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Douglas N. Dow, &1xbet sports betting ;Evidence for Buglioni's Authorship of the Glazed Terra-Cotta Tympanum at the Chiostro dello Scalzo, Florence,&1xbet sports betting ; Notes in the History of Art, Vol. 29, No. 2.

Elizabeth Davis presented &1xbet sports betting ;Characterization and Molecular Cloning of Equine Regulatory T Cell Biomarkers CD25 and FoxP3,&1xbet sports betting ; University of Minnesota, March 10, Saint Paul, Minn.

Greg Grauer presented &1xbet sports betting ;Renoprotective Treatment for CKD: ACEI and Beyond,&1xbet sports betting ; Wilmington Area Veterinary Medical Association, March 16, Wilmington, Del.

Grauer also presented &1xbet sports betting ;Renoprotective Treatment for CKD: ACEI and Beyond,&1xbet sports betting ; Portland Area Veterinary Medical Association, March 18, Portland, Ore.

Mike Apley presented &1xbet sports betting ;Current Knowledge on the Impact of Antibiotic Use in Cattle Production on Resistance Development,&1xbet sports betting ; National Cattlemen's Beef Association Beef Safety Summit, March 3-5, Dallas, Texas.

Matt Brueseke presented &1xbet sports betting ;Mid-Miocene Magmatism on the Oregon Plateau: The 'Birth' of the Yellowstone Hotspot&1xbet sports betting ; and &1xbet sports betting ;The Yellowstone Volcanic Field: The Formation and Behavior of a Voluminous Magmatic System,&1xbet sports betting ; department of geology and geography, Auburn University, Feb. 25-26, Auburn, Ala.

Ted Cable and colleague published &1xbet sports betting ;Driving Across Missouri: A Guide to I-70,&1xbet sports betting ; University of Kansas Press, March 2010.

Cable and colleague published the eBook &1xbet sports betting ;Intrepretive Perspectives: A Collection of Essays on Interpreting Nature and Culture.&1xbet sports betting ;

K-State's 2010 Sustainability Conference was awarded the Community of Practice Exemplary Program Award from the University Continuing Education Association.

Mark Barnett and students published &1xbet sports betting ;Factors Associated with Children's Anticipated Responses to Ambiguous Teases,&1xbet sports betting ; Journal of Genetic Psychology, Vol. 171.

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