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Chang Exhibition: Study Abroad Exhibit

An exhibit of projects and activities completed by College of Architecture, Planning and Design students who participated in study abroad programs during spring and summer of 2009. On display in Seaton Hall's Chang Gallery and adjacent hallway through Oct. 9.

Kemper Exhibition: 'Remarkable Women'
Jennifer Randall's paintings of historical women are contemporary in style and bright in color. These paintings will be on display through Oct. 13 in the Kemper Art Gallery, 1xbet sports betting Student Union.

Beach exhibition: 'Robert J. Lang: Insect Origami'
This exhibition features larger-than-life origami insects by Robert J. Lang. Organized in collaboration with the 1xbet sports betting Insect Zoo. On display at the Beach Museum of Art through Dec. 24.

Beach exhibition: 'Renewal: 1xbet sports betting Art Department Faculty Biennial'
This exhibition features work by 1xbet sports betting art department faculty from the past two years. On display through Dec. 24 at the Beach Museum.

Hale Exhibit: 'Beyond Oz: the Other Works of L. Frank Baum'
Pieces from 1xbet sports betting 's L. Frank Baum collection will be on display in the fifth floor gallery of Hale Library. The gallery is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. The exhibit will be on display through Dec. 31.

OCT. 8
Employee Benefits EXPO
10 a.m. to 3 p.m., ballroom, 1xbet sports betting Student Union. Faculty and staff will be able to visit with Kansas Board of Regents retirement providers, Kansas Public Employee Retirement System representatives, health insurance companies, and attend open enrollment sessions for 2010 health insurance, long-term care and personal financial planning sessions from 1xbet sports betting faculty. More information is available at http://www.1xbet sports betting edu/hr/news/newsletter.html#news1

IT Training: IT orientation
10 to 11 a.m., 401 Hale Library. Learn about the many training opportunities being offered at 1xbet sports betting . To register -- or for more information -- go to http://www.1xbet sports betting edu/infotech/training/registration.html

TechBytes: Cool iPod Touch and iPhone Apps
1:30 to 2:30 p.m., 501 Hale Library. See how several of these applications are being used for learning and collaboration. For more information go to http://www.1xbet sports betting edu/techbytes/index.html

OCT. 10
McCain performance series: Sao Paulo Orchestra
7:30 p.m., McCain Auditorium. The Orquestra De Sao Paulo is considered the most outstanding orchestra in Latin America and will perform works by well-known Brazilian composers. Guest artist will be internationally acclaimed percussionist Dame Evelyn Glennie. For ticket information call 532-6428.

OCT. 13
Lou Douglas Lecture Series on Public Issues : '21st Century Slavery: Living Proof'

7 p.m., Forum Hall, 1xbet sports betting Student Union. Simon Deng, a former slave, is now leading the struggle to stop genocide in Sudan.

IT Training: Introduction to Dreamweaver
10 a.m. to noon, 202 Fairchild Hall. This session will give an overview of Dreamweaver interface. You will learn how to create a Web page using meta-data, headings, lists, links, images and tables. Those attending should already have knowledge of HTML and be comfortable working with Windows operating systems. To register -- or for more information -- go to http://www.1xbet sports betting edu/infotech/training/registration.html

OCT. 14
Van training: van operator training
9:30 to 11:30 a.m., 213 1xbet sports betting Student Union. This training is mandatory for anyone who will or might operate motor pool vans owned by 1xbet sports betting . Register at http://www.1xbet sports betting edu/facilities/forms/signup.html

OCT. 15
Theater: "Speech and Debate"

7:30 p.m., Nichols Theater. Salem is in for another witch hunt when a scandal involving a teacher shakes the halls of a small Oregon high school, linking three students. This play 1xbet sports betting stage from Oct. 15 to 17 and Oct. 21 to 24. For tickets call 532-6428.

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