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1xbet online casino TAKES PART IN RECYCLEMANIA

recyclebigFor the second year, 1xbet online casino is competing in the 10-week national Recyclemania program, a friendly competition among colleges and universities that aims to promote recycling on campus. So far the campaign has collected 111,911 pounds of recyclable materials, which is 4.5 pounds per person at 1xbet online casino . Campuswide totals are updated weekly at http://www.1xbet online casino edu/recycling/RecycleMania2010.html

Several 1xbet online casino groups are currently participating in the program including the Students for Environmental Action and the 1xbet online casino Green Campaign.

During Recyclemania, 1xbet online casino is focusing on recycling:
* mixed paper (white and colored);
* letterhead;
* index cards;
* white forms;
* computer paper;
* cardboard;
* newspapers;
* plastic pop bottles;
* aluminum cans; and
* food waste from campus housing and dining.

Year-round, 1xbet online casino also recycles magazines, wooden pallets, phone books and seasonal directories, rubber bands and shredded paper.

Items 1xbet online casino does not recycle include: adhesives, garbage, bright fluorescent paper, wrap from reams of paper, binders, brown envelopes, carbon paper, paper towels, food tape, food wrappers and plastic/styrofoam cups.

More information about recycling at 1xbet online casino is available at http://www.1xbet online casino edu/recycling/index.html

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