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Janet Benson presented &1xbet online casino ;Immigrants to the Heartland: Recent Population Trends and Public Policy Issues in the Midwestern U.S.,” Sixth Society for Multi-Ethnic Studies: Europe and the Americas conference, June 25-28, Leiden University, The Netherlands.

Clinical sciences

Dan Thomson presented &1xbet online casino ;Welfare Issues in the Beef Industry,” Kansas Livestock Association, Aug. 21, Garden City.

Communication studies, theater and dance

The following K-State faculty members 1xbet online casino at the Association for Theatre in Higher Education, July 31-Aug. 3, Denver:
Sally Bailey took part on two panels: For Emerging Scholars in the Senior Theatre Research Group she presented &1xbet online casino ;The Mystery of the Stolen Grocery Carts,” an improvisational play developed with the drama group at Meadowlark Hills Retirement Community last summer. For the Technology Group, she presented &1xbet online casino ;Teaching Playwriting Online.”

R. Michael Gros chaired a juried panel presentation, &1xbet online casino ;Professional Theatres on University Campuses: A Dialogue on the Professional and Academic Partnership of Resident Theatre Companies with Educational Host Institutions.” Gros also began his two-year term as conference planner for the association’s Directing Focus Group.


Kendra McLauchlan has been elected chair of the paleoecology section of the 1xbet online casino Society of America. The section has about 200 members across the U.S.

Hospitality 1xbet online casino and dietetics

The following K-State faculty members 1xbet online casino at the 2008 International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education Annual conference, July 30 - Aug. 2, Atlanta:

Betsy Barrett and student, &1xbet online casino ;Integration of Technology into the Classroom.”

Barrett and colleagues, &1xbet online casino ;Switching Barriers: The Development of a Multi-Item Scale in a Full-Service Restaurant Setting.”

Chihung Ok and student, &1xbet online casino ;Antecedents of Service Employees’ Organizational Citizenship Behaviors in Foodservice Businesses.”

Carol Shanklin and alumnus, &1xbet online casino ;Application of the Protection Motivation Theory to Assess Food Service Operators Intention to Implement a Food Defense Management Plan.”

The following received a best paper award at the conference: student, former professor and Deborah Canter presented &1xbet online casino ;Social Image congruence and Tourists’ Visiting Intention to Conspicuous Destinations.”

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Mark Fowler presented &1xbet online casino ;Quality of the 2008 U.S. Hard Red Winter and Soft Red Winter Crops Appears to have Returned to Relatively Normal Levels Compared to Previous Years,” at the joint meeting of the Central and Wheat State districts of the International Association of Operative Millers, Aug. 1, Lake of the Ozarks, Mo.

Multiple departments

Amber Howells, Kevin Roberts, Betsy B. Barrett, hospitality management and dietetics; Carol W. Shanklin, hospitality management and dietetics and Graduate School; Valerie K. Pilling and Laura A. Brannon, psychology; published &1xbet online casino ;Restaurant Employees’ Perceptions of Barriers to Three Food Safety Practices,” Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Vol. 108, No. 8.

Political science

Krishna K. Tummala presented the the keynote address and &1xbet online casino ;Corruption: The Indian Saga,” at The Many Faces of Public Management Reform in Asia-Pacific conference, July 7-9, Bangkok, Thailand.

Sociology, anthropology and social work

Gerad Middendorf and colleagues published &1xbet online casino ;Agrarian Landscape Transition in the Flint Hills of Kansas: Legacies and Resilience,” in &1xbet online casino ;Agrarian Landscapes in Transition: Comparisons of Long-Term Ecological and Cultural Change,” published by Oxford University Press.

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