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Warren Beard presented &1xbet best casino website ;Primary and Delayed Primary Closure&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Closure of Wounds Under Tension and Special Case Wounds&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Equine Wounds: Case Presentations&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Second Intention Healing&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Casts in Wound Healing&1xbet best casino website ;; and &1xbet best casino website ;Second Intention Healing: Case Presentations&1xbet best casino website ;; Midwest Veterinary Conference, Feb. 26-27, Columbus, Ohio.

Hans Coetzee presented on pain assessment and management in cattle, Western Veterinary Conference, Feb. 18, Las Vegas, Nev.

Doug Powell and students published &1xbet best casino website ;Government Management of Two Media-Facilitated Crises Involving Dioxin Contamination of Food,&1xbet best casino website ; Public Understanding of Science, Feb. 5.

Richard Marston published &1xbet best casino website ;Geomorphology and Vegetation on Hillslopes: Interactions, Dependencies and Feedback Loops,&1xbet best casino website ; Geomorphology, Vol. 116, No. 3-4.

Marston presented &1xbet best casino website ;Meander Bends on the Move,&1xbet best casino website ; to the department of geography at Texas A&M University, Feb. 19, College Station, Texas.

Marston and former students published &1xbet best casino website ;Antelope Hills&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Arbuckle Mountains&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Boston Mountains&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Coastal Plain&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Cookson Hills&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Eastern Lowlands&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Glass Mountains&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Great Plains&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Great Salt Plains&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Kiamichi Mountains&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Osage Plains&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Ouachita Mountains&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Ozark Plateau&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Quartz Mountains&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Shawnee Hills&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Wichita Mountains&1xbet best casino website ;; and &1xbet best casino website ;Winding Stair Mountains&1xbet best casino website ;; Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, eds. D. Everett, L. O’Dell, L.D. Wilson and J.D. May, Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma City, Okla.

Lisa Harrington and Bimal Paul have been appointed to three-year terms on the Applied Geography Conferences Board of Directors, 2010-2012.

Doug Goodin, Shawn Hutchinson and colleagues published &1xbet best casino website ;A Habitat-Based Model for the Spread of Hantavirus between Reservoir and Spillover Species,&1xbet best casino website ; Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 260.

Goodin and colleagues published &1xbet best casino website ;Sympatry of 2 Hantavirus Strains, Paraguay, 2003-2007,&1xbet best casino website ; Emerging Infectious Disease. Vol. 15.

Goodin and colleagues published &1xbet best casino website ;Microhabitat Characteristics of Akodon Montensis, a Reservoir for Hantavirusa, and Hantaviral Seroprevalence in an Atlantic Forest Site, Eastern Paraguay,&1xbet best casino website ; Journal of Vector Ecology, Vol. 34.

Hutchinson and colleagues published &1xbet best casino website ;Connectivity of the American Agricultural Landscape: Assessing the National Risk of Crop Pest and Disease Spread,&1xbet best casino website ; BioScience, Vol. 59, No. 2.

Chuck Martin published &1xbet best casino website ;Recent Changes in Heavy Metal Storage in Flood-Plain Soils of the Lahn River, Central Germany,&1xbet best casino website ; Environmental Geology, Vol. 58.

Derek Hillard published &1xbet best casino website ;Poetry as Individuality: the Discourse of Observation in Paul Celan,&1xbet best casino website ; Bucknell University Press, 2010.

Joseph Aistrup and colleague published &1xbet best casino website ;Kansas Politics and Government: The Clash of Political Cultures,&1xbet best casino website ; University of Nebraska Press, March 2010.

Ronald Downey and colleagues &1xbet best casino website ;Personal Factors Impacting College Student Success: Constructing College Learning Effectiveness Inventory (CLEI),&1xbet best casino website ; College Student Journal, Vol. 44.

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