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Lauren W. Ritterbush presented a preliminary report on the Manhattan Archeological Survey, Phase I, 31st annual Flint Hills Archaeology Conference, March 6, Topeka.

Harald E.L. Prins presented &1xbet sports betting ;Indigenous Art as Political Capital,&1xbet sports betting ; École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Sorbonne University, March 18, Paris.

Prins also co-authored the second and revised edition of &1xbet sports betting ;The Essence of Anthropology,&1xbet sports betting ; Wadsworth.


Susanne Siepl-Coates presented &1xbet sports betting ;Creating a Sense of the Sacred: The Palliative Care Unit at the University Hospital in Göttingen, Germany,&1xbet sports betting ; inaugural Symposium on Architecture, Culture and Spirituality, March 24-26, Mount Angel Abbey, Ore.

Clinical sciences

Mike Apley presented &1xbet sports betting ;Prudent Drug Use,&1xbet sports betting ; Keseca Veterinary Clinic, March 27, Geneva, N.Y.


Michael W. Babcock and Philip Gayle presented &1xbet sports betting ;State Variation in the Determinants of Motor Vehicle Fatalities,&1xbet sports betting ; 50th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Forum, March 17, Portland, Ore.


Keith Miller published the chapter &1xbet sports betting ;The Misguided Attack on Methodological Naturalism,&1xbet sports betting ; in &1xbet sports betting ;For the Rock Record: Geologists on Intelligent Design,&1xbet sports betting ; editors Jill Schneiderman and Warren Allmon, University of California Press.

Miller also presented &1xbet sports betting ;Obstacles to Science Literacy,&1xbet sports betting ; 2009 Emerson-Wier Symposium, University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma, March 26, Chickasha, Okla.


Donna Ekart, Jennifer Furrey and Ellen Urton published &1xbet sports betting ;Welcome! Creating an Effective New Employee Orientation Program at Kansas State Libraries,&1xbet sports betting ; An Introduction to Staff Development in Academic Libraries, E. Connor (Ed.), New York: Routledge.

The following K-State faculty presented at the Association of College and Research Libraries 14th national conference, March 12-14, Seattle, Wash.:

Laura Bonella, Jason Coleman, Melia Erin Fritch and Danielle Theiss-White, &1xbet sports betting ;Are Reference Desks Passe?&1xbet sports betting ;; &1xbet sports betting ;'But We're Not Dead Yet': Going Against the Trend with K-State Libraries Reference Services&1xbet sports betting ;; &1xbet sports betting ;How, Why, Why Not?: Contemporary Approaches to Gathering Data about Reference Transactions&1xbet sports betting ;; and Pencils Down!: Improving Reference Tracking by Using Libstats.&1xbet sports betting ;

Tara Coleman and Jenny McCraw Dale, &1xbet sports betting ;Whoa! The Shelves Move! (And Other Cool Things About Your Library That K-12 Students Need To Know).&1xbet sports betting ;

Jessica Bailey and Mary Radnor presented &1xbet sports betting ;ILLiad: A Bridge Between Remote Storage and Interlibrary Services at Kansas State University,&1xbet sports betting ; 2009 ILLiad International Conference, March 19-20, Virginia Beach, Va.

Ekart also published &1xbet sports betting ;So, We're Publishers Now,&1xbet sports betting ; Computers in Libraries, Vol. 29, No. 4.

Modern languages

Amy Hubbell presented &1xbet sports betting ;Dual, Doubled, and Divided Selves: Women Writing Between Algeria and France,&1xbet sports betting ; 40th annual Northeast Modern Languages Association, Feb. 26 - March 1, Boston, Mass.

Multiple departments

Michael Pumphrey, Jianfa Bai, Bikram Gill and colleagues published &1xbet sports betting ;Nonadditive Expression of Homoeologous Genes is Established Upon Polyploidization in Hexaploid Wheat,&1xbet sports betting ; Genetics, March 2009.


The following K-State faculty members published in Physical Review A, Vol. 79:

Uwe Thumm, Igor Litvinyuk, Feng He and student, &1xbet sports betting ;Quantum-beat Imaging of the Nuclear Dynamics in Hydrogen Molecular Ion: Dependence of Bond Softening and Bond Hardening on Laser Intensity, Wavelength, and Pulse Duration.&1xbet sports betting ;

Litvinyuk, Thumm, Feng He, Sankar De and students, &1xbet sports betting ;Angular Dependence of the Strong-field Ionization of Randomly Oriented Hydrogen Molecules.&1xbet sports betting ;

Thumm and Chang-hua Zhang published &1xbet sports betting ;Attosecond Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Metal Surfaces,&1xbet sports betting ; Physical Review Letters, Vol. 102, No. 12.


Satoris Culbertson &1xbet sports betting ;Do Satisfied Employees Mean Satisfied Customers?&1xbet sports betting ; and &1xbet sports betting ;Absenteeism: Escaping an Aversive Workplace or Responding To Resulting Illness?&1xbet sports betting ; Academy of Management Perspectives, Vol. 23.

Kim Kirkpatrick and colleagues presented &1xbet sports betting ;Tracking and Capture of Constant and Sinusoidal Velocities in Pigeons and Humans&1xbet sports betting ;; &1xbet sports betting ;Reinforcer Magnitude Effects on Temporal Discrimination&1xbet sports betting ;; and &1xbet sports betting ;Changes in Criterion Value Alter Performance on DRL Schedules,&1xbet sports betting ; International Conference on Comparative Cognition, March 18-21, Melbourne, Fla.

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