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Jianming Yu published &1xbet sports betting ;The Potential of Ultrahigh Throughput Genomic Technologies in Crop Improvement,&1xbet sports betting ; and, with colleague, &1xbet sports betting ;Simulation Appraisal of the Adequacy of Number of Background Markers for Relationship Estimation in Association Mapping,&1xbet sports betting ; The Plant Genome, Vol. 2, No. 1.

Yu and colleagues published &1xbet sports betting ;Selection Before Backcross During Exotic Germplasm Introgression,&1xbet sports betting ; Field Crops Research, Vol. 112, No. 1.

Yu and colleagues published &1xbet sports betting ;Applications of Linkage Disequilibrium and Association Mapping in Maize,&1xbet sports betting ; Molecular Genetic Approaches to Maize Improvement, Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, eds. A.L. Kriz and B.A. Larkins, Vol. 63, Springer Verlag.

Architectural engineering and construction science

Julia Keen presented &1xbet sports betting ;High Performance Buildings,&1xbet sports betting ; Tech 2009: Maintain to Sustain, April 23, Kansas City, Mo.

Clinical sciences

Bonnie Rush presented &1xbet sports betting ;Tracking Students Clinical Competencies Through the One45 System,&1xbet sports betting ; American Association of Veterinary Clinicians department head meeting, April 2, Atlanta, Ga.


Elizabeth Dodd published a review of &1xbet sports betting ;The Wet Collection&1xbet sports betting ; by Joni Tevis, ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, Vol. 16, No. 1.

Darrin Doyle published &1xbet sports betting ;Revenge of the Teacher's Pet: A Love Story,&1xbet sports betting ; LSU Press (Yellow Shoe Fiction Series), 2009.

The following K-State faculty presented at the Modern Critical Approaches to Children's Literature, March 25-27, Nashville, Tenn.:

Gregory Eiselein, &1xbet sports betting ;'A Religion of Their Own:' Louisa M. Alcott's New American Religion.&1xbet sports betting ;

Erica Hateley, &1xbet sports betting ;Anthony Browne and the Cultural Capital of Classic Fairy Tales.&1xbet sports betting ;

Anne Phillips, &1xbet sports betting ;From 'Without Christ' to a 'Very Attractive Book:' Little Women's Progress.&1xbet sports betting ;

Karin Westman, &1xbet sports betting ;The Next J. K. Rowling?: Stephanie Meyer and the Consequences of Genre.&1xbet sports betting ;

Dean Hall presented &1xbet sports betting ;'Remember What Happened to the Painter Daswanth?': Painting Oneself into the Story in Salman Rushdie's The Enchantress of Florence,&1xbet sports betting ; British Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies Conference, Feb. 27, Savannah, Ga.

Abby Knoblauch presented &1xbet sports betting ;Persuasive Designs: Alternative Rhetorics in a (College Level) Persuasive Writing Course,&1xbet sports betting ; College English Association Annual Conference, March 26, Pittsburg, Pa.

Anne Longmuir presented &1xbet sports betting ;Falling Man as Still Life: The Fiction of Don DeLillo After 9/11,&1xbet sports betting ; Northeast Modern Language Association, Feb. 26 - March 1, Boston, Mass.

Luke Redington presented &1xbet sports betting ;The Value of Carolyn R. Miller's Genre Theory in Literary Analysis,&1xbet sports betting ; Conference on College Composition and Communication, March 13, San Francisco, Calif.

Donna Potts has been elected to serve on the executive committee of the American Conference for Irish Studies.

Leadership studies

Andrew Wefald and Rebecca Reichard presented &1xbet sports betting ;Fitting Engagement into a Nomological Network,&1xbet sports betting ; annual conference for the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, April 2-4, New Orleans, La.

Multiple departments

David Smit, English, and Richard Hoag, architecture; &1xbet sports betting ;Verbal vs. Visual Design: Maya Lin and the Design for the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial,&1xbet sports betting ; College English Association annual conference, March 26, Pittsburg, Pa.

The following K-State faculty presented at the 2009 International Climate Change Congress, March 16-20, Copenhagen, Denmark:

Chuck Rice, agronomy, &1xbet sports betting ;How Critical is the Baseline to Assess Carbon Sequestration in Agricultural Soils?&1xbet sports betting ; and &1xbet sports betting ;Deep Soil Carbon Sequestration Under No-tillage Cropping Systems in Tropical and Temperate Climates.&1xbet sports betting ;

Karen Garrett, plant pathology, and colleagues, &1xbet sports betting ;Anticipating and Responding To Biological Complexity in the Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture.&1xbet sports betting ;


The following K-State faculty presented at the annual conference for the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, April 2-4, New Orleans, La.:

Satoris Culbertson and student, &1xbet sports betting ;When Does Emotional Labor Predict Emotional Exhaustion and Life (Dis)satisfaction?&1xbet sports betting ;

Clive Fullagar and Pat Knight and student, &1xbet sports betting ;Flow and Performance Anxiety.&1xbet sports betting ;

Culbertson, Fullagar and student, &1xbet sports betting ;The Utrecht Work Engagement Scale: An Evaluation of Two Versions.&1xbet sports betting ;

Ron Downey and colleagues, symposium, &1xbet sports betting ;Unemployment in Economic Hard Times.&1xbet sports betting ;

Culbertson and student, symposium &1xbet sports betting ;Exploring Allies, Enemies, and (Lack of) Boundaries in Work-Family Interactions.&1xbet sports betting ;

Fullagar, Culbertson and student, &1xbet sports betting ;Engagement: Positive Boundary Spanning Between Work and Family.&1xbet sports betting ;

Culbertson and student, &1xbet sports betting ;An Examination of a Model Predicting Quality LMX Relationships.&1xbet sports betting ;

Culbertson and students, &1xbet sports betting ;Performance Appraisal Reactions: The Role of Feedback and Goal Orientation.&1xbet sports betting ;

Culbertson, Fullagar and student, &1xbet sports betting ;The Impact of Psychological Capital on Hedonic and Eudaimonic Well-being.&1xbet sports betting ;

Downey, &1xbet sports betting ;New Developments in the Study of Interpersonal Mistreatment at Work.&1xbet sports betting ;

Knight and student, &1xbet sports betting ;Examining the Effect of Core Self-evaluations on Pay Plan Preferences.&1xbet sports betting ;

Downey and student, &1xbet sports betting ;Peer Assessments: A Quarter Century After Getting the Good News.&1xbet sports betting ;

Registrar's office

Michael Crow published &1xbet sports betting ;Case Study: University Task Force Deepens Academic Involvement in ERP System,&1xbet sports betting ; Handbook of Research on Technology Project Management, Planning, and Operations, IGI Global Publishing.

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