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Jianming Yu and colleagues published &1xbet online casino ;Adaptation of Mixed Linear Model for Genome-Wide Association Studies,&1xbet online casino ; Nature Genetics (in press).

Richard R. Gnat presented &1xbet online casino ;The Chicago Courtyard Apartment Building: A Sustainable Model Type,&1xbet online casino ; Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture annual meeting, March 5, New Orleans, La.

Kimberly With presented &1xbet online casino ;Does Order Beget Order? Self-Organization and Critical Biodiversity in Heterogeneous Landscapes,&1xbet online casino ; Robustness and Stability of Organisms and Ecosystems, the first International Forum for Ecosystem Management Applying to Ecosystem Adaptability Science, Feb. 21-25, Sendai, Japan.

Jim Carpenter presented a series of lectures on small mammal medicine at the Western States Veterinary Conference, Feb. 15-16, Las Vegas, Nev.

Elizabeth Dodd published the poem &1xbet online casino ;Homeopathy,&1xbet online casino ; The Hamilton Stone Review, Issue 20.

Lisa Tatonetti published &1xbet online casino ;Visible Sexualities or Invisible Nations: Forced to Choose in Big Eden, Johnny Greyeyes, and the Business of Fancydancing,&1xbet online casino ; GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, Vol. 16, No. 1-2.

Tatonetti published &1xbet online casino ;The Both/And of American Indian Literary Studies,&1xbet online casino ; Western American Literature, Vol. 44, No. 3.

David Wetzel and colleagues presented &1xbet online casino ;Production Solid Mixing Uniformity Traced via InSb Focal Plane Array Chemical Imaging&1xbet online casino ;; &1xbet online casino ;IR Microspectroscopic in situ Imaging Discriminates Isogenic Waxy Wheat Lipid Profiles Supported with Tandem MS&1xbet online casino ;; &1xbet online casino ;Detecting Species Specific Algal Responses to a Nutrient and Herbicide Mixture in Natural Biofilms with Synchrotron Infrared Microspectroscopy&1xbet online casino ;; and &1xbet online casino ;Synchrotron Infrared Confocal Microspectroscopic Detailed Mapping Reveals Naturally Occurring Phosphate Groups in Individual Starch Granules&1xbet online casino ;; 61st Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, Feb. 8 through March 4, Orlando, Fla.

Cliff Shin
presented &1xbet online casino ;Empathetic Design/Emotional Design,&1xbet online casino ; 2010 International Design Principles and Practices Conference, University of Illinois, Feb. 13-15, Chicago, Ill.

Maria Martinez-Ortiz
presented &1xbet online casino ;Violence, Hunger and the Politics of Social Control in Pan's Labyrinth: Analysis of Guillermo del Toro's Symbolic Imagery,&1xbet online casino ; Sixth Interdisciplinary and Multicultural Conference, Feb. 25-27, San Antonio, Texas.

Richard Marston, geography, and Jeff Peterson, agricultural economics, were two of 51 invited participants for the &1xbet online casino ;Landscapes in the Anthropocene: Exploring the Human Connections&1xbet online casino ; workshop, March 4-6, University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore.

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