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Apparel, textiles, and interior design

Barbara Anderson and Melody LeHew presented &1xbet online casino ;Impacting Ecological Attitudes and Material Values through Practical Reasoning,&1xbet online casino ; Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, Nov. 9-11, Raleigh N.C.

LeHew presented &1xbet online casino ;Modeling Retail Manager Role in an Apparel Classroom to Improve Engagement,&1xbet online casino ; International Textile and Apparel Association, Nov. 5-8, Schaumburg, Ill. This presentation was nominated for best paper in the management track.


Douglas N. Dow presented &1xbet online casino ;'Parecchi amorevoli huomini': Patterns of Collective Patronage in the Florentine Confraternity of San Giovanni Battista dello Scalzo,&1xbet online casino ; 16th Century Studies Conference, Oct. 23-26, St. Louis, Mo.

Clinical sciences

Brad White presented &1xbet online casino ;Hiring and Retaining a New Associate,&1xbet online casino ; Veterinary Business Management Association and American Association of Bovine Practitioners, Iowa State University, Nov. 13, Ames, Iowa.

Mike Apley presented &1xbet online casino ;Value, Strengths/limitations of MIC Results in Clinical Practice,&1xbet online casino ; Swine Disease for Practitioners Conference XVI, Nov. 7, Ames, Iowa.

James W. Carpenter and colleagues put on a zoological medicine conference, Nov. 11-14, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The conference attracted 185 veterinarians and veterinary students from Mexico, Panama, Chile, Venezuela, Equador, Uruguay, Colombia, Brazil and Argentina.

Hans Coetzee presented &1xbet online casino ;Measuring Pain in Cattle and the Use of Plasma Substance P,&1xbet online casino ; Food and Drug Administration, Center for Veterinary Medicine, Staff College, Nov. 10, Rockville, Md.


Marcus Ashlock and Mary Lou Peter-Blecha presented &1xbet online casino ;Perceptions Regarding K-State Research and Extension's Role in Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Recovery in Kansas,&1xbet online casino ; National Extension Disaster Education Network meeting, Nov. 6, Burlington, Vt. Peter-Blecha was also elected chair-elect of the national Extension Disaster Education Network Marketing Committee.

Counseling services

Fred Newton presented a keynote address &1xbet online casino ;Adlerian Principles Applied to College Student Success: Self-efficacy, Social Support, and Goal Directed Behavior&1xbet online casino ; and conducted a workshop &1xbet online casino ;Life Perspective: How Viewpoint Shapes Behavior,&1xbet online casino ; The Implication of Adlerian Psychology in Chinese Society, National Hsinchu University of Education, Nov. 24-25, Hsinchu, Taiwan.


David Ollington is choreographing &1xbet online casino ;Seussical&1xbet online casino ; at the Coterie Theatre in Kansas City. &1xbet online casino ;Seussical&1xbet online casino ; runs until Dec. 28.


Jonathan Holden published the poems &1xbet online casino ;Sex and Mathematics&1xbet online casino ; and &1xbet online casino ;The Departure of an Alphabet,&1xbet online casino ; Strange Attractors: Poems of Love and Mathematics, Wellesley, Mass.: A.K. Peters, Ltd., 2008.

Christopher Linforth published the short story &1xbet online casino ;The Father of the Crowd,&1xbet online casino ; Denver Quarterly, Vol. 43, No. 1.

Phillip Marzluf published &1xbet online casino ;Originating Difference in Rhetorical Theory: Lord Monboddo's Obsession with Language Origins Theory,&1xbet online casino ; Rhetoric Society Quarterly, Vol. 38, No. 4.

The following faculty members attended the annual Modernist Studies Association conference, Nov. 13-16, Nashville, Tenn.:

Philip Nel presented &1xbet online casino ;Writing the Lives of Crockett Johnson and Ruth Krauss.&1xbet online casino ;

Karin Westman led and organized the seminar &1xbet online casino ;Children and War.&1xbet online casino ;

Nel published &1xbet online casino ;Oh, The Thinks You Can Think!: Dr. Seuss's Political Education,&1xbet online casino ; Child Parenting Journal (Australia), Spring 2008.

Kara Northway published &1xbet online casino ;'[H]urt in that service': The Norwich Affray and Early Modern Reactions to Injuries during Dramatic Performances,&1xbet online casino ; Shakespeare Bulletin, Vol. 26, No. 4.

Donna Potts published &1xbet online casino ;Licorice Line,&1xbet online casino ; seveneightfive, Vol. 3, No. 3.

Alison Wheatley edited &1xbet online casino ;Joseph Conrad Today,&1xbet online casino ; Vol. 33, No. 1.

Debrenee Adkisson presented &1xbet online casino ;'A Rather Bitter Medicine': The Rest Cure as a Form of Women's Oppression,&1xbet online casino ; Western Illinois Graduate Conference: The Body: Images, Perceptions, Representations, Nov. 9, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Ill.

