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John Harrington JrJohn Harrington Jr., K-State 1xbet sports betting geography, is serving as an official observer at the U.N. Conference on Global Climate Change, Dec. 7-18, in Copenhagen, Denmark.

"Given the seriousness of global change, including climate change, land cover change, population growth and water source availability, the more people who are aware, the higher the chance they'll sit up and take notice," Harrington said.

Harrington will represent the American Association of Geographers and will be one of approximately 15,000 observers from across the globe. He said that his experience will provide valuable perspective to energy and climate projects affecting Kansas.

Harrington is one of several K-State researchers involved in the Kansas NSF EPSCoR -- or Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research -- project on global change and renewable technology. He said that while he is at the U.N. conference he expects to see a lot of different technologies to address things like greenhouse gases and hopes to bring back perspectives that will help with the EPSCoR project.

K-State's chapter of Mortar Board has selected its 2009 outstanding faculty, advisers and mentors.

Each fall, Mortar Board members nominate outstanding faculty and staff from their respective colleges, student life groups and other departments throughout campus. As a group, members then select their honorees based on their exemplary contributions to students at K-State, and their ability to demonstrate the three ideals of Mortar Board: leadership, scholarship and service.

"It is important to honor these individuals because of the positive impact each has had on students at the university," said Amy Hoppock, senior in marketing and finance and Mortar Board scholarship team co-chair. "They are selected for their significant contributions as teachers, mentors and scholars. They are personal role models in the lives of students, leading by example, encouraging, challenging and guiding them."

The following faculty and staff members were honored as Mortar Board's 2009 outstanding faculty, advisers and mentors:

Timothy Rozell, associate 1xbet sports betting animal sciences and industry, for the College of Agriculture; Larry Bowne, associate 1xbet sports betting architecture, for the College of Architecture, Planning and Design; Benjamin Torrico, associate 1xbet sports betting modern languages, and Sue Zschoche, associate 1xbet sports betting history, both for the College of Arts and Sciences; David Lehman, instructor of marketing, for the College of Business Administration; Timothy Frey, assistant 1xbet sports betting special education, counseling and student affairs, for the College of Education; Julia Keen, assistant 1xbet sports betting architectural engineering and construction science, for the College of Engineering; Kevin Sauer, assistant 1xbet sports betting hospitality management and dietetics, for the College of Human Ecology; Mary Hale Tolar, director and assistant 1xbet sports betting leadership studies, School of Leadership Studies; Heather Reed, director of student life; and Stephen Kiefer, professor and director of university honors program.

The honorees were recognized at a reception Nov. 17 at the K-State Student Union.

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