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Today's brand of war is clearly having an impact on American soldiers and their 1xbet online casino . That's why active partnerships like the one between Fort Riley and K-State's new Institute for the Health and Security of Military 1xbet online casino are critical.

Institute logo&1xbet online casino ;Multiple long-term deployments are the norm and will remain the norm, and all this is starting to take a toll,&1xbet online casino ; said Lt. Gen. Robert E. Durbin during the institute's inaugural lecture Oct. 2. &1xbet online casino ;While fighting two simultaneous wars, we have soldiers and families that are feeling the stress and strain of multiple long-term deployments. We're seeing this in alcohol abuse, high rates of divorce and even suicide.

&1xbet online casino ;We don’t know what the lasting impact will be, but you can help us determine what they are and how we can deal with them,&1xbet online casino ; he said, referring to role of the institute's experts. &1xbet online casino ;Your efforts will not only improve the lives of soldiers stationed here in the Fort Riley community, but will also benefit soldiers and families across the entire Army and across the entire nation. You have already met us more than half way.&1xbet online casino ;

During &1xbet online casino ;Army Family Strong: Lightening Their Load,&1xbet online casino ; Durbin and his wife Diana officially kicked off the institute's opening.

Their message: in order for the U.S. military to remain strong, the 1xbet online casino that support them must be well taken care of and have their needs met.

K-State's new Institute for the Health and Security of Military 1xbet online casino will coordinate the multitude of research and outreach programs that touch on the well-being of military personnel, veterans and their 1xbet online casino after the battle. The institute will also oversee comprehensive research on military family issues and address the current and future needs of military 1xbet online casino through a variety of channels. Briana Nelson Goff, professor in the School of Family Studies and Human Services and associate dean of the College of Human Ecology, will serve as the institute's director.

Lt. Gen. Robert and Diana Durbin were stationed at Fort Riley from July 2007 to July 2008, when he was commander of the post and the First Infantry Division. Lt. Gen. Durbin has since been promoted to special assistant to the U.S. Army chief of staff for enterprise management.

During the lecture, the Durbins stressed the impact of deployment on 1xbet online casino and the need for additional family support.

Diana DurbinDiana Durbin recounted her astonishment when her husband was deployed for the first time in the 1970s.

&1xbet online casino ;This was not what I had signed up for. I had left my family to be with my husband, I was now living hundreds of miles from my family and was now going to be thousands of miles away from my husband,&1xbet online casino ; she said. &1xbet online casino ;It was beyond my imagination that they could actually expect you and find it acceptable to have a husband and wife separated and to live that way.&1xbet online casino ;

However, that was more than 30 years ago. Today, 1xbet online casino are separated for many months -- often longer than a year -- and while there are many support structures in place, the stress endured takes its toll.

&1xbet online casino ;In today's Army, it's not just the solider we ask to endure the multiple long-term deployments, but also the families,&1xbet online casino ; she said. &1xbet online casino ;They endure stresses and strains that most of us can't even fathom.&1xbet online casino ;

The Durbins said this is why community support and partnerships like the new institute are critical to ensuring that military 1xbet online casino have the support and resources they need to thrive.

&1xbet online casino ;We as neighbors, as a community, as an Army and as a nation owe it to our soldiers and families to provide the best medical care, educational opportunities, housing and employment that we can,&1xbet online casino ; Diana Durbin said. &1xbet online casino ;We can no longer only say the Army takes care of its own. We can no longer just say 'an Army of one.' The Army needs the involvement of the community and a partnership. They need teamwork to lighten the load.&1xbet online casino ;

K-State President Kirk Schulz said the university is more than happy to partner with the 1xbet online casino in this endeaver.

&1xbet online casino ;It's terrific to see the partnerships continue to develop between K-State and our military partners,&1xbet online casino ; he said. &1xbet online casino ;We really want to set the national stage to prescribe the relationships that can exist between our military partners and a university.&1xbet online casino ;

For more information about the institute, go to http://www.militaryfamilies.k-state.edu

Photo: Speaking about the impact of war on military 1xbet online casino , Diana Durbin cites several statistics associated with the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

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