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Progress and possibilities at K-State

Provost 1xbet online games login tells success stories as university moves forward

The experience, expertise, creativity and eagerness of K-State's faculty and administrators have prepared a venerable land-grant university for its 21st century role as a center for innovation, Provost Duane 1xbet online games login said during his State of the University presentation Sept. 12.

Duane NellisHe listed several initiatives that make K-State &1xbet online games login ;a unique and forward-looking institution,&1xbet online games login ; among them &1xbet online games login ;our emphasis on departments setting priorities for academic achievement, our university-based interdisciplinary Targeted Excellence grant program, and our efforts to be more engaged, entrepreneurial and international as an institution.&1xbet online games login ;

In addition to crediting research scholars for K-State's increased national prominence, 1xbet online games login pointed to impressive tallies in research dollars, national awards for faculty, national and international awards and scholarships for students, and records in numbers of international students and private giving.

But 1xbet online games login also raised the importance of continued improvement as the 2011 reaccreditation visit approaches, particularly in enhanced diversity of faculty and students, the need for an updated strategic plan, approval of a new general education curriculum and associated full cycle assessment of student learner outcomes, and enhanced engagement across the university and across the state. 1xbet online games login also spoke to the need to improve faculty and staff salaries in line with peer institutions.

He praised such initiatives as the Developing Scholars Program, Bridges and Project Impact, which work with underrepresented students and their families, as ways &1xbet online games login ;to provide a seamless track to success at K-State.&1xbet online games login ;

Other efforts to increase K-State's accessibility, including two-plus-two arrangements with community colleges, also have brought more high-quality students to campus, he said.

Just as important as retaining and supporting students and faculty is the need to more aggressively internationalize their university experiences, 1xbet online games login said.

That will mean more incentives for faculty to create opportunities for students internationally. Details of a new university grant program for faculty to support such activities will be announced soon, 1xbet online games login said.

In emphasizing entrepreneurship, 1xbet online games login defined it as "moving our land-grant institution to new levels of innovation, being more creative and taking advantage of opportunities to extend our knowledge discoveries to new business opportunities."

Extending K-State's assets and expertise across the campus and the state is the essence of engagement, 1xbet online games login said. He cited the Center for Engagement and Community Development for "fusing our knowledge base on campus with communities in the state through our Extension network."

1xbet online games login lauded the career-long devotion of retiring deans Stephen White, Arts and Sciences, and Dennis Law, Architecture, Planning and Design.

&1xbet online games login ;These two individuals have committed their lives to the university and have done an extraordinary job.&1xbet online games login ;

1xbet online games login then summarized plans for searches related to these deanships and other university administrative posts.

He expressed his hope that a new president will be named in time to have a hand in final selections for the deanships.

Despite administrative transitions and a climate of fiscal uncertainty, 1xbet online games login expressed enthusiasm for the opportunities ahead for K-State.

"That optimism, which is now a hallmark of Kansas State University, is a tribute to the leadership that Dr. Wefald has provided over the past 22 years," 1xbet online games login said.

Photo: Duane 1xbet online games login , provost and senior vice president, addresses attendees of the 23rd State of the University presentations Sept. 12.

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