Tim Dayton presented &1xbet online casino ;How Are Poems Political?&1xbet online casino ; Many Marxisms: Historical Materialism Annual Conference, Nov. 9, University of London, England.

Dayton presented &1xbet online casino ;Politics and Poetry in the U.S.,1914-1940,&1xbet online casino ; Research Centre for American Studies, Nov. 12, King's College London, England.

Don Hedrick presented &1xbet online casino ;Entertainment News of 1630: Promoter Cancels London Engagement of Excessive Eating Without Manners Reality Show to Have Starred Famed Gourmandizer,&1xbet online casino ; Group for Early Modern Cultural Studies, Nov. 21, Philadelphia, Pa.

Hedrick chaired &1xbet online casino ;Famously Shakespearean&1xbet online casino ; and presented &1xbet online casino ;From Shakespeare to John Taylor: The Goddess of Fame's Capitalist Makeover,&1xbet online casino ; Midwest Modern Language Association, Nov. 14, Minneapolis, Minn.
Hedrick was also appointed chair of the Shakespeare Division of the Midwest Modern Language Association.

David Smit presented &1xbet online casino ;Ways of Writing for the 21st Century: The College Classroom and Beyond&1xbet online casino ; and chaired a small-group discussion on his book &1xbet online casino ;The End of Composition Studies,&1xbet online casino ; Wake Forest University writing symposium, Nov. 17, Winston-Salem, N.C.

Anne Phillips has been appointed associate editor of the Children's Literature Association Quarterly.


Richard Marston presented the keynote address during Geography Awareness Week at Northeastern State University, Nov. 17, Tahlequah, Okla., and East Central University, Nov. 18, Ada, Okla. He also met with top university administrators at NSU and gave a guest lecture in the Geography of Latin America class. Marston's visit was sponsored by the Association of American Geographers Visiting Geographical Scientist Program.

Marcellus Caldas presented &1xbet online casino ;Land Reform Settlement in the Brazilian Amazon: New Drivers of LCLUC,&1xbet online casino ; International Scientific Conference on &1xbet online casino ;Amazon in Perspective: Integrated Science for a Sustainable Future,&1xbet online casino ; Nov. 17-20, City of Manaus, Brazil.

For Geography Awareness Week, Tom Vought, Eli Martinson and Sumanth Reddy talked about the importance and practical use of geography and demonstrated GIS software to seventh graders at Eisenhower Middle School, Nov. 20, Manhattan.

Shawn Hutchinson will guest lecture on the topic of GIS applications in natural resource management and pursuing collaborative research and education opportunities between K-State and Purpan University, Nov. 22-28, Toulouse, France.


Saugata Datta will be co-convenor of the Biogeosciences Session &1xbet online casino ;Elements in Evolution and Environment I, II,&1xbet online casino ; American Geophysical Union, fall meeting, Dec. 15-19, San Francisco, Calif.


Robert D. Linder presented &1xbet online casino ;The Heartbreak of World War I for Australian Baptists,&1xbet online casino ; New South Wales Baptist Historical Society, Nov. 11, Sydney, Australia.

Linder presented &1xbet online casino ;Two Godly Diggers: Life and Death in France in World War I,&1xbet online casino ; meeting of the Historical Society of the Uniting Church of Australia and the Presbyterian Historical Society of New South Wales, Nov. 15, Sydney, Australia.

Linder presented &1xbet online casino ;The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Obama, Biden, McCain and Palin): Making Sense of the Religious Dimension of the 2008 American Presidential Election,&1xbet online casino ; Robert Menzies College, Macquarie University, Nov. 18, Sydney, Australia.

Horticulture, forestry and recreation resources

Ward Upham won the 2007 Author's Award of Excellence from the International Society of Arboriculture, Midwestern Chapter.

Ted Cable's presentation &1xbet online casino ;What to do if You Lose Your Voice,&1xbet online casino ; was voted best presentation at the annual conference of the Association of Missouri Interpreters, Sept. 16-19, Columbia, Mo.

Rhonda Janke has been elected to serve on the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education administrative council for the next three years.

Seong-Hyun Park and Richard Mattson published &1xbet online casino ;Effects of Flowering and Foliage Plants in Hospital Rooms on Patients Recovering from Abdominal Surgery,&1xbet online casino ; HortTechnology, Vol. 18, No. 4.

Patty Zehl has been awarded the Ann Lane Mavromatis Horticultural Therapy Scholarship, which was presented at the American Horticultural Therapy Association's annual conference, Nov. 1, Lexington, Ky.

Human Nutrition

Denis Medeiros published &1xbet online casino ;Assessing mitochondria biogenesis,&1xbet online casino ; Methods, Vol. 46.

Journalism and mass communications

Sergei Samoilenko and colleagues published &1xbet online casino ;Risk Communication Education for Local Emergency Managers: Using the CAUSE Model for Research, Education, and Outreach,&1xbet online casino ; Handbook of Risk and Crisis Communication, Eds. H. D. O'Hair and R. Heath, Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Samoilenko presented &1xbet online casino ;Public Relations in Eastern Europe: Seven Years into the New Millennium,&1xbet online casino ; Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, University of Kansas, Oct. 6, Lawrence.


