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Pulling together

New senate president calls on 1xbet online sports betting to help shape K-State's future

Melody LeHewK-State's new 1xbet online sports betting senate president, Melody LeHew, knows the next year will bring more than its fair share of challenges, among them the transition to new presidential leadership, the search for a new provost and a troubled economy.

These three things will color every decision the 1xbet online sports betting makes over the next year, she said.

&1xbet online sports betting ;Because of the transition taking place and the economic downturn, I carry increased responsibility for being an effective faculty advocate,&1xbet online sports betting ; LeHew said. &1xbet online sports betting ;The value placed in shared governance here at K-State is unique and we as faculty in general need to participate in that process.&1xbet online sports betting ;

That's why as the &1xbet online sports betting ;voice of the faculty,&1xbet online sports betting ; LeHew says she'll reach out to as many on campus as she can. She wants to encourage everyone to use the shared governance process to its fullest.

&1xbet online sports betting ;I want faculty and unclassified professionals to seek out their faculty senate representatives and express their concerns, share their ideas for improving our institution,&1xbet online sports betting ; she said. &1xbet online sports betting ;I want faculty senators to synthesize and discuss these ideas and concerns within their caucus groups and bring them forward to the Faculty Senate Leadership Council.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Council members meet with the senate's university executive leadership team on a regular basis, which allows for the timely transmission of views so the 1xbet online sports betting senate president can be effective, LeHew said. And having so many people engaged means LeHew will be well aware of both 1xbet online sports betting concerns and innovative ideas that might help the university come through these times for the better.

&1xbet online sports betting ;We're at the point where we need everybody's ideas. We can help shape the university and influence where we want to go and who we want to be as an organization,&1xbet online sports betting ; she said. &1xbet online sports betting ;We're also at a point where we really have to do the difficult work.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Issues facing the senate this year will include academic matters, such as approving implementation and assessment plans for the K-State 8 -- a new general education requirement; 1xbet online sports betting and unclassified professional concerns, including modifications to the administrative review process; and issues important to the university as a whole, primarily budget cuts and the hiring of a new provost.

&1xbet online sports betting ;This is a time of uncertainty and change and I realize that this can make people feel fearful or apathetic,&1xbet online sports betting ; LeHew said. &1xbet online sports betting ;I'm hoping that we do not let the challenges paralyze our ability to find and pursue unique opportunities that will allow us to come through this time of transition a stronger and more vibrant institution.&1xbet online sports betting ;

LeHew is an associate professor in the department of apparel, textiles and interior design who has been at K-State since 1996. She has been involved in 1xbet online sports betting senate since 2004.

Editor's note: K-Statement will feature the new president of the classified 1xbet online sports betting in a future edition.

College of Agriculture:
Kassim Al-Khatib, Sean Fox, Steven Graham, Mary Beth Kirkham, Daniel Moser, James Nechols, 1xbet online sports betting Nichols, John Reese, William Schapaugh Jr., Karen Schmidt and Scott Staggenborg.

College of Architecture, Planning, and Design:
Mick Charney, Bob Condia, Richard Hoag and John Keller.

College of Arts and Sciences:
Jennifer Askey, Andrew Bennett, John Boyer, Linda Brigham, Gabriela Diaz de Sabates, Elizabeth Dodd, Michael Donnelly, Jerry Frieman, Wayne Goins, Jim Hamilton, Angela Hubler, Bonnie Lynn-Sherow, Eric Maatta, Wayne Nafziger, Yasmin Patell, Donna Potts, Gerald Reeck, 1xbet online sports betting Rintoul, Brian Spooner and Larry Weaver.

College of Business Administration:
Jim Bloodgood, Jeff Hornsby, Michael Raine and Bill Turnley.

College of Education:
Judy Hughey, Teresa Miller, Jackie Spears and Tom Vontz.

College of Engineering:
John Devore, Todd Easton, Steve Eckels, Keith Hohn, Julia Keen, 1xbet online sports betting Soldan and Naiqian Zhang.

1xbet online sports betting Research and Extension:
Joel DeRouchey, Sharolyn Flaming Jackson, Gloria Holcombe, Elaine Johannes, Danny Rogers, Mark Stadtlander and Pam Van Horn.

General 1xbet online sports betting :
Andrea Blair, Cindy Bontrager, Kelli Cox, Scott Finkeldei, Jennifer Gehrt, Rebecca Gould, Mark Grinter, Skyler Harper, Steve Martini, 1xbet online sports betting Stewart, Loleta Sump and Kristine Young.

College of Human Ecology:
Jane Garcia, Mark Haub, Peggy Honey, Carol Kellett and Kevin Roberts.

1xbet online sports betting at Salina:
Judith Collins, Fred Guzek, Barney King, Kaleen Knopp and Alysia Starkey.

1xbet online sports betting Libraries:
1xbet online sports betting Allen, Tara Baillargeon, Ellen Urton and Tim Watts.

Veterinary Medicine:
Michael Cates, Elizabeth Davis, Roman Ganta, T.G. Nagaraja, Thomas Schermerhorn and Bruce Schultz.

Student Representatives:
Dalton Henry, Wayne Stoskopf and Amy Schultz.

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