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Natural medicine

K-State researchers looking at how native 1xbet online games login are used to treat animal ailments in other parts of the world

When animals in southern Africa are sick, often the first place their caretakers look for help is from native 1xbet online games login .

Urginea sanguineaThat's what makes understanding and conserving these 1xbet online games login so important, according to a group of K-State researchers who are learning more about the uses of such 1xbet online games login in veterinary medicine.

&1xbet online games login ;Our idea is to bridge the disciplines of anthropology, veterinary medicine and ecological conservation,&1xbet online games login ; said Ronette Gehring, assistant professor of clinical sciences at K-State's College of Veterinary Medicine.

She is working with fellow veterinarian Deon van der Merwe, K-State assistant professor of diagnostic medicine and pathobiology, to better understand how farmers and other people in southern Africa use native 1xbet online games login for animal health.

Southern Africa is rich in botanical and cultural diversity, which makes it an ideal environment to study 1xbet online games login as a component of ethno-veterinary medicine. Van der Merwe and Gehring are working with K-State's David Hartnett, university distinguished professor of biology, to understand the conservation needs for these important 1xbet online games login , and with Tiffany Kershner, assistant professor of anthropology at K-State, to understand the cultural and linguistic aspects.

1xbet online games login presented the group's research at K-State's African Issues Symposium: Food Security, Environmental Sustainability and Human Health, March 30 to April 1.

Gehring said people in southern Africa rely on native 1xbet online games login for the health of food animals like cattle, goats, sheep and chickens, as well as for dogs, which are popular as pets.

&1xbet online games login ;In the United States, medicinal plants aren't used as much for animals, except as alternative health care for pets and other companion animals,&1xbet online games login ; Gehring said. &1xbet online games login ;In developing countries, they are very much being used as primary care. Native plants are what people have access to.&1xbet online games login ;

The K-State research so far has relied on the few attempts by other researchers to document the use of native 1xbet online games login for veterinary medicine in southern Africa, including van der Merwe's previous research, which he said established a baseline that will make it easier to do comparative research in different regions.

&1xbet online games login ;With just 21 references, we have barely scratched the surface,&1xbet online games login ; Gehring said. &1xbet online games login ;Few groups are interested in studying this. The data haven't been pulled together before, so this is an important starting point. Now we have a database to use.&1xbet online games login ;

The researchers found 18 areas in southern Africa where native 1xbet online games login are documented being used for animal health. This includes 506 herbal remedies, although these don't come from 506 unique 1xbet online games login . These remedies are documented being used for 81 symptoms, including intestinal parasites, wounds, diarrhea and helping cows that are calving.

&1xbet online games login ;The vast majority of these 506 remedies use roots, leaves and bark, if not the whole plant,&1xbet online games login ; Gehring said. &1xbet online games login ;This is potentially destructive to the plant, which is a concern from a conservation standpoint.&1xbet online games login ;

Gehring 1xbet online games login it's also important for the researchers to understand more about the context in which these remedies are used.

&1xbet online games login ;These remedies are often used by farmers rather than healers and other health care providers for whom the treatment may be more secretive,&1xbet online games login ; Gehring said. &1xbet online games login ;Farmers may be more open about their knowledge.&1xbet online games login ;

Kershner, a linguistic anthropologist, 1xbet online games login that one of the many challenges the researchers face is that for many of the smaller indigenous African languages, there is no written record.

&1xbet online games login ;For some of these smaller groups, there is little documentation of linguistic and cultural practices involved in ethno-veterinary plant harvesting and treatment, yet we know they exist,&1xbet online games login ; she said.

As these languages become threatened by outside influences, Kershner said knowledge about native 1xbet online games login used in veterinary medicine might also disappear. Understanding the cultural aspects of plant use also will help anthropologists better understand how different cultures perceive and talk about their natural world, she said.

Photo: Urginea sanguinea (slangkop) is a medicinal plant that is also highly dangerous due to toxicity. Photo courtesy of Deon van der Merwe

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