Laura Bonella, Jason Coleman, Jenny McCraw Dale, Melia Erin Fritch and Danielle Theiss-White presented &1xbet online casino ;IM'ing Overload: Managing IM Patrons and Making Software Decisions,&1xbet online casino ; Kansas Library Association College and University Libraries Section, Oct. 24, Lawrence

Coleman, Fritch and Theiss-White also presented &1xbet online casino ;'We're Never in the Same Room!': Using Technology Tools in Training and Management of Library Staff and Student Employees,&1xbet online casino ; Brick and Click Academic Library Symposium, Nov. 7, Maryville, Mo.

Modern languages

Douglas Benson presented &1xbet online casino ;Palabra sobre palabra: The Poetry of Angel Gonzalez (1925-2008),&1xbet online casino ; European Studies Conference, Oct. 4-6, University of Nebraska-Omaha.

Benjamin Torrico published &1xbet online casino ;De sitios y sitiados: el subgénero bélico como nueva tragedia,&1xbet online casino ; Hacia la tragedia áurea. Lecturas para un nuevo milenio. Madrid, Frankfurt: Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2008 (Biblioteca Áurea Hispánica, 55).

Multiple departments

The following faculty members presented at the American Dietetic Association's Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo, Oct. 25-28, Chicago, Ill.:

Tandalayo Kidd, human nutrition; Michael Bradshaw, extension; and student, &1xbet online casino ;Evaluating the Fruit and Vegetable Intake of Walk Kansas: Assessing the Community-based Approach.&1xbet online casino ;

Kidd and student, &1xbet online casino ;Kansans Move into Health.&1xbet online casino ;

Beth Ann Crozier-Dodson, Food Science Institute, and Bhadriraju Subramanyam, grain science, organized and participated in &1xbet online casino ;Rapid Methods in Microbiology and Automation&1xbet online casino ; Workshop, Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, Oct. 15-17, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad.

Sin-Ae Park and Candice Shoemaker, horticulture, forestry and recreation resources; and Mark Haub, human nutrition; published &1xbet online casino ;Can Old Gardeners Meet the Physical Activity Recommendation Through Gardening?&1xbet online casino ; HortTechnology, Vol. 18, No. 4.


Frederick Burrack presented &1xbet online casino ;Teaching with Technology&1xbet online casino ; and &1xbet online casino ;Developing Web-based Interview Portfolios,&1xbet online casino ; College Music Education Students, Nov. 3 & 5, Radford, Va.


Charles Reagan presented &1xbet online casino ;Conversations with Paul Ricoeur,&1xbet online casino ; International Conference on Paul Ricoeur, Oct. 30, Leuven, Belgium.

Reagan presented &1xbet online casino ;Paul Ricoeur and Marechal Petain,&1xbet online casino ; Ricoeur Society meeting, Oct. 15, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Reagan published &1xbet online casino ;Binding and Loosing, Promising and Forgiving, Amnesty and Amnesia,&1xbet online casino ; Reading Ricoeur, ed. David Kaplan, SUNY Press, 2008.


Brenda McDaniel, Evan Eason and colleague presented the round table presentation &1xbet online casino ;A Model of Morality with Developmental Building Blocks and Moral Emotions,&1xbet online casino ; National Council on Family Relations' 70th annual conference, Nov. 5-8, Little Rock, Ark.

The following faculty presented at the 38th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Nov. 15-20, Washington D.C.:

Mary Cain and students, &1xbet online casino ;The Role of The Central Nucleus of The Amygdala in Individual Differences in Amphetamine-Induced Sensitization and Reinstatement.&1xbet online casino ;

Cain, student and former student, &1xbet online casino ;Effects of Differential Rearing on Amphetamine-Induced C-Fos Expression in The Amygdala.&1xbet online casino ;

Cain, Stephen Kiefer, students and former student, &1xbet online casino ;Differential Rearing Conditions Affect Alcohol Consumption in Outbred Rats.&1xbet online casino ;

Women's studies

Shireen Roshanravan presented, &1xbet online casino ;'Long and Wide' South Asian Selves: Feminist Implications for Cross-Racial Identification,&1xbet online casino ; Fifth Annual California Roundtable on Philosophy and Race, Oct. 3-4, University of California, Berkeley.

Gabriela Diaz de Sabates presented &1xbet online casino ;Immigration and Identity: Latinas in the U.S. and Education as a Main Vehicle for Social Mobility,&1xbet online casino ; XVIII Monterrey Book Symposium, Oct. 11-19, Monterrey, Mexico.

University publications

Shane Shanks, associate director, had &1xbet online casino ;Sarah Palin's Home Town Haunts&1xbet online casino ; published in the Nov. 1 edition of The Times of London. The article is about the vice presidential candidate's hometown of Wasilla, Alaska.

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