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Chang exhibition: 2010 Faculty Show
This exhibition includes architectural drawings and models, paintings, photography and woodwork by faculty in 1xbet online casino 's College of Architecture, Planning, and Design. Through March 26.

Beach exhibition: 'Following the Sun: The Art of Sue Jean Covacevich 1905-1998'
This exhibition surveys the career of Covacevich, a dynamic Kansas artist and art educator whose work was also inspired by time spent in Mexico. Through May 2.

Beach exhibition: 'Gail Gregg: The Album Series'
This exhibition, by 1xbet online casino alum and New York City-based artist Gail Gregg, explores the power of visual biography. Through May 2.

Beach exhibition: Richard Avedon Photographs
Features two important photographs by Richard Avedon. Through May 30.

March 11
IT Training: Introduction to Dreamweaver
10 a.m. to noon, 202 Fairchild Hall. Session participants will learn how to use the Dreamweaver interface to create a Web page featuring items like meta-data, headings, lists, links, images and tables. Open to all 1xbet online casino faculty and staff. Those attending should have experience with HTML, be comfortable working with Windows operating systems and have knowledge of the Web environment. To register -- or for more information -- go to http://www.1xbet online casino edu/its/training/

Musical performance: 1xbet online casino jazz bands
7:30 p.m., Forum Hall, 1xbet online casino Student Union.

March 13
Residence halls close for spring break

March 15-19
Spring break

March 17
IT Training: Microsoft Word 2007 Q and A
10 a.m. to noon, 9 Fairchild Hall. This session is a question-and-answer session for those new to Microsoft Word 2007. Some helpful tips will also be offered. Open to all 1xbet online casino faculty and staff. To register -- or for more information -- go to http://www.1xbet online casino edu/its/training/

March 18
IT Training: Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
9:30 to 11:30 a.m., 202 Fairchild Hall. This session will cover reading and interpreting style sheet syntax, identifying types of style sheets and styles, as well as creating and applying style sheets to a Web page. Those attending should have experience with HTML, be comfortable working with Windows operating systems and have knowledge of the Web environment. Open to all 1xbet online casino faculty and staff. To register -- or for more information -- go to http://www.1xbet online casino edu/its/training/

IT Training: Transitioning to Word 2007
11 a.m. to noon, 301 Hale Library. This session will be an overview of the new features of Microsoft Word 2007. Open to all 1xbet online casino faculty and staff. Registration required. To register -- or for more information -- go to http://www.1xbet online casino edu/its/training/

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