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Agricultural economics

Kevin Dhuyvetter and Terry Kastens, had spreadsheets featured in Farm Futures magazine. One spreadsheet: &1xbet sports betting ;Will a New Guidance System Reap Profits in 2008&1xbet sports betting ; was featured as the February 2008 Spreadsheet of the Month, and another, &1xbet sports betting ;What Can You Afford to Pay for Your Lease&1xbet sports betting ; was the December 2008 feature spreadsheet.


Ulf Meyer published &1xbet sports betting ;LX Architecture-In the Heart of Europe,&1xbet sports betting ; in three languages (German, English and French), DOM Publishers, Berlin, Germany.

Mick Charney conducted the workshop &1xbet sports betting ;Call Me Ishmael: What Our College-Age Students Don't Know About Religion... but Should (and Why?),&1xbet sports betting ; at the Seventh Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Jan. 9, Honolulu.


Iris Totten was featured in the Ewing-Marion Kauffman Thoughtbook 2009, &1xbet sports betting ;Students Explore Real Earth Virtually.&1xbet sports betting ;

Totten published &1xbet sports betting ;An Earth Science Course for Pre-Service Teachers,&1xbet sports betting ; Journal of Geoscience Education, Vol. 56, No. 5.

Landscape architecture

The following K-State faculty presented at the annual national conference of the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, Jan. 14-17, Tucson, Ariz.:

Eric Bernard and student, &1xbet sports betting ;Improving Landscape Architectural Problem Solving: Integrating GISciences and Technology Educational Objectives in Landscape Architecture Curricula.&1xbet sports betting ;

Blake Belanger, &1xbet sports betting ;Operative Terrain: An Armature for Design Studio and Seminar Integration Focused on Contemporary Theories of Landscape and Urbanism.&1xbet sports betting ;

Tim Keane and student, &1xbet sports betting ;Historical Inventory and Analysis of the Riparian Vegetation Corridors in the Black Vermillion Watershed, Kansas&1xbet sports betting ; and &1xbet sports betting ;Geomorphic Stream Stability Assessment, Prediction and Validation.&1xbet sports betting ;

Katie Kingery-Page, &1xbet sports betting ;Kabul University Gateway: Learning from Anthropology in Design Education&1xbet sports betting ; and &1xbet sports betting ;Re-founding Space: Planting Design as a Minimalist Strategy.&1xbet sports betting ;

Melanie Klein, &1xbet sports betting ;Communicating Innovative Ecologic, Economic and Social Sustainability for the Damaged Landscape.&1xbet sports betting ;

Stephanie Rolley and student, &1xbet sports betting ;Critical Practice, Case Application to Urban Design.&1xbet sports betting ;

Rolley and student, &1xbet sports betting ;Guidelines for Landscape Architects Collaborating with Skatepark Design/Build Companies.&1xbet sports betting ;

Rolley presented a series of papers related to design communication through diagrams, literature maps and other means of visualizing concepts and process.

Rolley served as an invited panel member in a discussion of the future growth of the landscape architecture profession and the role of universities in meeting the projected demand.

Multiple departments

Doug Powell and Casey Jacob, diagnostic medicine/pathobiology; and Amy Hubbell, modern languages; published &1xbet sports betting ;New Media for Communicating Food Safety,&1xbet sports betting ; Food Technology, Jan. 9.


C. Lewis Cocke, Predrag Ranitovic and colleagues published &1xbet sports betting ;Observing the Creation of Electronic Feshbach Resonances in Soft X-Ray-Induced O2 Dissociation,&1xbet sports betting ; Science, Vol. 322, No. 5904.


Satoris Culbertson and colleagues published &1xbet sports betting ;Laying Down the Law: Engaging Industrial/Organizational Psychology Undergraduate Students on Employment Legal Issues,&1xbet sports betting ; The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, Vol. 46, No. 3.

Richard Harris and colleagues published &1xbet sports betting ;The Effect of Advances in Video Game Technology and Content on Aggressive Cognitions, Hostility, and Heart Rate,&1xbet sports betting ; Media Psychology, Vol. 11.

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