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Jianming Yu, Chengsong Zhu and colleagues published &1xbet sports betting ;Status and Prospects of Association Mapping in Plants,&1xbet sports betting ; The Plant Genome, Vol. 1, No. 1.

Journalism and Mass Communications

The following faculty members presented at &1xbet sports betting ;Media and Global Divides,&1xbet sports betting ; the 26th World Congress of the International Association for Media and Communication Research, July 20-25, Stockholm:

Soontae An and colleague, &1xbet sports betting ;Online Advergames and Children's Understanding of Commercial Contents.&1xbet sports betting ;

Nancy Muturi, &1xbet sports betting ;The Elderly and HIV/AIDS Infection in Kenya: A Qualitative Analysis.&1xbet sports betting ;
Sam Mwangi, &1xbet sports betting ;A Search for an Appropriate Communications Model for Media in New Democracies in Africa.&1xbet sports betting ;

Muturi has been elected as the next chair for the International Association for Media and Communication Research HIV/AIDS working group for the next four-year term.


Satoris Youngcourt-Culbertson and student presented &1xbet sports betting ;Work-Family Conflict as a Moderator Between Emotional Labor and Burnout,&1xbet sports betting ; Mid-Western Applied Psychology Conference, July 11-12, Carbondale, Ill.

Richard Harris, Lester Loschky and students presented &1xbet sports betting ;The Effects of Stress and Working Memory Capacity on Second Language Learners' Comprehension of Facts, Inferences, and Pronoun Referents,&1xbet sports betting ; meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, July 12-15, Memphis.

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