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Growing 1xbet online games login

Under Wefald's leadership, K-State became a 1xbet online games login powerhouse

Since Jon Wefald took the reigns at K-State more than two decades ago, 1xbet online games login has grown into a campuswide enterprise.

1xbet online games loginThis last fiscal year, faculty researchers received 926 competitive grants totaling a record 8 million, according to Ron Trewyn, K-State's vice president for 1xbet online games login . That's a more than sixfold increase in competitive funding since Wefald became president in 1986. Add in .3 million in state and federal 1xbet online games login funds, and .6 million in support from the Kansas State University Foundation, the university's funding base for 1xbet online games login alone was 9 million last fiscal year, Trewyn said.

"Since the beginning of his tenure, Jon Wefald has stressed excellence in 1xbet online games login ," Trewyn said. "From attracting high-quality faculty, to investing in top-of-the-line 1xbet online games login facilities, President Wefald has positioned K-State at the top of a distinguished list of 1xbet online games login and doctoral universities."

K-State's 1xbet online games login excellence was most recently acknowledged by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, when it named Manhattan the new home for the National Bio- and Agro-defense Facility. The facility, also known as NBAF, will be the nation's premier federal animal health laboratory.

"Homeland security was looking to put NBAF in a place with an already established and well-respected 1xbet online games login program in animal health and food safety and security. Decision makers specifically noted that the 1xbet online games login programs at K-State's Colleges of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine were an invaluable asset to NBAF's mission," Trewyn said. "Thanks to President Wefald's leadership, K-State was already at the forefront of food safety 1xbet online games login initiatives two-and-a half years before the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11."

Today, more than 150 K-Staters are involved in food safety and security and animal health 1xbet online games login , with projects tackling issues in plant health, animal nutrition, infectious disease and public health.

To bolster K-State's expertise even further, Wefald spearheaded the campaign to build K-State's Biosecurity 1xbet online games login Institute -- a task that took a unique combination of visionary leadership and political will, Trewyn said. Having the ability to do secure and sophisticated 1xbet online games login helped clinch K-State's bid for NBAF because the Department of Homeland Security could launch its 1xbet online games login efforts before the NBAF is complete, he said.

"Over the last 23 years, Wefald created an academic environment where quality 1xbet online games login could flourish in all disciplines across campus," Trewyn said. "His visionary leadership has undoubtedly made K-State what it is today -- one of the most relevant and competitive 1xbet online games login universities in the nation."

Photo: K-State's Biosecurity 1xbet online games login Institute is one of the many forward-looking 1xbet online games login initiatives that began during Wefald's 23-year tenure as president.

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