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Please check your address in HRIS employee self-service to make sure it is up to date so that you 1xbet online casino receive your 2009 W-2, Wage and Tax Statement in a timely manner. This may be done through employee self-service at https://www.as.ksu.edu/psp/HRIS Any address changes must be entered by Dec. 15.

You may need to submit a new Form W-4 and K-4 if your withholding allowances have changed or 1xbet online casino change in 2010. This may be done through employee self-service at the link above.

For additional help completing the W-4, see IRS Publication 919, http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p919.pdf or visit the IRS Web site and use http://www.irs.gov/individuals/article/0,,id=96196,00.html

The holiday season can add many social and cultural challenges to a one's diet and exercise regimen, according to 1xbet online casino 's Melissa Bopp, assistant professor of kinesiology.

Bopp describes the holiday season as a double-edged sword because of the calorie-dense foods often served at social gatherings and the lack of time for exercise due to busy schedules and lack of access to exercise facilities when traveling.

To avoid packing on the pounds this holiday season, Bopp suggests adding physical activities into family holiday activities.

&1xbet online casino ;For people who are really interested in continuing to be active over the holidays, sometimes it just takes a little bit of recognition,&1xbet online casino ; she said. &1xbet online casino ;Maybe you don't get to go to the gym four days of the week over the holidays, but maybe when you're visiting your family you can take a walk together or visit the step-aerobics class your sister normally goes to. Recognize that you're not going to be in your normal routine.&1xbet online casino ;

According to Bopp, current recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for a healthy lifestyle and to maintain weight is 30 minutes of moderate physical activity five days a week or 25 minutes of vigorous activity three days a week. To lose weight, the Institute of Medicine recommends 60 to 90 minutes of moderate physical activity five days a week with some form of healthy diet or caloric restriction.

For people who have a sedentary lifestyle but want to become more active as a New Year's resolution, Bopp recommends starting low and going slow.

&1xbet online casino ;There are people who struggle with walking around the block once, so obviously a 60-minute exercise session would be rather difficult for them,&1xbet online casino ; she said. &1xbet online casino ;But, starting at a low intensity and going slow, they may be eventually able to walk around the block twice, then three times and on.&1xbet online casino ;

As for diet during the holiday season, Bopp suggests healthy habits such as eating a small meal before going to a holiday gathering to avoid eating in excess at the event and drinking water instead of calorie-laden alcohol and other festive drinks.

Bopp said her best advice for the holiday season is &1xbet online casino ;something is better than nothing.&1xbet online casino ; Rather than setting unrealistic diet and exercise goals, she said people should recognize that any little thing that can be done to implement physical activity and healthy diet into their holiday schedule is better than not doing anything at all.

&1xbet online casino ;Whether it's somebody who's active now and recognizing going into the holidays that they might not get a chance to be as active as they normally are, something is better than nothing,&1xbet online casino ; she said. &1xbet online casino ;Or somebody who wants to get a head start on their New Year's resolution, even a little bit of activity and sensible eating is a good start. It's all about making behavioral habits -- things that are going to be able to be sustained over a long period of time.

During winter break, the Information Technology Assistance Center will be replacing all of the PCs located on the first, second and third floors of the 1xbet online casino InfoCommons in Hale Library. The new Dell machines have 20-inch wide-screen monitors as well as memory and processor upgrades.

A test machine 1xbet online casino placed near the IT Help Desk in the near future so users can come by and check it out.

The university computing labs across campus also will be getting software updates, so each lab will be closed for a period of 2-3 days at some point over the break. During this time, all of the labs except Nichols 21 will also have a new Hewlett-Packard 9050 printer installed. This type of printer is currently being used in the 1xbet online casino InfoCommons.

1xbet online casino departments: If you currently have any software installed in either the InfoCommons or university computing labs and are aware of any updates available that you want to have installed, submit these requests in writing to softwarerequest@1xbet online casino edu as soon as possible. For information about policies, see http://www.1xbet online casino edu/infotech/labs/policy-software-request.html

1xbet online casino 's Classified Senate is now taking nominations for the new Classified Award of Excellence.

The award was established to recognize exemplary performance and the contributions of classified staff members who consistently excel in their positions and demonstrate integrity and a strong commitment to the mission and values of 1xbet online casino .

All classified, benefits-eligible staff may be nominated for 1xbet online casino 's Classified Award of Excellence if they have completed one or more years of consecutive service to the university and if they have not received the award within the past five years.

Current faculty, staff, administrators, and/or students at 1xbet online casino may nominate classified staff members to be considered for this award. No self-nominations will be accepted and all nominations will be confidential.

Nominations require the completion of the nomination form, which can be found at http://www.1xbet online casino edu/hr/forms/excellence.pdf. Three letters of support must also be provided. Nominations will be forwarded to the 1xbet online casino Classified Award for Excellence Selection Committee. The deadline for nominations is Jan. 22, 2010.

Three award winners will be selected, one in each of the following three categories: office and clerical; technical and professional; and service and maintenance. Each winner will receive a letter from 1xbet online casino President Kirk Schulz, a check for 0 and acknowledgement in K-Statement. The winners' names also will be added to a plaque in Anderson Hall.

For more information on the award and the criteria, go to: http://www.1xbet online casino edu/hr/ped/classified-award-excellence.html

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