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Due to the increased number of reported cases of H1N1 and flu-like illnesses, Kansas Gov. Mark Parkinson recently issued an executive order adopting a 1xbet sports betting advancement policy for state employees.

The policy is designed to encourage employees who have H1N1 or flu-like symptoms to stay home -- even if they don't have any 1xbet sports betting accrued.

This new policy allows K-State to advance paid 1xbet sports betting to employees who accrue 1xbet sports betting , so they may remain in pay status while staying away from the workplace due to flu-like symptoms or other circumstances where the granting of 1xbet sports betting would be in the best interests of the state.

For employees to qualify, they must have exhausted all 1xbet sports betting balances and not be receiving shared 1xbet sports betting . They must also not have a history of 1xbet sports betting abuse.

In addition, excuse notes should not be required for sick 1xbet sports betting or students as doctors are presently inundated with cases and probable cases.

Faculty members requiring verification of a student's illness should first check with their associate dean. Students have been advised to report their illness to Lafene; their respective housing director; or the office of student life. The office of student life is collecting 1xbet sports betting information and maintaining a list of all ill students, which is shared with the associate deans of each college. If neither contact has verification of a student's illness, the student may still be ill, but has yet to report the illness.

To help prevent the spread of flu:

* Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.

* Wash your hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.

* Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread 1xbet sports betting way.

* Try to avoid close contact with sick people.

If you are sick with flu-like illness, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that you stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone without the use of fever-reducing medications. Also, keep away from others as much as possible to keep from making others sick.

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