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Chuck Rice is president-elect of the Soil Science Society of America. His term as president-elect begins Jan. 1, 2010; he assumes the role of president on Jan. 1, 2011.

Dan Sweeney has been elected as 2010 representative to the Soil Science Society of America Board of Directors for Division S-4 Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition.

Scott Staggenborg is 2010 chair-elect of Division A-8 Integrated Agricultural Systems of the American Society of Agronomy.

Bill Heer has been elected 2010 representative to the American Society of Agronomy Board of Directors for Division A-7 Agricultural Research Station Management.


Lynda Andrus' artwork is currently being exhibited at Exhibition 2009: Art of Collage and Assemblage, Espace Villa Dutoit, Geneva, Switzerland, and was recently shown at Salon Du Collage, Paris, France.

Andrus' artwork was also published in Studio Visit, a juried artist's catalog, and in Fiber Arts Magazine, Summer Edition, 2009. She also has assemblages published in American Style Magazine, April 2009, and has published a collage in &1xbet online games login ;The Copeland Collection.&1xbet online games login ;

Andrus also received the McKenny Award at Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Mich. Two of her collages will be published in the 38th Edition of &1xbet online games login ;Cellar Roots,&1xbet online games login ; the university's arts journal.


Gary J. Coates presented &1xbet online games login ;Evoking a Sense of the Sacred: Memory, Imagination and Meaning in Carl Nyrén's Vitlycke Museum,&1xbet online games login ; inaugural Architecture, Culture and Spirituality Symposium, March 24-26, Mt. Angel Benedictine Abbey Retreat House, Mount Angel, Ore.

Coates presented &1xbet online games login ;Ecological and Sustainable Community: A Study of Kronsberg (Hannover), Germany,&1xbet online games login ; Spring Lecture Series, College of Architecture and Planning, Ball State University, April 22, Muncie, Ind.

Coates presented &1xbet online games login ;The City as Garden: A Study of the Sustainable Urban District of Kronsberg (Hannover), Germany,&1xbet online games login ; 47th International Making Cities Livable Conference, May 10-14, Portland, Ore.

Clinical sciences

Greg Grauer presented &1xbet online games login ;Nuts and Bolts of Azotemia&1xbet online games login ;; &1xbet online games login ;Risk Factors and Monitoring To Avoid Acute Renal Failure&1xbet online games login ;; &1xbet online games login ;Are NSAIDs Safe For Dogs With Liver and Kidney Disease?&1xbet online games login ;; &1xbet online games login ;Early Detection of Chronic Kidney Disease&1xbet online games login ;; &1xbet online games login ;Staging and Managing Chronic Kidney Disease&1xbet online games login ;; &1xbet online games login ;A Simplified Approach To Urine Retention and Leakage Disorders&1xbet online games login ;; &1xbet online games login ;Focus on Proteinuria- From Microalbuminuria To Nephritic Syndrome&1xbet online games login ;; and &1xbet online games login ;Which Is It? Acute Renal Failure Vs. Chronic Kidney Disease&1xbet online games login ;; Central Veterinary Conference East, April 25-27, Baltimore, Md.


The following K-State faculty members presented at the Cultural Studies Association seventh annual meeting, April 16, Kansas City, Mo.:

Erica Hateley, &1xbet online games login ;Child Centered Panic.&1xbet online games login ;

Michele Janette, &1xbet online games login ;Why I Haven't Given Up On Cultural Studies,&1xbet online games login ; plenary session on &1xbet online games login ;The University After Cultural Studies.&1xbet online games login ;


The following K-State faculty presented at the annual conference for the Society for Behavioral Medicine, April 23-25, Montreal, Canada:

Elizabeth Fallon and student, &1xbet online games login ;Healthcare Provider Attitudes Towards Counseling Diverse Patient Populations For Preventive Health Behaviors.&1xbet online games login ;

Fallon and student, &1xbet online games login ;Body Image Moderates The Transtheoretical Model Constructs For Physical Activity.&1xbet online games login ;

Modern languages

The following K-State faculty presented at the Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, April 18, Lexington, Ky.:

Benjamín Torrico, &1xbet online games login ;A cal y canto: la resurrección de Lázaro (de Tormes).&1xbet online games login ;

Douglas Benson, &1xbet online games login ;El tiempo vuela: variaciones en la trayectoria poética de Angel Gonzalez (1925-2008).&1xbet online games login ;


Satoris Culbertson and colleagues published &1xbet online games login ;The Role of Personality and Goal Orientation in Student Preferences for Job Attributes,&1xbet online games login ; Canadian Journal of Career Development, Vol. 8, No. 1.

Sociology, anthropology and social work

The following K-State faculty members attended the 74th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, April 23, in Atlanta, Ga.:

Brad Logan presented &1xbet online games login ;Housekeeping in the Central Plains: Spatial Analysis of Late Prehistoric Lodges.&1xbet online games login ;

Lauren W. Ritterbush was elected Secretary of the Council of Affiliated Societies.

L. Susan Williams published &1xbet online games login ;Doing Culture with Girls Like Me: Why Trying on Gender and Intersectionality Matters,&1xbet online games login ; Sociology Compass, Vol. 3.

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