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Harald E.L. Prins and colleague's two-volume book &1xbet online casino ;Asticou's Island Domain: Wabanaki Peoples at Mt. Desert Island, 1500-2000,&1xbet online casino ; was digitally published by the National Park Service.

Prins published a book review of &1xbet online casino ;Encounters: American Indians in Britain, 1500-1776,&1xbet online casino ; Annales canadiennes d'histoire, Vol. 43, No.1.

The following K-State faculty presented at the Lower Missouri River Archaeology and History Conference, Sept. 6, at the Fort Osage National Historical Landmark in celebration of the bicentennial of Fort Osage:

Lauren Ritterbush, &1xbet online casino ;Archaeology of the Early Kansas Indians.&1xbet online casino ;

Brad Logan, &1xbet online casino ;Life on the Edge: Cultural Prehistory on the Western Side of the Lower Missouri Valley.&1xbet online casino ;

Ritterbush, Logan and Donna Roper participated in the Nebraska Phase Seminar as part of the Loess Hills archaeology symposium, Sept. 13, Glenwood, Iowa.

Architectural engineering and construction science

Sutton Stephens was elected to the national board of directors for the Cold-formed Steel Engineers Institute.


Qize Wei, Di Wu and colleagues published &1xbet online casino ;Phosphorylation of MyoGEF on Thr-574 by Plk1 Promotes MyoGEF Localization to the Central Spindle,&1xbet online casino ; Journal of Biological Chemistry, August 2008.

Robert Peterman, Asad Esmaeily and former student were recipients of the 2008 George D. Nasser Award presented by the national Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute for the paper &1xbet online casino ;Bond Characteristics of Self-Consolidating Concrete for Pretensioned Bridge Girders,&1xbet online casino ; published in the July-August 2007 issue of the PCI Journal. The award will be presented Oct. 6 in Orlando, Fla.

Disability Support Services

Jaclyn Anderson has been appointed to serve as one of the commissioners to the Kansas Commission on Disability Concerns. The commission provides policy recommendations to the state of Kansas on changes to laws, regulations and programs that affect people with disabilities. Anderson is the first ever commisioner appointed from higher education.


Richard Beeman, Marce Lorenzen, Jeremy Marshall, Yoonseong Park and colleagues published &1xbet online casino ;The Genome of the Model Beetle and Pest Trobolium Castaneum,&1xbet online casino ; Nature, Vol. 452, No. 7190.

Beeman, Lorenzen, Park and colleagues published &1xbet online casino ;The Maternal-Effect, Selfish Genetic Element Medea is Associated With a Composite Tc1 Transposon,&1xbet online casino ; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 105, No. 29.


Donna F. Ekart published &1xbet online casino ;Somewhere Over the Verde Rainbow,&1xbet online casino ; in Computers in Libraries, Vol. 28,
No. 8.

Multiple departments

Aaron H. Carlstrom, special education, counseling and student affairs; and Eunhee Kim and Fred B. Newton, counseling services; presented &1xbet online casino ;Cluster Analysis of Client Concerns of University Students at Intake,&1xbet online casino ; 116th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Aug. 16, Boston.


The following K-State faculty members presented at the 2008 meetings of the Rural Sociological Society, Manchester, N.H.:

Theresa Selfa, Richard Goe, Laszlo Kulcsar, and Gerad Middendorf, &1xbet online casino ;The Biofuels Revolution? Understanding the Promises and Perils of Biofuels Development for Rural Communities.&1xbet online casino ;

Goe and student, &1xbet online casino ;Correlates of Ethanol Factory Location in the North Central Region of the U.S.&1xbet online casino ;

Kulcsar and student, &1xbet online casino ;If You Build It, Will They Come? Biofuel Plants and Demographic Trends in the Midwest.&1xbet online casino ;

Middendorf, Selfa and student, &1xbet online casino ;Environmental Discourse and Biofuels Development.&1xbet online casino ;

Selfa and student, &1xbet online casino ;Biofueling Rural Development? Prospects and Challenges at Local and Global Scales.&1xbet online casino ;

Selfa and student, &1xbet online casino ;Diffused Water Governance and Forums for Local Participation: Examples from Kansas.&1xbet online casino ;

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