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Group goes back in time, again

Brad 1xbet best casino website digs for prehistoric knowledge in Leavenworth County

Just as prehistoric peoples kept returning to a riverbank in Leavenworth County, so too do Brad 1xbet best casino website and his troop of anthropology students.

Kansas Archaeological Field SchoolThe Kansas Archaeological Field School takes place in even years. Through June 27, 1xbet best casino website and 10 students were back in the Stranger Creek watershed, this time along Nine Mile Creek.

&1xbet best casino website ;I've been back there every year since 2001, when a flood exposed the floor of a late prehistoric house,&1xbet best casino website ; said Logan, a research associate professor in the department of sociology, anthropology and social work. The late prehistoric era ranged from AD 900 to 1500.

As a doctoral student 1xbet best casino website based his dissertation on the watershed's trove of tools, pottery and other relics of diverse prehistoric populations, some as young as 800 years old, others stretching beyond 5000 B.C.

The work he and his students pursued 1xbet best casino website summer could result in a National Register of Historic Places listing exclusive to prehistoric sites in the Stranger Creek basin.

1xbet best casino website attributes the area's enduring popularity among Stone Age peoples in part to readily available, high-quality chert and to a landform that was rarely flooded, even though it was along the tributaries of a major waterway.

&1xbet best casino website ;It's called Toronto chert, after the limestone in which it formed, and it attracted Stone Age people throughout the watershed and adjacent areas,&1xbet best casino website ; Logan said. &1xbet best casino website ;A good flintknapper can shape it into any sort of tool.

&1xbet best casino website ;And the tributary valleys, during times of flood, have these nice terraces, or a ‘second bottom,' that would generally remain flood free.&1xbet best casino website ;

Stranger Creek is the last major watershed to empty into the Kansas River before it joins the Missouri River, and the area has always formed a natural boundary, 1xbet best casino website said. Centuries ago, it marked the transition between the wooded East and grassland West.

&1xbet best casino website ;It's kind of a frontier area, &1xbet best casino website ; he said. &1xbet best casino website ;You can almost see people coming out of the woods and seeing the prairie and saying, ‘I think this is about as far as I want to go.'

&1xbet best casino website ;Accounts by travelers across Stranger Creek, including Francis Parkman and Horace Greeley, show how they were struck by the contrast in vegetation,&1xbet best casino website ; Logan said.

&1xbet best casino website ;So you can imagine that Native Americans, whose livelihoods depended on the varied resources of these major plant communities, would have been impressed as well.&1xbet best casino website ;

Though many groups occupied the area over thousands of years, 1xbet best casino website is particularly interested in the Steed-Kisker culture, whose members built the house the K-State team studied. 1xbet best casino website hoped that this summer's dig would recover evidence of those people, whose territory centered on the Missouri River in the modern Kansas City area.

&1xbet best casino website ;Some archaeologists had suggested that Steed-Kisker groups hadn't crossed the Missouri, that they stayed in northwest Missouri,&1xbet best casino website ; he said.

Among 1xbet best casino website summer's finds were a projectile point-knife that is among the oldest found in the region (about 8000-5000 BC) and corner-notched arrow points that point to occupation by people of the Late Woodland period, AD 500-1000.

In addition to dirt-under-the-fingernails field methods, participating students learned laser surveying, topographical map interpretation and even the right way to walk around a site. They documented it for a geographic information system database maintained by the Kansas Geological Survey.

Lectures by 1xbet best casino website and guests included the region's prehistory and general geographic information science. n

Photo: Brad Logan leads this summer's Kansas Archaeological Field School near a Kansas River tributary. &1xbet best casino website ;I've been back there every year since 2001, when a flood exposed the floor of a late prehistoric house,&1xbet best casino website ; Logan said.

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