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Sally Bailey and colleagues presented the workshops &1xbet online sports betting ;SOMK-IT: Speak Out for Military Kids Interactive Theatre Project&1xbet online sports betting ; and &1xbet online sports betting ;This is Your Brain on Drama Therapy,&1xbet online sports betting ; National Association for Drama Therapy Conference, Nov. 6-8, White Plains, N.Y.

Bailey published the chapter &1xbet online sports betting ;Recovering Identity and Stimulating Growth Through Drama Therapy,&1xbet online sports betting ; The Use of The Creative Therapies with Chemical Dependency Issues, ed. Stephanie L. Brooke, Charles C. Thomas publisher.

Elizabeth Dodd published &1xbet online sports betting ;Dead Reckoning,&1xbet online sports betting ; review of &1xbet online sports betting ;A Sunday in God Years&1xbet online sports betting ; by Michelle Boisseau, Tar River Poetry, Vol. 49, No. 1, Fall 2009.

Dodd published &1xbet online sports betting ;The Ekphrastic Poem&1xbet online sports betting ; in &1xbet online sports betting ;The Working Poet: 75 Writing Exercises and a Poetry Anthology,&1xbet online sports betting ; ed. Scott Minar, Pittsburgh, Autumn House Press, 2009.

Tanya González published &1xbet online sports betting ;Art, Activism and Community: An Introduction to Latina/o Literature,&1xbet online sports betting ; Ethnic Literary Traditions in American Children's Literature, eds. Michelle Pagni Stewart and Yvonne Atkinson, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.

Don Hedrick published a review of Diana Henderson's &1xbet online sports betting ;Alternative Shakespeares 3,&1xbet online sports betting ; Review of English Studies, Vol. 60.

Tim Dayton chaired the session &1xbet online sports betting ;Slavery and Capitalism in the U.S. South&1xbet online sports betting ; and presented &1xbet online sports betting ;'Love and Arms and Song:' Romantic Anticapitalism in the Poetry of Alan Seeger,&1xbet online sports betting ; Sixth Historical Materialism annual conference, Nov. 27-29, London.

Dayton presented &1xbet online sports betting ;American Poetry, the Historical Materialism of Ideology, and the Great War,&1xbet online sports betting ; Marxism in Culture Seminar, University College, Nov. 25, London.

Hedrick moderated the &1xbet online sports betting ;Shakespeare Division&1xbet online sports betting ; session, Midwest Modern Language Association, Nov. 13, St. Louis.

Hedrick presented &1xbet online sports betting ;Productive Boredom,&1xbet online sports betting ; Rethinking Marxism Conference, University of Massachuesetts, Nov. 7, Amherst, Mass.

Philip Nel presented &1xbet online sports betting ;Obamafiction for Children: Imagining the Fourty-Fourth President,&1xbet online sports betting ; American Studies Association annual meeting, Nov. 6, Washington, D.C.

Karin Westman presented &1xbet online sports betting ;Children's Literature and Modernism: A Case Study,&1xbet online sports betting ; at the seminar &1xbet online sports betting ;Modernist Studies Without Modernism,&1xbet online sports betting ; 11th Annual Modernist Studies Association Conference, Nov. 5, Montreal, Canada.

Dodd’s &1xbet online sports betting ;Disorder&1xbet online sports betting ; was listed as a Notable Essay of 2008 in &1xbet online sports betting ;Best American Essays,&1xbet online sports betting ; selected by Robert Atwan, series editor, Boston, Mariner Books, 2009.

Robert D. Linder published &1xbet online sports betting ;Two Godly Diggers: Life and Death in France in World War I,&1xbet online sports betting ; O Valiant Hearts, eds. Sue Pacey and Daryl Lightfoot, Sydney, Ferguson Memorial Library, 2009.

The following K-State faculty published chapters in &1xbet online sports betting ;Library Data: Empowering Practice and Persuasion,&1xbet online sports betting ; ed. D. Orcutt, Santa Barbara, Libraries Unlimited:

Danielle Theiss-White, Jason Coleman and colleague, &1xbet online sports betting ;Moving Beyond the Hash Mark: Capturing the Whole Reference Transaction for Effective Decision Making.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Jamene Brooks-Kieffer, &1xbet online sports betting ;Yielding to Persuasion: Library Data's Hazardous Surfaces.&1xbet online sports betting ;

The following K-State faculty presented at the 30th annual conference of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Nov. 21-23, Boston, Mass.:

Gary Brase and colleague, &1xbet online sports betting ;Predicting Health-Related Risk Behaviors With Delay Discounting And Time Perspective Measures.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Brase, &1xbet online sports betting ;Parsing the Cognitive Stream: Partitioning of Events as a Factor in Judgments Under Uncertainty.&1xbet online sports betting ;

The following K-State faculty presented at the 50th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Nov. 19-22, Boston, Mass.:

Brase, &1xbet online sports betting ;Big Number Effects in Direct Numerical Comparisons.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Lester Loschky, Richard Harris, student and colleagues, &1xbet online sports betting ;Effects of Stress, Working Memory Capacity, and Inferential Complexity on Foreign Language Reading Comprehension.&1xbet online sports betting ;

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