamela Gudjohnsen, William Earl Harris, Gina Jackson, Ann Kosch, Renee Leask, Kristi Lehmkuhl, Barbara Leonard, 1xbet best casino website Mitchell, Anayansi Morel, James K. Olson, Diana Pavlisko, Debra Pickett, Robert Resser, Larry Robertson, Janie Sackrider, Connie Walter, Joseph Warren, Christine Wenger, Ralph Wolf and Sang Yi.

Thirty-Five Years

David Adams, Wayne Adolph, Fredrick Black, Alice Davied, Deborah Davis, 1xbet best casino website Farres, Mary Givens, Judy Jensen, Gene Tebbutt, James Ukena and 1xbet best casino website Wells.

Forty Years

Lorene Dahm, Patricia Dean, Bertha Lovelle, 1xbet best casino website Morse, Sharon Remmert, Jacqueline Tolbert and Richard Williams.

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